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1.9k · Aug 2016
Saturn Return
Maressa Fonger Aug 2016
Weeds and flowers line my pockets
As I got one foot out the door
Memories fade in antique lockets
Knowing you won't see me anymore

When Saturn returns, I'll find my way
Fumbling over roots and branches
Always on the run

All I know is what I offer
Floating as a feather in the breeze
I soak you in and tuck you under
Lost in a swell of the sea

As I turn to face my shadow
I fall into the light
Splashing pools of mirror stillness
I meet pain with delight

This life's got me all hot and bothered
Grown yet singed by the sun
Enchanted moonlight has me wondering'
If you're the only one

Calling birds mark the passage
To the other side
I begin and end this chapter
With love and peace of mind

Don't come to me if you can't hold me
With both arms
I am soft but wild in nature
Weathering my own storms

When Saturn returns, I'll find my way
Fumbling over roots and branches
Always on the run
957 · Sep 2016
Full Moon Eclipse
Maressa Fonger Sep 2016
Strange tides
as shifting sands clutch my ankles
     I am home again
     in a sea of change.
The world shakes, expands
and rolls on invisible tracks through space
as I am pulled
     Apart and breathless
Under full moons hidden in shadow.
What remains, left unsheltered
is the smallest nugget,
     polished gold.
I burn fast and melt
into nooks and crannies
    of belonging
while all around whispers
of leaves fall in sweet longing
onto moss and soil, countless
ancestors' songs
     of mourning,
I am wilted and tall
I fold and reach skyward
I am endless and small
a chaotic mass
of synchronized heartbeats,
     a shell of swollen light
ensconced by sheets of skin
I no longer fathom
outside looking in
I watch idly
as creation flows
against a backdrop
of antique lamps,
worn tapestries
alone in time
     by infinite
A touch, a glance,
I leap into the dance
and I'm carried on a swell
     of change
In dreams, I believe.
859 · Sep 2016
Maressa Fonger Sep 2016
Find me as moon glides full
Crowning at the gateway of worlds
Eclipsed where creatures lurk.
I wade through dense thickets,
Unscathed and ethereal,
Self waxes and wanes
Until silted water
Runs clear.
Find me in a starlit riverbed,
Strewn on silent shores
Softened by darkness,
Aglow at first light where
Bright bodies camouflage
Constellations of thought and
Winking eyes.
Find me held, stocked on a shelf
In a catalogue of dreamscapes,
Snow globes, unknown worlds.
Find me in moments
Ripe with beauty,
A juicy morsel that feeds
Ancestors who linger and long for
Tastes of modern blood.
Find me traversing pages,
A neatly arranged
Expansion of a perennial
Universe within.
729 · Aug 2016
Pine Banks
Maressa Fonger Aug 2016
Braid of sweet grass ignites in flame,
Ash falls hot and light onto curled toes.
Smoke wafts to earth time around legs
Curvy and cross under ancient pines.
Sun drinks life where nettles grow songs,
Trills of green stalks, unfurling ferns dance
In rhythm to waves in the wake of
Perpetual dawn.
722 · Aug 2016
Planetary Body
Maressa Fonger Aug 2016
Shoulder blades stretch,
Plates wobble and shift,
Civilizations disperse
Atop swinging hips,
Curved undulations of
Hills and ocean swells,
Belly glows a spring morning
Mist rises from
Fresh blooms,
Blood runs down legs, bark shines
Branch hands reach in prayer,
Clasp a golden globe
Plain and wistful.
Tender feet dig
Shells and stones
Unturned, fossilized
Breath escapes dank caverns,
Sweat slips free off stalactites
Into pools of obsidian waters,
Food for a river of souls.
Bones tug and hang on buried words
Etched in rock,
Beads turn between
Skeletal fingers counting
Eons off in prayer.
Eyes blink, pillars crumble,
Ash coats seeds
Under dormant temples.
Green and golden locks sway
Braids of jungle vines,
Ocean weeds on chest heaves,
Planetary body
Pulsates, writhes,
Bursts at the seams.
529 · Aug 2016
Work Of Art
Maressa Fonger Aug 2016
Shell man, with your copper skin and cut offs
Conch boasts around your neck
Jewels of the sea adorn fingers and wrists
Bones in your ears
Hawaiian shirt and groovy moves
You stand apart in a crowd of surface skimmers
Looking for their next fix
Despite a thick West African accent
I understand
We speak before talking
A light of recognition in each other’s eyes
Worlds apart we are no different
“I see you” you say,
“I see you in me”
You take my hand
And bring me into another world
One I know in my soul,
“A rose. You are a rose. Strong and sweet. A star.
A work of art. I see you. One foot in each world.
Bring them together”
It’s true. How do you know?
Reality slides into distant horizons
Just us, two radiant souls
Face to face with Divinity, clarity
A moment of connection
I see you in me
374 · Sep 2016
Maressa Fonger Sep 2016
The Guardian dances,
A monolith of rattling bones
Between me and the gateway
To the Underworld.
I was lead to this threshold
By my own unsuspecting heart
Who yearns and nudges me
To face the dark expanses
Of radiant expression
And fill each nook,
Each cavern of hidden,
Forgotten paths
With song
As my limbs are wrung dry and loose
From too much dancing
358 · Nov 2016
Maressa Fonger Nov 2016
I sing harmonies with passing leaves
and walk through woods to remember
the plush landscape of the eternal mother is
True reality under branches, floating on water,
rustling ferns
Home is a magnet to my soul that weaves me to and fro
I dip toes under waves ready to pull me under
with a heart light from freedom
anything feels possible
as I recognize each desire is a compass
pointing the way to Destiny.
334 · Sep 2016
Whether or Not
Maressa Fonger Sep 2016
It's quiet here as the sun goes down
and nighttime paints the sky

