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1.8k · Aug 2014
Do you smell that smell?
Rose Claire Aug 2014
I've finally got that small girl out that killed herself down my drain.
1.2k · May 2014
Wake Up
Rose Claire May 2014
Listen, the world is bigger than the end of your nose
1.1k · Jul 2014
The shit meter is full
Rose Claire Jul 2014
I m sorry the number u have dial is not in service. Please check the number you are trying and call again. Or call 411 for information.
First dial one then the area code and then the number.
I am sorry this phone does not except messages. Please try again later.
Hi, you have reached the office of I don't give a ****. I am currently
with another client. Or have step away from the phone. Please phone back during business hours from 3:00am to 3:02am. Thanks and have a ****** up day.
Or you can always send us an email at. www.we don't give a **** cause we're dealing with our **** @ poo poo. com.  Thanks for calling. Click....
Lol... Drainers!
1.0k · Mar 2015
Torrid Eyes
Rose Claire Mar 2015
When will you come to me in
                    Glorious Light?
Breathe just breathe. Breathe slowly.
Breath--- My breath behind the shadows of crisp dew light.
I look for you. You don't come.
I can never say Good Bye
to our morning light.
I love you. But, you love the flight.
I have fought.
You can't see me behind your shadow casting crimson closing night.
Will you join me for the fight of your life?
I stretch my hand out to you.
You look inside,there is nothing there for you
          -------only you to subside.
Rose Claire May 2015
Corners, crystals. midnight delight. Will this flight get off tonight?
Turning corners on straight *** lines. **** its nice to be out of line.
Turn it up and lets see who blows. Its funny to watch the freak show.
As long as I'm not starring in the one horse show.
I think that's a thoroughbred her to be fed.
You know their the fucken craziest their  fucken em bred.
Feed them the lion and they go for the head
860 · Feb 2015
I'll never tell {her}
Rose Claire Feb 2015
And I watch her, with nothing to say.
Needles hanging out of her pocket.
****, her best friend to belong.
Or whatever else she can cram
into her body.  
She gone, yet she walks.
For how long?
838 · Apr 2015
Rose Claire Apr 2015
It's been said that TIME heals all wounds. But, does it?
I don't think so. The proper answer is distance.
If you were put back into that TIME and space.
Would you not feel that presence of pain?
Yes you would. Why? Because you are in that time.
All of the commotion, isolation, fear, worry.
Whatever; that agony was for you.
Would be present and, RAW.
It is DISTANCE from the actual event that will produce healing..
I am going to say AMEN.
815 · Nov 2015
Rose Claire Nov 2015
My daughter name is Brie Sarita. She used to write poems on here. She passed away Oct 10th 2015. Funny just looked at this site and her last poem was on Oct 10 2014. I just wanted to share
She was not just a ****** she was my daughter. and I loved her. She was just 20. I tried to save her. But love is not enough. I would trade in anything for Now thats it to late. fool I was
666 · Apr 2015
U want to Play
Rose Claire Apr 2015
Pretty, I'm pretty.
Sparkles my name used to be tiny dancer.
The bouncer loved me.
But the guys paid money.
I lived with one.
He made me insane.
He said I was used up and would be nothing again.
The bouncer knew until he cared no more.
Another guy came in again and again.
Smiling, stuff I couldn't fucken stand.
I decided I would end my life that night.
That other guy always ask me out.
This time I said yes.
Knowing I was ending my life that night.
I was fine.
Out we went. Home I came.
Pour myself a bath and saw the straight razor.
Started to use it on my wrists.
Door bell rings.
**** he forgot his hat.
He said he had a great night.
With my towel wrap another me and my hands behind my back he reached for a hug and never looked back.
Bathroom bound again.
My ex came home and found me in the bathroom.
He was so ****** about the mess.
You know me bleeding everywhere.
He phoned 911.
Off I went.
After I was stitched up.  
And made a ran for the door....out of the ward.
Back I went. I was sent downstairs in the cold unfinished basement to heal.
Buddie kept on phoning me.
I finally got the call.
He said whats going on haven't heard from you in a week.
Strange thing is my jacket on the back had blood on it the night I drop you off.
Told him my story and we were packed up within two days.
We went home as he put it.
621 · Aug 2014
I'm used to drowning
Rose Claire Aug 2014
Just when I catch my breath and come up for air and feel the sun on my face. My eyes embrace the sun. It's shinny here. I'm not use to this place. So, I dive back under to where it's cold and dark . See, I'm comfortable there. I like the struggle. It's all Ive ever known.
I get tangled up in seaweed and sharks infest my world. I have to swim a lot or die alone.
601 · Jan 2015
See you on the flip side
Rose Claire Jan 2015
I can see right through you dragger teeth and all.
Don't think you can have me. I will not fall. Your words
cannot tame me. I will not fall. Smiling oh so gleefully.
Entertainment for us all. Your weak I will make you weaker.

