they are all asleep and I sneak under cover of the lateness of the hour to the comfort of my words scrawled across a page in ink from the nib of a fountain pen they search for a target I'll never achieve on a journey through my head reaching for perfection I am tired by a world always demanding more than I'm prepared to give always asking for more than I could possibly have but this moment is at least mine stolen from the clock of life
A memory like a flash back Like prisms dancing on pavements Like clouds floating freely Like that moment when you felt lost and this was the only place to come to rid yourself of the lonesomeness you felt within you A feeling of belonging But also of shattering glass and sand flowing through your fingers Time is often not your friend The words said on the wrong moment The feelings you never understood And I thank life that I have moved past the emptiness and have learnt to be happy in this existence. I thank life for the moments when memories come knocking Reminding you that you are enough You are And so that is enough for now.
Listen more than you speak And say less than you know Avoid those who would drag you Into their masochistic melodramas Stay out of other people's battles Until you know the reason for the war You may find yourself on the wrong side Far better on no side at all
Be aware of those that need you And those that are needed by you They may not be the same people Though both are important to you Choose your real friends with care And let your enemies choose you With equal care and some trepidation
When alone in the darkness Watch the movements of shadows And in the broad light of day Watch every thing in view Whatever you see may be good or bad But it would be foolish to miss anything Miss not one thing at all