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 Sep 2014 Lucas Pierce
Are you hurt from all the acid on his lips you've consumed
Begging to be kissed, or to be killed.
In the slow moment of blue pulses, closed eyes: you're holding a dandelion behind your back.
You don't want to pick it apart,
you have to.
Squeeze your eyes shut for the full effect.
A train could come.
You could die just like this.
His kiss is escaping
You don't open your eyes
He opens them for you.
What do you see that you don't want to?
You have 30 seconds to make a decision: Love or happiness.
There is a cliff in front of you
headlights and a horn behind you.
He is a head on collision
He is what really kills you
the way "on impact" never could.
The only way you could ever really die.

And I die everyday.
(These are the most angsty, idiotic hashtags, and I apologize profusely.)
I woke up this morning

And realized I'm in love

And I cried and cried

There's no turning back now.
Find me in your thoughts late at night,
You can't forget about me,
I stuck with you.
I was the lover and the giver,
And I kissed your forehead when you cried
And I never let you down for a minute, I was always around,
But we were just friends that ****.

I got your favorite candy on the way to the movies and I touched your heavenly cheeks before they turned down the lights,
I never spoiled the plot because I know you like surprises,
And I held your hand when you pretended you weren't scared,
But we were just friends that ****.

You walked me to my car and you grabbed my hips,
And I moved with your body and I loved every second of it.
I closed my eyes and soaked in every word you would whisper,
Like you were telling me a prophecy in my backseat,
But we were just friends that ****.

Now I smoke and take long drives alone,
And your real girl's your bed, and you love her, I know, you keep telling me.
And I don't know what I did wrong,
I think about it all the time,
You moved your attention away and I couldn't keep you off my mind,
And I wanted to be your real girl so badly,
I get a pain in my chest just when you wave hi to me.
Just a passerby, passing by me.
I don't know know why you even meant so much,
For god's sake, we were just friends that ****!
 Sep 2014 Lucas Pierce
 Sep 2014 Lucas Pierce
I am 1,000 pounds,
weighed down by memories,
by crushing defeat,
by failure,
by loss,
by regret...
yet I am weightless,
a trophy in a dusty case,
my varnish dim,
no longer new,
no longer shiny,
I struggle to stay afloat,
but I am still swimming,
because I see the lighthouse,
tall and shining.
a gleam of light beckoning from it's highest point,
come to me
swim to me
I am the way out
and so I tread.
My friend had a knife
She didn't use it right
Knives are for cutting food
She used it for her mood
Knives are to open Mail
She used it to wail
Knives aren't  meant
On the skin
The beautiful skin on each of us
My friend HAD a knife
She didn't use it right
To my friend
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