   Players cant have all the fun. Predictable ~~~ ya Im bored!
                   So long.
Pretenders take the fall.
Ya, I like that I can rip off your head and sew it back on the next day.
Or the day after that.
Switch *****, switch.
Four dead strands and you again.
Dance like you've never dance before.
I like watching you flip. Funny like a *****.
Who's the ***** now *****.
Who's  the *****
Ya I laugh your funny. See you in the rain.

Ya, don't ya know Grandma lost it.
She lost it on a grain of salt.

That **** no good man (laughing)

Its all twisted up like you.

Ya, lets celebrate applesauce for all.
You grind your teeth to much.

I like to watch you while you fall.
579 · May 2014
White walls
Rose Claire May 2014
Upon reflection a smile brims on her face. She sees the world through tainted eyes that no one will ever embrace. Fantasy, dolls, linen and lace. Everything's so perfect, there nothing to take. How lovely am I to live in such grace. Such a sweet girl she must be seven or eight. Vibrant colours etched in her mind. She sees only one thing at any given time. The world is  perfect so she dances about. A thunder cloud snaps and she begins to come out. That's okay it's medication time and the ward is giving them out.
558 · Apr 2015
I wanted to be A Child to
Rose Claire Apr 2015
And that child was me. I was a thing a puppet a delight for you now.
I was not to say a word. I was not to think.
Til now ------ Now my story unfolds.
To be con't...
I want to put under tags **** U!
557 · Mar 2015
Rose Claire Mar 2015
A battle ground from this scorched land where wild flowers use
to grow has left me borrowed and bruised.
I am not who I once was. I used to see flowers in the hills. Where
I wanted to explore.
The canyon black skids marks has tampered this field of bright
green light.
My induced breathing is narrow. My fear keeps me here under
the burrow.
I must go before the crow awakes. Breathe deeply. This is the
first take.
549 · Nov 2014
Rose Claire Nov 2014
Your just a blip of my imagination
A fragmented state of my existence.
Your nothing. But, I guess you could be something.
What? I may never know.
Something called unknown.
I don't know you.
Do you breath?
Do you walk alone?
Where are you?
I don't know where your calling from.
Your name is Norm?
Oh, normalcy.
I never met you before.
Your strange, I will slither alone.
542 · May 2014
Rose Claire May 2014
Creative errands that run in time have brought me to this centre line. Where I go it's up to me. Believe in yourself and you will be free. What you are doesn't have to be. Believe in you and set yourself free.Come sail away from this writhing hoax. For all it was, was a centre of jokes. This is not how it's meant to be. But you didn't decide on what it was to be.
By not having any direction in ones life in and of itself is a choice.
Rose Claire Aug 2014
You can't keep track of crazy, cause the reasons are unknown.

       Forces moving in directions the acute eye is not attune.

       It's not something tangible that you can keep in direct sunlight.

       Magnified so blindly. It's passes through the light.

       "Hello are you there?"

       Smiling, as we sleep together. Hold me close and keep me warm.

       "Don't put your hands on me!"

       "I'm here, it's Doom."

       Look, the sun is rising blazing the white moon.

       I didn't know crossing paths with you, would someday take me soon.
526 · Aug 2014
Rose Claire Aug 2014
My greatest fear is finding a corner in a room, moving to that direction, having
a conversation with myself and liking it there.
516 · May 2014
Where are U ?
Rose Claire May 2014
Lying naked and alone on my bedroom floor. Fragmented splinters left in the corners of my mind. I **** myself out just to stay on time. I live in a room on the second floor. But, really that girl doesn't live here anymore.
                       Shhh........ Do you hear him? I think he's at the front door. Oh God, I think he's creeping up the stairs. I can't take it anymore!
                             Rag Doll..............Rag Doll... Shake that furry tail!
                             See her? ..............See her?..... Nowheres!