I'm just like all these creeping vines
that climb their way towards the light

I don't know which way to turn
to follow my heart

I'll try and share my soul with you
but I'll always have something hidden inside

Whether or not
      The days grow shorter
             Take me inside
                     Show me what matters now
that we're free

This life ain't for the faint of heart
jumping off that cliff

I know somehow I'll catch myself
taken by the wind

I walk between two worlds
dreaming' up what's real

Planted firmly in the soil
so I can finally Be

Whether or not
       The days grow shorter
            Take me inside
                 Show me what matters now
that we're free

Guarded and sanctified
masterful and childlike

We can either watch the sunrise
or become part of the light

Symphonies of falling leaves
cover what we've known

Delight in intimate mystery
let's become all that we are.
324 · Aug 2016
Haiku #1 "Soul Fire"
Maressa Fonger Aug 2016
Crucified by love
Soul fire of resurrection
So that I may bless
308 · Aug 2016
"Old Voodoo"
Maressa Fonger Aug 2016
Fly, old crow, over the bayou’s risen waters,
South of palms read backwards, on streets
Basking in lovers whose chests crack with each breath
To reveal jasmine blooms in bones.
Fly, old crow, where memory hangs as Spanish moss on crippled oaks,
Stretching out of stones,
Wrapped around homes, and
Hollow limbs that chime
Fortune told in wind.
Fly, old crow, passed cobbled, crowded streets of wonder,
Connection and plunder,
Where stone scars and serpents’ eggs are legacies of spells
Cast by forgotten queens who beckon souls
From death with brass harmony,
Cypress trees,
Muddy weaves,
Sweet teas.
Fly, old crow, soft lips lure,
Eager to taste kind words and synchronous heartbeats
With a kiss that decides who stands or crumbles
Between hands tender and able,
Fond of hidden tendency,
Flush with possible realities,
Equating relative distance between
Self and all.
Fly, old crow, untouched, as blood runs and succumbs to sweeping fires,
Endless joy,
Devilish desire to offer upon alters
Hearts in heat,
Restless to be free,
Fly, old crow, in the eye of a storm
Into root, legend, and muddled tea leaves.
An ode to New Orleans
273 · Aug 2017
About to Birth
Maressa Fonger Aug 2017
Deeper now, I slither to slumber
Beneath warm, cracked ribs,
Home of gold and blood.
Afraid of what is hidden,
I escape into a daydream
Of what I think is real,
which at one time was.
My body still remembers the pain
Betrayal. Lies.
Holding on to ripped garments
Salty, bruised, sunken,
My body grieves and loosens
To make room for new life.
I long for solace in a green place
Ripe with silence where earth can
Snuggle close and whisper secrets.
I rise and feel heavy, alone, still.
Growing to harvest in the dead of winter,
I crumble at the thought and reassure myself
I’ll still be loved.

— The End —