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Tilly Sep 2013
of   this,
full to burst

~ until known (and shared)~
is felt;

                     ­            without.
(one stroke)

Armin van Buuren - this is what it feels like
Tilly Jun 2012

Pandas   s   t   r   e   t   c   h   to eat it all

(not just shoots and leaves)
An ailuropoda melanoleuca  or  B & W melancholic haiku in B & W
Tilly Jun 2012
really handle
Tiger that they've seen?

for you,
she'd be kitten-like
(if you'd just believe!)

Yes ...
might be naughty,
~(but her playing's always true)~

softly purring deeply,
leave marks
on you.
Tilly May 2012
Always foolish,worthless excuses, empty words
whispered promises, so easily fell,  
hushing all doubts:doubts all hushing
fell easily so, promises whispered, words empty,
excuses worthless, foolish always.
Madam Ossesso, i
Tilly Oct 2019
Sitting  naked
for respected fellows...
nymph to Rubinesk:
  I'm purest
Perhaps they paint the colour of my soul...
True story
Tilly Dec 2012
                               What will they think...
what, could they do?
Tilly May 2012
Heartbeats will quicken,
as breathing slows.

We are dancing again.

In your smiling blue eyes,
I am reminded of who I am to you;
where we have been, my love,
dreams we are making.
Places in our hearts,
we are yet to explore.

Together in harmony.

I can still taste you,
sweet gentle kisses;
still lingering long
after they stole my heart


Let the dance carry us,
when absence makes our feet heavy
on this beautiful journey of two.

*Set us to 3/4 time.
Tilly Jun 2013

layers of        
of timely geology

carve me well...  


such cannons

   an age of  

- floored-

            mouths of    




Tilly Jul 2012
She is life
  a raging heart of fire
Radiating warmth she shines
giving life wherever her touch falls
Birds fill the skies with song as she gazes upon them

He is death
cold dust in comparison
Reflecting her brilliance he mirrors
merely twisting and turning in fancy to impress
Wise wolves are heard to speak his falseness loudly

He steals
using her beauty in his own name
Poets pontificate about 'magic'
when lovers gaze upon him with misplaced wonder
Whilst mice dream that he's made of cheese, and
moths take flight to warmer deaths

He steals
knowing they will meet, and he'll hold his head in shame
For he'll be but a shadow in her light
As she warms his back again, then
all at once we shall see him truly
cowered by a diamond ring
Of course this isn't all true...
mice actually prefer chocolate
& I love the moon :)
Tilly Oct 2012
Watching, from up above, one step behind me every day.

I understand now....finally, WHY, you had to leave.

"Never disappearing", touches heart ,HERE, is where you'll always stay.

Actually, there is one word short, which is right, there is... one missing x
Tilly Apr 2013
to pieces,
then to dust,
He captured her with words;
Of gold, freed
with silver tongue,
every verb.
To: A dear friend, & the poet of my
(mended) heart strings <3
Tilly May 2012
Our hearts will match such thunder,
from hooves; such gentle neighs.
As time approaches slowly;
An ending to this pain.
Tilly May 2014
Tempt not the silk beneath you, nor covet jewels aside.
Poisons' flow beseeching...*

*The ways she'd make you die

Tilly Sep 2013
         curl over                         a grassy ledge
above a raging sea            Whispers
on the wind say nothing to
save descents to me
Tilly Apr 2013
THE SIGN* arrived, with masking tape,
stuck upon the door.
                                    TRASH BAG WARNING
it yelled
(with smiley face)
                                  ~I cannot see the floor!~

A sigh was heard
- by all the house -
the sign read ALOUD, once more.

                                                soon followed it, as my Batgirl
                                                >slammed< her door!

And maybe,
there was a curse or two;
Beneath her breath   repeated.
life went on,
with nothing wrong &
the pile of stuff depleted!

it took the loudest hour,
'til Batgirl opened her door.
Trash bag tied   with masking tape
& 'the amended sign' re-applied

                                             Holy tidy rooms,
                                             Batgirls' done it!                          
                                             DONE & DUSTED

                ­  Whilst         the P.S. made us both smile...                                                         ­        
                         ­             (Obviously not literally dusted, Mum, 
                                        but even you, The Joker, can get the gist!)"