                    Lost, lonely, and confused once more.......****** where are you?
looking for me!
516 · Aug 2014
Whose Dum?
Rose Claire Aug 2014
Sometimes I smile at dum people, when they speak in their handicapped way. The other day I thought I saw someone sharing a glance my way.
495 · Jul 2014
Waves ~~~~~~~
Rose Claire Jul 2014
Come, sit in starry silence and stare at amber rain....sorry, I thought I heard you laughing. Or is it just me again?

I've dried myself off! I can't get wet anymore!
To you I look so strong, showing no emotions. But, I have moved on.
Only a shell remains here and it's set itself to stone.
I feel safe here. It's now a place I like to call my home.
When the waves come a crashing, I stand so firm! You can't grab me and
take me for your own.
Only the algae that's grows around me has any connections to this soul.
I'm safe here. I m at home.......
Rose Claire Oct 2014
TIME a fleeting moment of no rest.
Sand that quickly slides through my fingers.
A ******* I see never to behold again.
Yet yesterday appears to be today.
Humans how foolish we are, how small minded we are.
How minimalist we are.
     How are you going to spend this great gift?
Cause yesterday is not today.
Although it likes to toll with us laughing all the way.
It's tricky how fast and slow it moves.
In its untimely way.
483 · Mar 2015
Rose Claire Mar 2015
I am a invalid trapped in this interior.
You ask WHY? As you look at my shell.
You can't wrap your head around how I was
stolen borrowed and bought.
It's hard to break free the corners of my mind.
That's where you will find me.
Cleaning the clutter left behind.
It's difficult to move forward when two angles meet.
See I start at the top but, I just can't feel my feet.
A remote place where I'm doing fine.
A redundant answer to, how are you?
481 · Sep 2014
Jezebel no more
Rose Claire Sep 2014
I take my fingers and wriggle them through the air.
I can see them dancing through the curtain bounce.
The crisp morning air makes me feel alive.
I am a plant I need air and sun.....
I like feeling ALIVE.
My coffee has never tasted so sweet. So, let's toast!
My feet are planted frimly on the floor,
I'm ready to open the next door.
Being stable makes me ABLE.
I like being able.
I like it here,
I'm going to browse some more.
And see what's in this forgotten store.
Yes, Good Morning news!
I will take a copy of that.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
Rose Claire Oct 2014
So you ******* left me.
You stupid fool.
Didn't you know we were going to be free one day.
But I guess you couldn't read me.
It's hard to read a cold *****.
I thought you were happy.
No you weren't  I'm ******* lieing.
So this is how it ends.
I shouldn't be surprise.
You told me that I made you this way.
Nice. ******* nice. Nice cross to bear.
I'm so sorry.
But it's not my fault.
I don't know.
Like we are here, and now your gone.
Listen we were split up for years.
How dare you leave me like this.
You told me ... Kay it's not me.
I'm here. I'm so sorry.
But you can't blame it on me.
Do you want me crazy like you.
I shouldn't have that.
Like you had other sorrows.
It wasn't just me right?
Dam it your dead.
You can't answer me.
No I'm not taking this.
You can't do this.
Kay maybe I'm blowing this all out of proportion
But your dead *******.
See I already feel bad.
Kay I'm done.
I'm  not going to get any answers writing to myself.
Writing to myself.
Writing to myself
Writing to myself.
I could of done more, I guess, I don't know.
I hope it doesn't last long.
468 · Jun 2014
Who's the fool?
Rose Claire Jun 2014
You think you are something, but you are nothing.
You are just a whisper of a wind, in this thing called life.
You would be nothing with out me but yet you cause such pain.
You are a fool among fools. Go play your game but not with me.
For I see you for who you are. And, not what you say it to be.
Your lies you lie are building up around you.
        It's a shame cause I used to really love you but you are no more.
Just a fragmented piece that lays on the floor.
456 · May 2014
Rose Claire May 2014
Dancing, shifting, laughing through an empty light. Movement magnifies my cross of flight. Here we go again into the midnight.
Paralyzed by fear knowing something is wrong. I try to catch myself but my brain has moved on.
I am stuck inside this body with no hard drive. I don't know which circuits are still left on.
I am going through a tunnel or my body starts to float above. It's best to go to night with the lights turn off. Not flicking on and off like a strobe light show.
For I know here we go again and I m paralyze with fear. Can't talk, can't move, or move too much, or stare. Muscle movements, muscle twitches. Switches being overstimulated.
I am locked inside this body with no escape in sight. Please help me Lord! For the snake is  by and he is crawling in my head.
I feel like screaming out let this madness end.
But my voice is gone and he taking me for dead.
I have to breath.......I have to breath that takes all of my focus. I don't like people near by I like to be left alone for I have no control and it's a scary sight.
What you see from the outside is magnified a thousand times for me. For I felt myself falling in a blink of an eye.
It doesn't really matter it's not like you can save me. I cannot even save myself.
See, a gust of wind blew by me, and took me from myself.
Rose Claire Feb 2015
Fool, your a fool don't touch me.
And then we have a understanding.
And, then I wont have to lie.
Listen up, I really don't like you.
Your making this hard. I fucken don't understand why!
I'm only hear for my game.
And you are asking me why?
**** don't head trip me now.
And then I don't have to tell a lie.
   Who told you I really give a ****. Not me, so I call *******.
Emotional.... Stand on your own two feet.
Ya I'm sweet but I lie.
Lol... you were caught up by But you thought it was me.
Hey! I didn't see your pipe dream you played in your head.
Its best for you to consider me half way dead.
453 · Jan 2015
For What A Witch Was I
Rose Claire Jan 2015
Playing the games that lovers do. But I, was never I.
Photos longing to be touch.  ME, I love me oh so much.
I could never see you. You were just a prop. A puppet show.
For me to walk on by......brown eyes...brown eyes....and your half way
smile. Smile through the pain. Half way but not a mile.
      Selfish ***** ---- Selfish *****
What a witch was I. Did you see me always ready for a pose.

