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Apr 2016 · 662
lift-me-higher Apr 2016
She is situated by the window with her eyes fixed on the empty night
"When did this happen?"
"You're asking the wrong question."
She inhaled all the despaired air, and it becomes her.
"Shut your eyes. What do you see?"
He does not recognise her, and neither does she.
"Is this who you are now?"
Oct 2015 · 457
lift-me-higher Oct 2015
for once in my life, I don't want to write about you.
and even then,
I am still writing about you.
Aug 2015 · 609
ashes of fights
lift-me-higher Aug 2015
more damage is done
with every drag
say those words
you can never take back
fill your lungs
then suffer an asthma attack
smoke what you started
then raise your white flag
Jul 2015 · 522
lift-me-higher Jul 2015
a fimiliar ray of warm sunlight settles on your face
it doesn't really matter where we are anymore
you feel like home,
and a love that will last
for the rest of my days

sudden anger and pride
cause us to give each other too much space.
don't you realise,
distance was one of our biggest mistakes?

the best is yet to come, but nothing good's come yet -
i wait for better,
until after the sun sets and the clock breaks.

dream state is now where we meet -
with unclear beginnings and endings
of what we speak.

illusions are uncontrollably building up in my mind.
god knows,
i'm just trying to put the past behind.

encounters have become ever so brief,
you forgot your home and
i forgot how to breathe
am i homesick
sick of home?
May 2015 · 805
snowstorms in the summer
lift-me-higher May 2015
three days of
and grins
stretched from ear to ear
then five days of
and tears.
it would be easier to be on a rollercoaster.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
lift-me-higher Nov 2014
I'm shaking and
I don't want you to make me feel better
I don't want you to hug me
It snows and
you don't want me to keep things from you
you don't want me to be scared
We walk and
I don't want you to think I'm a child
I don't want you to be burdened by me
It's late and
you don't want me to leave
you don't want me to be with someone else
I'm home and
I don't want to fall
you don't want me at all
Oct 2014 · 596
second hand smoker
lift-me-higher Oct 2014
I deeply inhaled
every tobacco filled air
you ever exhaled.

How twisted is it
that I'm attached to a stench
that's suffocating?

Nicotine doesn't seem
so addicting and harmful
when compared to you.
Oct 2014 · 692
lift-me-higher Oct 2014
You're in a hallway with endless doors,
some are open, some are closed.
They look inviting but
you'd rather find the one that pulls you with force.
you come across my room,
and you wait there patiently like it's yours.
"You don't have a key," I said
but he ignores.

You sat out there and waited so long
I started to wonder why you did that,
and if we would get along.
I talked and whispered, through the door
I didn't open it yet, incase something went wrong.
On the days I was upset, you'd slip notes
to tell me you believed that I was strong.
Slowly, our friendship began but
still the door was shut, and I sang my song.

Two years passed before you asked if you could come in
I gave it some thought
then nodded, with a grin.
You told me that you only stuck through
because you knew you could win -
but it wasn't true, you cared so much
that I was under your skin.
Then you wondered, interrogating me,
"Do you feel the same within?"
Maybe you were still unwelcome, I wasn't sure,
you couldn't take it and your patience started to run thin.

It wasn't all my fault, but I'll share the blame.
I miss you, sometimes
even if you think time's changed
and we're not the same.
Do you remember the time I got mad when I overslept
because we stayed up to watch the game?
The time you gave in to my music,
after insisting it was lame.
The memory I'm most fond of is the one when
you offered me your last name.
I wonder if you still walk in that hallway,
and if now, you walk around without an aim.
Oct 2014 · 770
lift-me-higher Oct 2014
You are like lightning,
electrifying and charged,
shocking when you strike.

Despite being so
evidently natural,
you're aware you're rare.

You will be gone quick
and it'll rain harder after,
you are that powerful.

For the reason that,
you brighten up my dark sky -
the trouble's worth it.
Sep 2014 · 573
green with envy
lift-me-higher Sep 2014
you've destroyed
a lifetime friendship
you've destroyed
an unborn friendship
and as much as I want to
destroy you;
I'm not the one with jealous bones in my body
Sep 2014 · 589
toxic friends like you
lift-me-higher Sep 2014
his thoughts kept him up late at night
that his mind begins to travel to
a time in his past that might
strangely, help him get through

so many questions
with answers he was working through
he just could not fathom
how easy I was able to 
get over him
him, and his crew
I would explain why I walked away from the friends
I thought were true
but he hates it all too much
to see things from my point of view
I remind him of his failures,
ones that he still tries to pursue
he sincerely believes that these walls
aren't hard enough to break through

he silently wishes and wishes again,
that I would listen to him like I was his friend
he wonders if he could mend
this wonderful friendship or at least,
could he tie up the loose end?

"the memories of winter
should haunt you
the days were long,  
and as time flew
we made more memories
than I expected to
we sat side by side at the movies almost as if
we were stuck together like glue
we were closer than ever
then suddenly, I was without you
it bothers me that it was out of the blue
when you impatiently said
you have no value"

I sit here and think and think
so much I construe,
are these really the thoughts
of the friends I outgrew?
Sep 2014 · 444
afternoon drive
lift-me-higher Sep 2014
We sat there in silence, comfortable silence, as he drove, with no destination in mind.
I put my head back, and rolled down the window
as I shifted a little in the comfy passenger seat.
I felt an absolute sense of calmness in his presence,
like the entire world was at peace
like my worries were suddenly fading to grey
like my mind will forever be at ease
like I would gladly spend an eternity in that car, if I could convince him to stay.
I looked over to see his hand was on the steering wheel
and the other, reaching for a cigarette.
I could feel him getting frustrated;
he was unable to move his eyes from the road
so the search only got louder with every second
until I offered to get it
and he let out a sigh of relief…
like the entire world was at peace
like all his problems were suddenly fading to grey
like his mind will forever be at ease
like he would gladly spend an eternity in that car, if he had his cigarettes and an ashtray.
lift-me-higher Sep 2014
we both believe that it's just a word
and it can't possibly make up for all the damage
we cause time after time
to once again claim we're sorry

so, neither of us ever expected an apology
nor demanded one.

we realise that it's unknowingly promising
to not repeat the same mistake
therefore, we choose to not disappoint each other
with the hope of sorry

so, neither of us expected an apology
nor demanded one.

you know that your words can hurt me
but you say them anyway,
because there are times when I'm just as cruel
and we'd rather be equally destructive
than sorry

so, neither of us expected an apology
nor demanded one.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
so, now I write about you
lift-me-higher Aug 2014
you are now a secret subject I can't talk about,
because if anyone ever knew
- you are what inspires me -
they'd question my sanity

— The End —