*For-given the prior scene of teenage devastation... Batgirls' reply had been superhero swift!
True Story...

QUESTION: What to do with One teenage daughter + too much stuff & too much revision
< No time to tidy! =  :'( when we can't find anything?
SOLUTION: Give 24hrs warning of Mum donning full chemical suit & going in to tidy.
(Rule being that anything on the floor goes in the bag)

Remember to add some humour :D

Batgirl also added an illustration, of a duster over a vat of ACID with a cheeky explanation...

"Can our caped crusaders, defeat the devilish deeds of Mummy Linda, and escape in this episode:"

Um, no, sweet child of mine... Mummy has a duster and she knows how to use it... Mwahahahaha x
Tilly Aug 2012
In this dark there              
                   seems little light
                               between the lines
                                           upon these sheets
         heart seeking arrows in searching flights
                                         find piercing pain
                               or soaring heats
          Light & dark in
          ink & blood we cry              
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                     Searching, we do,             
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                     else we die.
Tilly Jun 2012
Her cheeks blush ruby red,
lashes batting,"Come to bed!"

Tilly Oct 2012
                 I    I      
           watched & waited    
         under curious glass           with burning wings
              as iridescent hopes fell                held by such whispers    
                                           like dust powdering           from lips which touched                          
         the velvet; Soft
        once in the breeze.
        Flight, found again
         in the last sip. Sweet
        nectar forever pinned
       in an immortality
Duality & contradiction...
just to make my Monday hurt my head a little more, lol ;)
Tilly Sep 2013
He harvests;
                     The beautiful chaos of her curiosity ~
                                                               ­                  as an unblemished apple falls...      
                                                           ­                   for equal measures of sugar & spice.

                                                       ­                                                  ♥
Tilly Sep 2012
During these twilight hours
come and walk with me
down by the bustling river
Let's lose ourselves
amongst the days shadows
Watching sparkling reflections
dance upon the surface
underneath entwined illuminations
Press your cold hands into this warm heart
as we pause
to kiss
the jewels on chains
Tilly Dec 2012
Slowly, a single white feather
on her cold, out-stretched palm, *alighted
She knew then... those thoughts
were of her surrender.
Door 6,
of the Advent
for Yule-Tired Man x

To explain the significance of fallen feathers, in a truly beautiful way
... please read ...
by our lovely Weeping willow x
Tilly Feb 2013
He sits silently
watching; Waiting, for ******
bones, like a true Troll.
Tilly Jan 2013
Searching for answers
exploring space
behind lips
not yet
BBC Two Stargazing Live
- Gateway to the stars - Cwm Idwal, Snowdonia

It would make a perfect kissing gate :)
Tilly Dec 2012
views of sunrise,
my ever disappearing lover,
broke the best.
Tilly May 2012
With toes in yellow,
I dance across the carpet,
'til they close at dusk.
Haha... now you weren't expecting that today, were you?

I can see the buttercup meadow from my window and wanted to share the smile it gives me.
(just in case you need it)
Tilly Dec 2012
Heralding new, in skeletal chariot;
she chases fodder across Solstice night.
Bright ribbons, on garlands made of *******.
Beiwe feasts.
For Karl Johan, with a pat :)
My neighbour, mad Swedish friend, and awesome story teller.
I found him, putting butter around my front door, so Beiwe can eat it on her way onwards...hence the title!

The Saami, indigenous people of Finland, Sweden, and Norway worship Beiwe, the sun-goddess of fertility...
& sanity.
Tilly Nov 2013
coloured flames and fireflies dance mischievously around our heads

to the tiny trumpetsong of bees Joyous songs of love lulling all in revery yet silent to

mere mortals as We only hear the hush of whispered sighs stood beneath the dappled canopy of  

ancient fair oak spread As sweet twilight greets us again swathing our Ianthe in milky moonlight

as she rests upon a dew jewelled knoll still dreaming of fae Unaware of the cold (or the warmth

you hold in your heart for her) She smiles as you cover her shoulders with a elven~made

blanket of gossamer wisp whilst estivating toads blink wide in the coolness of hidden
mossy beds                         Gently,
sweep the                 droplet
                         of Au            from her eye, Deva,
  as we cough etheric      dust from our lungs,
sparkles    floating
in the paper-
            lantern light              
scattering across
the midnight sky,
illuminating fates,
as those fire-flies hearts
twinkle like falling stars unseen
When the veil thins, and jack o'lanterns protect,listen
to the wise ones with Samhain blessings.
Happy Autumn x
Tilly Jan 2013