You were crazy, sorry that was me. You sleep now.
Maybe I will see you one day. No. I don't think I could handle that depth.
So....maybe?....Never, lets let it be. You loved me! But I know you loved others. Damm pictures reminding me of what should have been.  
You haunt me. Now I don't feel free. Chains on me now.
God, set me free.
Puppet show, puppet show  .....who has the strings now.
Haven't seen you in a while.
435 · May 2015
I'm down here
Rose Claire May 2015
Can you see me in moonlight corner?

Will tomorrow be tomorrow?

I will run into the arms of my lover.

Will you catch me before I fall?

No, for I don't know me.  

So, you can never be.

The rain pours through open hearts.

I, never full.

I look .... for me.

Petals not open.

Colors never seen... not even to me!

People never be.

I don't see me.  

Who am I?

A discolored, discarded rock.

Easily pass.

I live in this mind.

Will, oh will it ever be mine?  

Open walks in daylight showers.

Can I be touch, when I don't feel.

Will it ever be real?

Maybe, this is is as real as I get.

I thought,...more.

Yes, more!

Its hard to dig.

I feel damp and cold.

I will never be free in a sea of rocks.
433 · Apr 2015
How Low can U go...mnmmm
Rose Claire Apr 2015
You were here I felt you on the edge of my tips.
Startled by my presence. I became drain.
It's a sickening feeling drowning in your own body.
No, WAIT!  I like water but, not this much.
DROWNING ~~~~~~~~
I walk with my eyes close tight.
It's somewhat comforting knowing I don't see.
From time to time I hear the rattling of my bones.
****, get it together.
But, the voices won't leave me alone.
The voices are all from me and sometimes from other's.
Shut the **** up and just leave me alone!
Clean Slate ; Clean Slate.
No!  Replay Replay....
Can I go back?
A laughter I hear alone.
Mainly I see the concrete below.
I look up once in a while and see the birds they bother me.
The doorbell rings it time for below.
Time for..well who cares. same old. Let's play it again Sam you the the tune.
431 · Jul 2014
Ya ya ya...heard it before
Rose Claire Jul 2014
Really the internet is just an experimental *****. It's doors are always open to come in and explore. How much you leave behind is open for discussion, ignorance galore. So come  on in, we're open for business, like
Like U Know
Rose Claire Aug 2014
She's just an angle who fell from heaven
       to fast and fury along the way.
       She broke a wing on her descend down to earth,
       see, she can't fly away.
       She landed with a spatter to no one that
       mattered who left her, bruised and battered.
       She's a child a God ****** !I don't understand how people
       can leave her this way.  
       Let's mend that wing so she can sing,
       and fly off to where she's suppose to be.
       A child of God. A person among people.
       A life that needs to be lived.
427 · Nov 2014
Rose Claire Nov 2014
Twisted thoughts once perceive as your own. Has brought you
to this promise land. Chances remain unknown. Walking through chain
link fences.
    To an unmarked grave
                          ......... called your own.

