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 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
autumn eyes
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
autumn eyes
There's a pain in my heart,
So strong I can't ignore.
It keeps me up all night,
It keeps me up 'til four.

People know of my pain,
Know what I've lost.
But they don't know how I feel,
They can't see beneath the frost.

And while the whole world is happily dreaming,
I lay my head on my damp pillow and stare at the ceiling.

For when the moon comes to put us all to sleep,
I escape this nightmare;  I awake just to weep.
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
Vivian Elise
Infinitesimal stars, the moon lies still.
Watching over me as I'd watch over you,
Alone in the vastness of infinity, in the dark and timeless universe
-- I know she feels my loneliness too.
Through eons of time, she has perfected the gaze, suspended in the eternal night, suspended in longing.
If only I could learn her ways -- she stays beautiful through echoing darkness, keeping watch over our self-destruct.
I relate to this pile of rock.
You were a sinking ship. You pulled me in with you.
Now I watch from the rocky shores I've been shipwrecked to.
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
Every time  I close my eyes you always come to mind
I try so hard to not think of you
I try over and over but i cant break loose from you
I m not saying that i think of you constantly, but i just cant deny the fact  that
every time my  mind wonders it always finds a way right back to you  
You are the first thing on my mind when i wake up and the last thing   when i go to sleep
I think of you every time I close my eyes I dont know what it is about you that makes me feel the way I do
Why am I stuck on you why cant i break free why
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
 Oct 2014 Lm Bernal
no words are coming out
for i've suppressed it for too long
and now,
they have lost their way
and they have no way out
i'm trying but nothing's coming out.
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