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Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
If she doesn't talk to you
If he leaves meaningless messages
If they use the same words
If she colours the same way
If he creates layers
If they act kind, even though they really are
If she pokes you constantly
If he looks at you always
If they keep you away
If she can see you
If he can't see you
If they pretend they don't care
If she shoots the same sunsets
If he dips his feet in the same sea
If they talk to the same flower
If she makes sure to know everything
If he chooses to know nothing
If they choose what to know and ignore what should be ignored
If she rages
If he looks calm
If they take roles, to impose strength
If she looks like a lion
If he is as big as a whale
If they mark their territories
Know that
None of these are real
None of these are true
None of these keep peace
None of these make you grow
All of these are inner fights
All of these are loops
All of these are grudges held within
All of these are closures that never happened
All of these are simply echoes that we are deaf to
They are echoes that make us go as mute as the wind in summer, if there was ever any wind.
Once you know that all you should do is pour your heart out, every other venomous act will dissolve into non-existence.
Be kind to yourself, and grant yourself a closure.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
What does she look like when you can't see her?

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
أمّي، قولي لي أن الحروب تنتهي
قولي لي أنَّ الحرب الأهليّة شارفت على الفناء
قولي لي أنَّ حرب حَلَب مجّرد حُلم
و أنَّ حرب العراق قد تموت
وأنَّ حرب النَّفس لم توجَد
و أنَّ حروب الخلايا ستنتصر على الأمراض الخبيثة
قولي لي، أمي
هل إنتهت حروبك؟
بين إمرأة تريد أن تكون و إمرأة لا تريد أن تكون
بين فنجان القهوة على الفيراندا في صباحٍ صيفي و فنجان آخر ثمين السعر
أمي، فإن قهوتك أثمن
هل إنتهت حروبك مع رجل لاتعرفيه و إمرأة ما عُدت تعرفيها؟
أخبريني بأن حَربي مع تلك المرأة و ذلك الرّجل ستنتهي أيضاً
هل سأنتصر على جميع حروبي؟
دعيني أقول لك
،جميع الحروب لا تتوقف
بل هي على تَأهُّبٍ دائم
فحروب العالم أجمع لا زالت تجمع جراحها حتى اليوم

.أمي، سنكون على ما يرام

Mother, tell me wars end
Tell me that the civil war is withering
Tell me that the war in Aleppo is just a dream
And that the war in Iraq might die
That our inner wars never existed
That the war led by cells will take over deadly sicknesses
Tell me, mother,
Did your wars end?
Between a woman that wants to be and another that's tired of being
Between a cup of coffee on the patio on a summer morning and another expensive sip of coffee
Mother, your coffee is the most expensive.
Did your wars end between a man you don't know and a woman you no longer identify?
Tell me that my wars with that same man and that same woman will end as well.
Will I conquer all my wars?
Let me tell you,
No war has ever ended,
They have always been on hold
For all the wars of the world are still suffering from their scars.

Mother, we will be just fine.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
And the race continues, gloriously.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
You're with someone you don't feel comfortable with and you drink huge amounts of water until your bladder can no longer hold it in - only to use your urge to *** as an excuse to leave.

Little cowards.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
You are only an image, an image of who you'd like to be.
Yes, your image doesn't resemble you.
You project strength but your eyes gleam weakness.
You stand tall, but your acts are hunchbacked.
You bore me.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
I am bigger only when I know how big I am instead of how little other people are - and that is your problem, you don't know how big you can be and the only way for you to know is by belittling every person you potentially fear.

- LynnAA

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