                                                A           ­                                 
            ­    of                              
                                unsung  ­                                
                                              promise      ­                                    
                            ­       through                        
    ­                daylight                            
                      shines                 ­                              

Tilly May 2014
in mixed metaphor
sublime similes
are always
Tilly Dec 2012
as New Year arrives, darling,
                                                                ­                                    consider where your lips are.
You've got to love those old family favourite games of Christmas's past...
Tilly May 2012
Perfectly still, this calmness,
after such a beautiful storm; Cast skyward,
observe this changing sky.
Watch the Sun slowly reappear.
Always trying to head towards the light.
"Ouch!" said the moth,
"Wrong way!"
Tilly Oct 2012
Out of all the words
we said (& never believed)
"You are beautiful"
remain the only three words
for love inside of me.
Tilly May 2013
Do you see him behind me?

Stood, in mists of muddy red, with arms gesticulating;

I can't...
With opened closures.
Muddy red aura - Anger (repelling)
Tilly Jun 2013

papered white,
there is one wall in
  his room of spines for
 a  muse. His beautiful
   abstraction ~ carved
  &   polished    ~
       hung as his     
light & time
with a resonance  
of understanding as
beads of fiction fall*

    *Colouring other walls vibrant          
                           these spines shine      
                                   with jewels        
                           his souls'             

        *      *   free    *         *            
        *        *         
You decide, an Hourglass or  a Keyhole?

When gifted with an empty 'box' to fill recently,
the poetess' curiosity found Hope remains... Inside :)

... an extract taken from Hesiod ~ Works and Days
a lyric from Adele ~ Rolling in Deep

"Only Hope was left within her unbreakable house,
she remained under the lip of the jar, and did not fly away.
Before [she could], Pandora replaced the lid of the jar."  

"Turn my sorrows into treasured gold....
you'll pay me back in kind,
and reap just what you sow"
Tilly Jun 2012

Many doleful,

fluttering, sips; Living.

together in moonbeams.


Aha ...
another poem cinquaining about the Moon
but this one doesn't star love
~ only life ~

There is one species of moth that survives only on cow (bovine) tears.
Tilly Jan 2013
Thank goodness for that!
Fix me another arrow, please... with no
strings attached & with a little less...
  target practice.
Tilly Dec 2012

      midnight quill
                    stains more than            
   just my eyes
Silver laid  
to where    
rest &                 
                    still                                       ­               
               w                                 ­             

i                                                                   ­                                    
s                           ­                         
  p                                    ­                            

   .. .-.. --- ...- . -.-- --- ..-                                                                  ­                                    
...with my very best wishes for 2013
Tilly Aug 2012
Summers unquenched thirst.
Alone, as Seasons fall,
green of evergreen.
*"It's almost time", the Ice Queen laughs, as Jack Frosts shoes set the sodden earth to match her heart.*
Tilly Jun 2020
("hello you, are you keeping safe?)
And the whole World stops, still,
instantly at peace,
                             are remembering Us
                    A constant which
                        when all else is in flux.    

               ~In another time, I would not / should not reply~

You are with me, as I am with you.
Holding on, to the totally known

or when,
those lovely words of yours
travel to find me doesn't matter;
I feel you...
in everything beautiful,
each and every day. Always,
with the heartfelt knowledge, you
feel that same connection also.

So beautifully, uniquely everything, of everythingly.
So rare, are we...                        
Your face on my pillow,
         The moon of your smile,
Those stars,    
                     the 'too many' reasons,
              both wholesome,  
   and dreamt of.  
   Chocolate kisses.    
  Pebbles in pockets.        
Pink blue sunsets.            
A simpler World,                    
which fell away within a gaze.

