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 Dec 2014 Lm Bernal
Alexis A
I'll be thin.
If it kills me,
Then so be it.

I'll be perfect.
If it kills me,
Then so be it.

I'll be beautiful.
If it kills me,
Then so be it.

I'll be good enough.
If it kills me,
Then so be it.

My bones will show.
If it kills me,
Then so be it.

I'll be happy.
But that only comes
With the things listed above,
And if it kills me,
Well, then so be it.
There is something tugging at me,
through the years.
A question clawing away,
in the recesses of my mind.

I feel like outdated technology.
I feel is as if I cannot keep up with
the rapidly changing times.
I can rewind.
I desperately want to rewind.
But everyone will leave me behind.

But it is as if I do not belong,
in this time. This place.
I can't bring myself to conform.
I can't be compatible.
**And I do not know what to do about it.
Well I do feel this feelings. But don't worry I'm writing through perspective and therefore exaggerated everything. Seriously though, it seems as if I belong a decade ago :)
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
To my first follower,
for taking the courage to click on the tab.
To my first like,
for taking precious moments reading my design.
To the ones who followed after,
for taking notice of my mind in pixelated patterns.
To all who shall come after,
I won't ignore the precious deed.

Thank you for the ones who stayed
as well as those who could not take any more of this ****.
I know I am depressing, banal and even dull at times but
for each and everyone of you who thinks I am worth a heart;
I could not have asked for a better companion who shares
this lovely craft.

Let's continue awhile longer,
reading and writing
listening and trying
and since this is getting a bit tacky I'll end it here
remind all of you that I appreciate that seemingly simple click.
A poem for each and everyone one of you! Thank you for everything so far and I love you all!
No, really, it's true. I feel like I know you guys, nothing is more baring and true than a poet's rhymes in their writings.
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
I was dumb
Now I am numb
Dumb enough to let you in
Numb because I can no longer find a reason to grin
I no longer take blame
For what you did to me I hope you live a life of shame
Everything you said was a lie
I will hate myself for believing 'till the day I die
Closure is something every girl needs
Instead you left me to bleed
Bleed out until there is nothing left of me
You got a new girl soon to be
Let me go until there is no more blood
My emotions will no longer flood
Lifeless I'll be
Lifeless I am
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