  You didn't think your fantasy could be your reality.
Ain't no fun now girl..hey? Ain't no fun now. to get it over. Got to get one over on you.

( Laugh )   I see you. Your as transparent as a straight *** line.
Got to get one over.

        Next victim please.
424 · May 2014
Taste This
Rose Claire May 2014
Curvature lines that walk on by who do you think you are.Your bag a **** jeans and twisted face you've crossed the yellow line. You think you've got the world at the tail. But, everyone must toll the line. Your time will come and you will succumb to all your twisted lies.
Takers in this world.
420 · Sep 2014
Did Ya catch that Ball ?
Rose Claire Sep 2014
The red tail lights  brighten my perceptive heights,
of where we all go?
Scurrying like squirrels tails trying to get
the task completed.
Why?...Is it that important to your very existence.
Think not!
But running, keeps us amazed.
Through the darkest glaze of taillight throw.
Just wondering why I'm running too?
Through the open slumber of poison slew.
One day I hope to get off the track of frozen life.
God, it's cold down here.
Can't you hear are breathe?
Your love will never set before my eyes, till the world is renewed.
False face set before a betowed time
For she did not know it, her sin was greater than he.
Now scurry along to your squeaky wheels.
Till the end of your time.
418 · Aug 2014
Rose Claire Aug 2014
In going insane what the **** wrong with me. I think I need a new life. A new cat would help to. My cat now ****** on the basement floor. Kay, maybe a lobotomy would help. I want to dribble on a bib. I want to feel nothing and see nothing. And be nothing. Or maybe I want more. Who am I kidding. What's wrong with me am broken. Kay, let's go back to a life. I have a cat that doesn't **** on the floor, a white fence. No ****** I want more. I don't know what I want. K, sign me up for the bib. And drugs, give me lots of drugs. And they best do it right. I best be not in the corner. Dribbling on myself, looking crazy eyed, and still have a small piece of me left. I'm going to be ****** ****** in my wheelchair ******* in my diaper. If it's going to be done it's best be done right.
No conscience left!
Insanity runs in my family and oh ya I don't care if I made typos. Least of my concerns
408 · Jul 2014
Good Luck
Rose Claire Jul 2014
With the whispering wind of sadness guides us through the light.
    May peace be with you turning your madness into bright.
    Bright rays of hope of what you desire and let this ring burn
    down your fire.
           Change the hardest thing to humans....
403 · May 2014
Rose Claire May 2014
A game of chance?
            A roll of the dice?
                     A spin at the wheel?

Or is it as methodological as a chess board match. Each move filtered from the last.

Why, yes good man don't be a fool. Where you move now is where you'll be taken. One false step and it all could be mistaken.

So my life is built on a step ladder? The higher I climb the greater the latter?