Our secrets forever safe in our perfect. bubble, so preciously protected from the storm outside

~We will never meet another soul, as Us~

watching such a beautiful man endure such turmoils, was so heartbreaking for your butterfly...
Even if,
she does understand
all the reasons why
you stayed...

I listened to your turmoil by the sea (the chaos effect of your butterfly was rippling throughout you)

We, hurt Us.

And of all the 'too many' reasons,

Our life...was so blissfully simple.
Those times, with our children,
were so precious;
Reducing Us to tears
[knowing our potential].

If, a butterflys' brief life was offered longevity;
In a heartbeat,
her wings would shine like diamond...
So strong for you
(& for the Us, of 6)

You would fall,
& I could catch you

    be allowed

But you,
my darling man,
know this already...
[It is not a conversation you are ready to have,
there were no promises...
there are no answers...
the choice to let us go,
   was the right thing

Who knows where this path
- this new World - leads us
as our children stay closer,
grow wiser, & shout louder.
they will teach us to be braver?
O­n the other side of here?
    ­                             no matter what...
                             We do the right thing:

And where, together, we hear
the echo of a cracking heart

("You are adored, without question,")
is all you need to hear

True...except for the words I didn't send
Tilly Sep 2012
tattooed me
with heartsink
long before our
lips dried.
"She sang"
Everlong: Foo Fighters
Tilly Feb 2013
Where stated*; The reality is, *usually measured in, metric disappointment.
Predicted snowfall ...
in the UK, & wishing for more!
Tilly Nov 2012

One silvery arc crosses the darkest distance.
Listen quietly... Hear silences between beats;
As shared scenes, bring us together,

Eastward pointing horns
(pointing to the left, as seen from the Northern hemisphere)
indicate a waxing crescent.
Tilly Apr 2012
.. as it does these days
from lovely little me.
Both lovers verse and vitriol
are flowing out in seas.
.. she's this lioness
with lap top on her knee.
thoughts in black & white
for ALL the World to see.

Everything is given.
How sorry should I be?

Search Engines find her roaring.

does she write about?"

So with poetic justice, I'm busted!

the truth hurts
without a doubt!
Inspired by my charming walking companion, Edward, after his comments on Single Mamma Swag :)
I wanted to explore the difference between writing me and me (She and I) and the possible consequences thereafter.

**** and Blast! that Save poem as 'Public' button  ...

*cheeky wink*
Tilly Dec 2012
Consistently paraded  
~but not yet abundant~
this Season of

A little good will, to all, (& smiling) costs nothing!
Tilly Nov 2013
Curtains up

  you're the King
   of the whole
    **** stage  


  just another

acting out
for those
cheap seats
you survey

Where else

get to see
such a
-free play?"


"Best you
throw some sweets.

Indulge them

I'd say!
...I'd say!"

The Evil Queen 
a knife glints in her hand


Behind You?
(or... does she need a real man?)


    you see...

& she knows
where to find you..

(evil laughter)


just as well
you're in costume  remember
your lines

"Don't props (& illusions) make a jolly good night!"

and baby, *WOW!

you look
Oh! Soooo cute
in those tights!

                                  *and with a sweep of the stage, the smirking Queen exits >               right

This stage
is all yours now

So Buttons...    take a bow
(us Brits love an underdog in a fight)

... Make your bow deep
~with a flourish of resplendence~
that captures their hearts

try more than That wiggle
-and a lot more-
than one dance!

                       To do it well...                                                          ­              
get a catchphrase

(which we'll ALL lurvey darlink from the start)

Believe me,
is good


the one
    you've used in  
   rehearsals with the
- all dragged up-
       V      U
          E            G
               L       L      
                                                 Y              (like their mother)

 ­                                   cough                       ­ 
                                **** it..
                               Everyone chokes
                               on the dry ice that swirls!

                     The audience ponders....

WHO's the boys ?

