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In this nearly empty
sky, one luminous
weaving of ice
and light
above the darkness.

Looking up at you,
my rib cage
tightens, slightly.

In your knowing
eyes, is everything.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Take me, take my body
My skin, my *******, my little ***
Take in my scent
Take in the way I breathe when you enter me
Take in the way it feels when I scratch your back with my claws
Take in my nakedness
Take me, take my body
But don't take my soul
Don't take my love
You can have my body
But you can't have me
You won't want me
You only want my body
And the way it makes you feel
The way it makes you feel when I let you take me!
January 17, 2015
I like this......You know.....
This feeling of reluctance
to leave your side
the need to be by your side
Indulging in the warmth
Even after a cold fight....
I don't know how to explain this
or really how to say this
but I think about you night and day
even when I'm awake
I'm daydreaming about you
it's forever in a day that my heart can't take
being without you.
Oh God how I prayed
you would send an angel my way
please Lord don't forsake me
because I need one now
to take my heart in her hands
and awaken my soul
then a tear ran down my face
because I don't want to wait
for an answer as I cried forever in a day.  
Time so much time forever in a day .....
I just can't wait
til we meet so I can I see your face
lay in your arms and feel your warm embrace
because I love you
Du brugte så lang tid på at kalde mig jaloux
At du glemte betydningen bag det

Du glemte, hvad det betød at være jaloux
For jeg var aldrig jaloux på din flirting

Men nu, nu er jeg jaloux
Jeg er jaloux på din nye kærlighed

Så, hvordan kunne du kalde mig  jaloux?
Giv mig dit hjerte, forlad mig aldrig, og undgå jalousi

Undgå mit hjertes begær for dig
Begæret, der først udvikler sig til jalousi
Når du langt om længe giver op, og forlader mig
 Jun 2015 makeloveandtea
maggie W
I met a boy
His name starts with B.Finally.
He's small but charming.He speaks French and Dutch.(genius)

First I thought he was boring(cause everybody says that)
But in fact, he's well educated and humorous and endearing.
Though he lives on waffles and beers(and chocolate),
I don't mind, cause he's care-free.

He calls his heart Brussels(weird huh),his head Antwerp and limbs Ghent,Namur and fingers Brugge.
I love every part of him.

I once lived in his head, Antwerp, where he hides all of his best assets.
Full of whimsical,creative and splendid thoughts.
The weather in his head is unpredictable.I still love it

He's sometimes proud and sometimes kind, but mostly very caring
I love him, but now i should leave.
Sky Afire

It started as a tendril snaked
And quickly caught my eye
That beckoned me to come partake
The bright majestic sky

From turquoise into indigo
And all the shades between
With molten lava spreading slow
As far as could be seen

With orange and corals juxtaposed
Against the deeper blues
And silhouetted trees in pose
Amid the great bamboos

The clouds were piled in tumbling flow
And darkened as they fell
To charcoal black, blood red aglow
At meeting with the swell

And as the skyflow met the sea
And seemed to melt within
The sea took on its vibrancy
And flow began again

And as the skyflood reached its peak
Engulfing and aflame
It seemed directly to retreat
As quickly as it came

The ashen grey began above
And slowly spread below
Till all was left in pumice drifts
Within its final glow

And now the show has ended
With the sky once more a sky
And the clouds and sea appended
For a witness such as I

3 Oct 2000
Quite simply, a poem about one of the most gorgeous and amazing sunsets I was privileged to witness.  I have read this in public and this is the first time it appears in print.
My Filipino girl
so sweet and ****
she makes my world complete
it doesn't take much
for her to show me her love is true
I can feel it in just the way she moves me
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