Yes and no ---- only you will see later. Good luck my son you must journey alone.
          But remember.....
If you are constantly looking back then maybe you have taken a destructive path.
Reboot and untangle those twisted wires. For man was not built to sit for too long.
Rose Claire Feb 2015
I saw her yesterday holes in her face.
Glass in her hand. A hold I cant embrace.
She used to be someone's child. But now the streets call her by name.
I couldn't stay to long. For maybe I would have remembered
where she belongs. But, she... she belongs nowhere she is none thing. She just a ******. Looking, there always ******* looking! That's why they cant have anything. Not even themselves.  
I like to hear  from her now and again. You know, just to make sure she alive. Alive, how funny that is!  If that's living I bear witness to
a corpse.
Awe, she was always a runner. Run baby run. You have no place to go. Circles, circles. circles.You just digging your own grave. Its always ground hog day your just going around the block.
Isn't it hard bashing your head.
Words she cant hear my WORDS. I lost her she cant find me.
I would love to take her by the hand. And let her remember the time we used to walk this land.
If she could feel my heart, I might have a chance. But, there no way
when .... when there's nothing. Nothing to behold. Her mind racing.
There's so much to do. She's very busy you know.
Ya,.. like most when there's nothings left to lose.
She's not just someone's child. This is my child.
So when you see a street child they did come from somewhere.
They are not nothing. She was so beautiful and smart. But she didn't believe and here we are lost.
398 · Aug 2014
Where's your
Rose Claire Aug 2014
Relying on someone for all your happiness is like giving breaths to a C.P.R. dummy and expecting him to get up and thank you for all the breaths and chest compressions you just gave him.
Don't play with dummies all your life! Or they might just take your last breath away....
389 · Jun 2014
Looking for love...I guess
Rose Claire Jun 2014
Sparkling twilight zone of a world forseen
Who are you to guestion her of your love.
Branches scratches on the window pane
Of your love so mean.
Good luck sweet child you will walk alone
With a shadow of sorrow, empty promises
Of tomorrow that will never be
Sadness will rain upon your heart
And his soulless soul will fill your
Hole of promises that will never be
And'll never be free
So go walk in the shadow and get lost
In tomorrow .......
384 · Mar 2015
Hey, hey,
Rose Claire Mar 2015
Don't say words in midnight silence.
For a bird like me might become a crow and pick at your heart and eat your soul. I don't mean to be built this way. But, you came to me in a off day. Okay its true. I'm ******* off everyday but, I try to be true. No that's a lie. Its all lie's. Just get away. Its best for both. Cause, you know I you don't know! You don't ******* know me. To be real. I've been played before. I don't even trust my sister next door. We don't have a chance. See,.. I trust no one. Not even myself. Its best you stay away, until you feel no more. In fact get the **** out.
I once dreamed about a guy like you. But I'm damage goods.
I will never be . I will never see. I will never be free. I will never be once more. Sure its look good in the out. But,I 'm a girl that will never be without.
So, I'm doing you a favor when I say get the **** out.
Your welcome
381 · Oct 2014
Rose Claire Oct 2014
You come to thee through turning eyes.

Why do you look so wastefully.

The only crime you commit is upon yourself.

And, you are asking for repentance --- through burning eyes.

How much skin have you torn thru my back.

See, I just sewn it up yesterday and the day before that.

Yet it still bleeds through my worn torn shirt.

Ask yourself this, are you done with all that.

I cannot believeth in you.

As you have taken so much and have left me abstruse.

Your turning burning eyes reflects all.

I see your daggers.

One claw filled with red.

You have not changed.

Turn and smirk at another -- that you want to break and make to bone.
380 · Apr 2015
To be a Child
Rose Claire Apr 2015
The kids play outside perfectly.
To a world never known.
So, sorry to hear that one day their brain will unfold.
379 · Aug 2014
Strength verses Drama
Rose Claire Aug 2014
It doesn't have to end in a shakespearean way. For that has been done many times over. Its boring in a mind setting way. Final Act!
Courage must prevail.
378 · Aug 2014
Good Doctor?
Rose Claire Aug 2014
It's hard to be your own doctor, when the patient is crazy them self.
But I try
375 · Aug 2014
Mirror , mirror on the ....
Rose Claire Aug 2014
Get going you old glass stain mirror.
       For I've seen that reflection one to many times.
       If you stay docile any longer your body will
       get wash beneath the sea floor.
       Walk on and see what's down the shore.
       Or die here with the jagged rocks.
       The choice is yours.
Keep it moving!
354 · Mar 2015
Taking Notes
Rose Claire Mar 2015
Your reality is what ever you feed your mind.
349 · Nov 2014
Pause for a moment
Rose Claire Nov 2014
Sweet whisper of worn out timber.
Cover me in moss and consider me dead.
If I move a muscle bash in my head.
For hear is where the demon lie.
I want to be a mound where fresh flowers grow abound.
Don't you see the green grass?
On rainy days it smells like gray ash.
This is where I will be found!
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