THAT's... a... girl ?!  

            they'll see      
    Cinders singing
of loves' sweet melody,
  those s l o w shoe shuffles    
        softly sliding across their        
                                 ­                        a
                                                               ­ p
                                                              ­                             door hearts  
Laughing & crying along through
each emotion of the tattered  
sweet princess, who     
         simply hasn't had        
                     a Prince in her...                
  Act II ends

a Flash!
a Bang!

They all lived  
ever after...
Cinders' happy?

Enjoying the merry-men-t of Pant-Oh!
Pantomine...Traditionally performed from Christmas ' til mid January, with family audiences.

A popular form of British theatre, incorporating song, dance, buffoonery, slapstick, cross-dressing, in-jokes, topical references, audience participation, and mild ****** innuendo.

           HIS crown &    
            shashy's away    
             with a

(written, as part of the Yule-tired man series in December 2012)
Tilly Aug 2014
Ink* not ...                                                              ­             
                     the reader, nor, *give
                                          lettered meaning; Pen ...                                          
                                                                ­                interpretation.
10 words
for the grown ups
Tilly Jun 2012
I walked a year of days in your shoes

hands in need held

now you choose to travel onwards alone

A little </3 today
Listening to Lifehouse~Broken;=related
Tilly Dec 2012
By paper-lantern light

flames colour a snow crystals dance, beautifully enchanting, to

the distant sound of singing; Joyous songs of celebration, lulling all in revelry. Each note heard

in silent reverence, beneath the skeletal canopy of majestic oak spread. Where from amongst the

damp branches, wise old saucer eyes calls "Ubi? Ubi?", heralding a cacophony of wide-eyed whispers

This afternoon, sweet twilight guides our paths as we search on ever onward journeys unknown; Our

arms collecting firewood, to fill the empty hearths of others. Unaware of the cold hands, we are, when

there's such warmth in our hearts. We toil within the stillness, snow falling softly, and covering the
crisp ground. From deep beneath the dazzling pure white, tiny hibernating animists
blink wide from the                               warmth of hidden
woodland beds.                        Gently,         
   sweep the                   12 droplets
                             of ice from                 all our eyes, Sol,                   
                             as we cough        darkness                                
                     from our      lungs,                       
                       watching the sparkles     of no                                              
                      matter,  floating                  
in the  paper-
            lantern light            
       to scatter across    
this   Solstice   sky,
illuminating our fates,
as cold  snowflake hearts
twinkle like falling stars, unseen,
turning, embracing the return of the Light
Tilly Dec 2013
By paper-lantern light

flames colour a snow crystals dance, beautifully enchanting, to

the distant sound of singing; Joyous songs of celebration, lulling all in revelry. Each note heard

in silent reverence, beneath the skeletal canopy of majestic oak spread. Where from amongst the

damp branches,wise old saucer eyes calls "Ubi? Ubi?", heralding a cacophony of wide-eyed

whispers. This afternoon, sweet twilight guides our paths as we search on ever onward journeys

unknown; Our arms collecting firewood, to fill the empty hearths of others. Unaware of the cold

hands, we are, when there's such warmth in our hearts. We toil within the stillness,  

snow falling softly,and covering the crisp ground.         From deep beneath
         the dazzling pure white,                                     tiny hibernating animists   

blink wide from the                            warmth of hidden

 woodland beds.                        Gently,         
   sweep the                   12 droplets
                             of ice from                 all our eyes, Sol,                   
                             as we cough        darkness                                
                     from our      lungs,                       
                       watching the sparkles     of no                                              
                      matter,  floating                  
in the  paper-
            lantern light            
       to scatter across    
this   Solstice   sky,
illuminating our fates,
as cold  snowflake hearts
twinkle like falling stars, unseen,
turning, embracing the return of the Light
a seasonal  repost....
no snow in the UK yet, but hoping for a ***** frost on the Solstice :)

Peace & Love this Yuletide
and to all,
returning light...
L  ***
Tilly May 2013
"Life is not always black & white, Mr Magpie...
it's ALIVE! 
~ See Yourself ~
Mix the spectrum, with those stunning pigments."
Look closely at his preened feathers :)

They are also one of the few creatures that can recognise themselves in a mirror test :)
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