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Tiptoeing across my bed, fluffy ribbons and bushels of fuzz,
whispering across my windowsill, fresh crevices , fingernails a buzz,

cotton rows of crimson, creeping through the sheets,
fire crusts my crimson crop, burning at a thousand heats,

Further up above my head, there are workings on the walls,
those were hard to make, they caused cracks, down my fingernails to fall,

All around this tiny room, like tallies for a score,
Down now, we can look to, see the new ones on the floor,

That one is from yesterday, and that one a few more morns,

Waltzing, wiping, crawling, wheezing,
I'm very thirsty now.

Hands feel nice, the dips I made,
in walls, floor, bedpost too,

Scratches here today in wood,
tomorrow made in you.
Written offbeat in order to make it take an uneasy vibe.
The ceiling's all wrong.
It never looked at me like that before.
No need to be cross, it's only a quarter to four.
Don't be snide with me, I'll go to sleep before long.
Who else has felt that the ceiling's all wrong?

This day feels all wrong.
How'd the Sun come up so fast?
I blinked and here I am, having a blast.
Was it someone, someplace, or maybe some song?
Whatever it was, now this day feels all wrong.

This season's all wrong.
Autumn is the most beautiful time.
But the way it is now, you'd think it's a crime,
to enjoy this weather, you really have to play along.
God, oh please tell me why this season's all wrong.

My life feels so wrong.
This bottle and this table too.
One gives me support, the other, will to push through.
I'm sitting here crying, unable to even carry on.
Why in the Hell does my life feel so wrong?

Your eyes look so right.
You're my Autumn, you beauty.
If I leave here tonight, please, by God, please come follow me cutie.
No wait, scratch that line, now it sounds very wrong.
Sixteen pillboxes empty, I'm done being strong.

This is what happens when your heart is all wrong.
A flower grows as it dies; bashed by age and time.
It is not a body that shows time’s grip; but the evidence left behind.
Time is but a faceless bird, dug deep into your back,
The claws aren’t real; the cuts aren’t deep, yet still a metaphorical attack.

And nothing is something, that something is nothing, confusing as it may be,
When nothing’s something which is still nothing, to you as it is to me.
Time is nothing, which makes it something, a thought to surely abhor,
And so it goes, in our little cosmic ewer, and so we begin to pour.

Hearts, souls, minds alike, made up by “you’s” and “me’s”,
humanity’s reasoning for all of this madness is “do with it as you please.”
We grow as we die, like the flower goes too, into eternal night,
a place without sorrow, happy or sad, a place beyond darkness or light.

You sit here reading this spun and wrought tale, absorbing each sharply placed word,
and my sincere solitary hope, to one and all, is that it makes you feel so spurred,
as it has done to me, shall it be done to you, this is one of my master plans,
to show you the nothing beyond light and dark, the place where the flower now stands.

— The End —