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Life Jul 2015
You don't love me*
And as I screamed these words
*I saw the truth in your eyes
Life Mar 2015
Ride an elephant
See the northern light
**** myself
Life Mar 2015
Being covered by insects.
Growing old alone.
Life Jan 2015
Would you believe me to be death?
I guess it makes sense
For this reality, truly is hell

But I am a cheater of death
So here I stand;
Amidst the stink of burning corpses,
Dead eyes of starring, children and women,
Oh, but how I wish I was dead.

Now, 80 years after,
The smell of burned carcass,
Still clings to everything I touch
"Arbeit macht frei" (German pronunciation: [ˈaɐ̯baɪt ˈmaxt ˈfʁaɪ]) is a German phrase meaning "work makes (you) free". The slogan is known for having been placed over the entrances to a number of **** concentration camps during World War II, including most infamously Auschwitz.
Life Dec 2014
I needed pity,
but the only thing you could give me
was a solution
a smile, a laugh and
ridiculous facts about blood flow.
The best medication for a suffering soul.
Life Dec 2014
You kissed me, while there were still crumbs on my lips
The sweetness of the chocolate mixed with you
We laughed and kissed and loved
In a way that filled me with hope
I fell asleep to the sound
of your heartbeat
But when I woke,
No trace of you was left
All there lay, was a broken cookie
I dropped, to taste your sweetness
Life Nov 2014
I am not really afraid of death
I am sure he is a nice fellow
I hope so,
since no one’s returned
I cannot bear the thought that death won't be 'nice'
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