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The blood spattered streets paint the fire trucks red as they speed by following screams for help that will never arrive.
from citizens, loved ones, from children waiting cluelessly for their father's return,
paint the early morning sky blue. The sky shines bright in contrast to dark, suffocating shadows of smoke that haunt the city streets.
On that day memories and buildings alike collapse in front of white ghostly faces.
People come to rest, motionless in a city that never sleeps.

But tomorrow,
there is no red blood or gore
no blue tears or sorrow
no pale white faces stricken with fear,
because when the smoke clears
and America's lungs can finally take a breathe,
all that's left is a flag standing alone and swaying freely,
possessing the same three colors,
that had haunted a nation just a day before,
but meaning so much more,
red, white and blue.
#america #freedom #hope #love
 Sep 2014 Lucas Pierce
 Sep 2014 Lucas Pierce
May you dream of me tonight
And may I do the same
May you hear all my little secrets
And may I know all yours
May you sit by my side
And may I remain silent some time
May we forget language for a while
May we speak of no names or numbers
May we mention no person besides ourselves
May we only speak of childlish dreameries
And crazy foolish thoughts
Of everything that we are
And nothing that we are not
May we spend the night dreaming simple
As our hairs get tangled to the grass
Where cute little insects will build their realm
As we look up to a starry sky
On top of a mountain that will make us forget
Who we are
As a midnight breeze kisses us to sleep
As we lay side by side
This night in Forevermore
May we?
I remember the day it happened
When we got caught in the rain
You held my hand and cupped my face
And kissed away the pain

I looked up as the rain fell
And it landed in my eyes
That was day i was myself with you
Not wearing a disguise

I did not know it was possible
To fall more in love with you
But that stormy night you kissed me
I thanked God the sky wasnt blue

From then on till now
Every stormy day
I close my eyes and think of you
And my tears just fade away

Your love is like the rain
It washes away every tear
I wish i held to you
And could still feel you near

The rain is my reminder
To exactly what i feel
Cause just like the rain
My love for you is so real
Cerulean rays of the sun
Burning deep in the improbability
Of my being’s reality
Turning epidermis
To a dark sensuality
As the dermis boils
Erupting sores of pain,
Mocking at my fate…
From deep within

As I wait for him in vain,
Hoping our time spent together
Will heal and mend wounds,
I dream of a summer moon,
Its light soothing me,
Covering salve for my bruises
From the scorching sun
Why does my aching love
Not shield me?
From my blood sweltering
I am stuck knee deep
In quagmire of sun’s
Scalding blue rays

As you burn and scald
In your loneliness,
The sunlight
Touching your soft skin
With no intent to cause injury
But a burning desire
To en-wrap you
In its orange river’s flow
Painting your ethereal beauty

It is your heart that burns
Pining in distant love
As it sighs and yearns,
The blood that runs
Through your veins
Is what has been showered
Upon you by heavens above,
The sun and the cool summer moon
Are what you and I breathe.

In unison, the chests heave
With seasons passing, as old we grow
In moonlight and soft sunsets
Each ray adding to your and my glow
In collaboration with Billy Jo
Resting on the step,
close my eyes and concentrate
I sit comfortably
as time passes by
I see more
I see life
I see You
its been a great climb
to my higher place
in peace and harmony ...

So I meditate ...
My journey that shall be ending this day ....

Is life but chance?
Is mind but brain?
The soul but shadow,
Formed hopes dream?
Or maybe more,
Man's latent gift,
Man's hopes and fears intermixed?
Is all one,
If one is all?
Does one have reason,
Purpose for all?
With realisation paid and brought,
Enlightened peace,
Comes peace with all.

To touch the infinite
With one's soul,
To fathom a universe
As yet untold
This was the first poem I ever wrote! It was some point in my teenage years if I remember correctly.
baby our love has gone cold

our love isn't as tepid
as it once used to be
our love has become
a wasteland of misery
our love vaporized
into the sky's grey pall
our love no more floats
on rhapsody's ball

baby our love has gone cold

our love crumbled
and broke apart
our love lies in the ruins
of my guttered heart
our love wasn't meant
to be a lasting meld
our love is now
an unattached weld

baby our love has gone cold
Sometimes i just sit here and think about death
Should i take my life with my own hands?

What is there to live for?
Its like i've already been through everything before

I feel so old though im still 23
So young and have lost the passion to live

It's Like i've been here for too long
Maybe i just dont belong

Im not feeling depressed or something of the sort
I just dont have a purpose to live for

Anyway i know its just a phase
My sorrows will soon fade
I'll be happy again
Just to get low after awhile
And this circle will keep turning till the end of time

Besides if i'd take my own life and commit succide
Karma is a ***** and would reincarnate me right back from the other side

Because i was a coward and didnt stick to the plan
Just to live and experience the pain again
So i ll just face those difficulties in this life
So i could die peacefully and enjoy the after life.

Words Of Harfouchism
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