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Riptide Jan 2015
You hear that?
I do
That's a heart beat
I know
I know because when I look at you
You look away
And when you look at me
I do the same
Past each other
A sneaky sway
Hoping not to be caught
Not to link
A fight that has to be fought
A heart beat that I hope
And obliviously ignore
That isn't somehow intertwined with thine heart
An honorary fight between two foes
Heart and mind
Turning a blind eye
To the beauty of that instant
Where it feels like energy surging through the air in synergy
An electrical connection
Maybe enough to solve the worlds problem
An instance that maybe, just maybe would paralyze even the great Michael Angelo in awe.

Somethings can be known but never be spoken by the mouth,
Only to be communicated through the language thee eye shall speak.
Do you hear that?
It's a truth that may never be told
Never for anything to be sold
But it is one that l'll always see in thine eyes
  Jan 2015 Riptide
Elizabeth Raine
Ask me,
Ask me now daddy.
What I want to do when I grow up.
I want to be happy.
No, not happy
I want to be happiness.
I want to be joy and cheer and admiration
Confidence and peace and optimism

I don’t want to be like others, no, I want to be love.
The smile that comes across your face when they say your name,
The look that makes your heart skip a beat,
The song that makes you rethink every second you spent together.
I don’t wanna be the poem, I wanna be the emotion behind it,
Not the first kiss, let me be the nerves,
Not the dance, let me be the excitement,
Not the Officiant, let me be the vows.

When I grow up, I don’t wanna be a doctor mommy.
I want to be the feeling when someone’s told there’s a cure,
Or when a parent finds out their child will live to be a teenager,
Or maybe I want to be 3 in the morning when a mother holds her child for the first time.

I want to be affection and adoration and passion
Oh, I want to be passion.
Let me be passion.
So that you cannot do without me, because nothing without me has meaning.
So that when you are playing the final strain or scoring the winning goal,
Or writing the last chapter or finishing the last paint stroke,
You will think of me.

Maybe I’ll be allegiance or devotion or respect.
I won’t be the soldier, I’ll be the loyalty.
Or the surprise in a child's heart when their dad comes home early,
Maybe I’ll be the feeling when a father meets his baby for the first time,
And the child already knows his name.

I want to be piety and faith and worship.
I don’t want to be the pastor, I’ll be the lesson.
Maybe I’ll be the obligation behind the first baptism or first communion.
Maybe I’ll be the words when someone so low is told someone loves them.
I’ll be the salvation of the gospel,
The redemption to the guilty,
The forgiveness to the sinners.

When I grow up,

I want to be the opposite of sorrow,
The antonym of misery,
The reverse of fear,
The contradiction of rejection,
The antithesis of disappointment,
The inverse of insecurity,
I want to be the alleviation of anxiety,
The ease of pain,

When I grow up,
I want to be happy.
Riptide Dec 2014
I've been so lonely;
My body now enjoys the feeling of being only.
It's almost like my soul has become numb
And it don't care no'more
Because this love that you promised me
Doesn't seem to exist at all
And apparently there's a fee;
I get to watch what it feels like to belong
While I sit amongst everyone
and yet feel alone.
  Oct 2014 Riptide
What once made me douce
Now tends to shake screws loose.
It's surprisingly strange,
How quickly things change.

Once our relationship was completed,
I realised you were always conceited.
I can now truly confirm; love is blind.
Yet to this day you remain, stuck in my mind.
One of my first poems (only got around to uploading it now) so, obviously, it is riddled with clichéd landmines so I apologise.

*Side note: I picked up on a syllable pattern of 5, 6, 6, 5, 10, 11, 10, 11 and as such I'm coining a new metre (sticking with the clichés) called Kiamm-metre / Kiammmetre [KEY-am-eet-er] - just to justifiably use three "m's" next to one another.

**Secondary side note, for all those linguistic nerds out there, Kiammmetre is:
a, b, b, a,
a+a, a+b, a+a, a+b
where a and b represent syllables.
Riptide Aug 2014
She has a way of tormenting you
In every direction you try take
She gives you a curfew
Hoping, probing, that you, too, slip through the cracks.

I wanted to be a astronaut
To explore the universe
To find my destiny
Through the black hole
And out
Spaghettified or not
When my now cuffed-mind
Soared the air
With wings dispersed in the wind
Still when she didn't care
And thought I was harmless

She tried shooting me down
And got one through a wing
Now I think I want to be an accountant
Mediocre and sane

But who wants to have sanity
When you can be in it?
So I crashed into Hyperion
And as high as I am
She still sends her vicious winds
To try and cut me down

But her torment crafts precious stones
So in the interim
I'll hold on
Hoping that I can un-cuff my mind
Keeping a birds-eye view
Like a leopard waiting for its ****

So that one day
I can glide the universe
Wings distributed out wide
Skillful and experienced
So she can never shoot me down

Perched on Hyperion
Patient and vigilant
I wait
#Hyperion is the tallest tree in the world. If you have any questions, just inbox me or comment.
  Aug 2014 Riptide
Poetic T
It can be said,
Be spelt a million ways,


But in any language,
Is still
Riptide Aug 2014
You betrayed me a few months ago
When I needed you to come to my rescue
The way you used to
When my world felt like it was collapsing
That was your cue
But you never came through
And now I need you
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