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May 2015 · 323
Life is death
Rope did pull
Bell did toll
Sound stood still
Where is sound
Tis high above
Tis lowly down
Tis not here
In deaths ear
Coffin did slide
Flames did engulf
Not one heard
My deep sob
It tried, but
Did not escape
From fiery lips
Turned into ash
To be thrown
On stormy seas
To worldly sail
For my evermore
May 2015 · 260
Making babies
She doesn't shower
Nor take a bath
Neither does he
She doesn't look
At her nakedness
In her mirror
Neither does he
She does not
Spend hours
Applying make-up
Neither does he
What they do, do
Is get on with it
Just like all flies do.
May 2015 · 244
Back into our first love
Back into our first love
Is where I want to be
Your smile in my eyes
My smile shining back
Our hearts are as one

My tingling lips await
For yours upon mine
Making my heart flow
With a love so strong
That I will surely burst
Oh my love , my love

It will not be so long
For our arms to entwine
Caress, oh sweet caress
Will be ours to share
Every hour of our day
Back into our first love.
May 2015 · 209
They are waiting
They are waiting
Patiently waiting
Waited this long
Can wait some more
They know this world
Will remain in upheaval
For many a century
Or more
They know that mankind
Will self destruct
When it will be
They don't care
They are patient
They are waiting.
Wait until I've gone
May 2015 · 272
I feel emotion
Of what?
I know not
Deep so deep

A deep sob
From ?
Very low

My eyes awash
With these tears
I don't know why
I feel this way
It's so strong
This sorrow

crying now
So bad do I feel
What is it ?

Maybe we all
Have this unknown
I don't know why
A great pain

There's no reason
No reason at all
But it's got me
Helpless in its grip.
May 2015 · 293
Feet slosh in watery boots
Squelch is my sad music
Stink is what I'm made of
And others by my side
Fear is my companion
So through and through
Every day and every night
Every shell my night mare
Some friends are no more
As I'm here before sunrise
Awaiting the dread whistle
Rifle clutched in shaky hands
I think of my sweetheart Mary
To whom I shall be wedded
Of my brothers and sisters
Father and dear old mam
All too soon , I'll be over the top
Throwing fear to another place
Anytime now we'll be on our way
I hope I'll let no one down.
May 2015 · 184
Who is the colder of us now
Who is the colder of us now
You who were my love so deep
Or me who does not wish to speak
Are we equal in our thoughts
Do we hate one minute
And love the very next

Who was the first with evil tongue
Trying to smite with great spite
Opening wounds of long past gone
Was it me or was it you
Not so long ago ,we spoke kind words
And in a twinkle at crossed swords

Do we love or do we hate
Are they so close these extremities
This dangerous treacherous knifes edge
Why do we want to hold so tight
The very next moment ,off in the night
I know for sure , I'll never know
Why it is ,This terrible twist of love.
May 2015 · 343
Answering a question
I sat on the suspended bench
Charlotte on one side of me
And George upon the other
Leslie they both said to me
At exactly the same time
Why is it we seem so safe up here
Ah Ah I said secretly to them
It's because we three are special
Why special they both said
Because magic is here with us
The other day a princess was born
A little sister for her brother
Oh they said sounds good to us
Will we ever meet them both
Yes said I when the two of you
Stand before a mirror in a palace.
May 2015 · 363
No matter
No matter how one fights
He cannot win
He can use any means at all
Cudgels, guns, knives, forks, pitchforks , or darts
He can puff himself up
He can rant and rave
He can cheat and lie
He cannot win
If there's no one there to fight/
May 2015 · 1.5k
The shining knight
The shining knight was no light
The light that shined was not seen
The shine was not light but knight
The knight had no light to shine
The light shone from the knight
The shine was light from the knight
The knight shone like a bright light
The bright light from the knight was right
The right to shine like a knight tonight
The night was full of bright shining knight
The light was bright but not in sight
The sight of the knight at night was not bright
The night sight of the bright knight was a plight
The blight of the bright knights sight tonight , might not delight him in a light fight at the right height however slight , oh what a plight , like a flight of a kite.
May 2015 · 620
Fade away
Fade away  fade away
But don't fade out again
I don't know where I'm at
I've lost my  place
I've lost my niche
My corners occupied
She stood in the rain
Time going by so fast
Train left  on time
In the same dimension

Fading away
Fading away
But don't fade out again

I don't know why
It hurts so much
I don't know why
I'm losing touch
All of the things
She said to me
Was never meant
You can have my word
I trust you with my life
Left me twisted inside

You can have my cup
You can have my spoon
You can take my batman
And my star wars too

But don't fade out again
May 2015 · 272
Sleeping in dark corners
Sleeping in dark corners
Away from scary light
Holds me in control zone
In the middle of the night

I'll never find the answer
In my twisted sea of hate
I've burnt all my books
No more pages to turn

Pebbles are lizards
And trees are snakes
I can see now
What it takes

I'm hiding from myself
Don't where to look
No net to save
Acrobats do your worst

I'm a prisoner of my mind
Trapped inside my maize
Can only see my cells
Floating all around

Kick it up and up
Open my shut down door
Break it down and out
Let me see what's right

It won't destroy my truth
It'll make my light bright
Show this side of the moon
I want to be all but me

Thanks for cows over the moon
And lips that might see
A little sugar in my drink
And great gulps of life

Yes I can see now
What's in my brain
I've been too long
Juggling with my pain.
May 2015 · 354
Different pictures
Different pictures
Painted now
Colours changing
Day by day
Gallery opening
Then closed shut
Why this paint brush
Why not that
Lines of nonsense
Lines of life
Lines of mind
Blocked in features
Shaded in green
Purple brainwaves
Sprouting out
Shooting at stars
Glistening bright
Sure as blackholes
Through the night
Mixed in mixers
Gaudy blue head
Curdled red spots
Why not you
Spray on graffiti
Lost on trains
Found by a policeman
Without dreams
Softly softly
Turn out the light
Dream a little
Wake up bright
I can't reach as high as you
I'm between down and up
Midway to your star
You're going into orbit
Far beyond my range
Send me down a life line
To pull me into your arms
Don't leave me all alone
In my downside swamp
Cos baby I need you
So close by my side
Don't fly so high
It's a long way down to earth
But not to my heart

I need you to teach me
To aim up high like you
To leave my lowly thoughts
And climb up there with you

To climb up there with you
Is what I've got to do
To climb up there with you
Is what I've got to do

I'll reach out for your love
And fight my lowly life
Get up there next to heaven
Help make your dreams come true
Soar in all higher plains
Just to be alone with you
But, letting you fly higher
To achieve your wildest goal

I need you to teach me
To aim up high like you
To leave my lowly thoughts
And climb up there with you.
May 2015 · 380
It's so warm
It's so warm
So comfortable
So safe
What's this
Great force
I'm being pushed
No I'm not
Yes I am
This power
Upon me
And falls
This pushing
Is stronger
Squeezing me hard
I'm stuck here
Half and half
Another great squeeze
Now , I'm in the cold
Upside down now
Someone is smacking
Yes smacking
My bottom
And making me cry.
You strike your poise so well
Look at me
You seem to say
Hair dyed two tone
One colour black
The other red
Look at me
You seem to say
Sparkling mind
Eloquent speech
Deep of thought
Look at me
You seem to say
A bad time had
Not very good
Much better now
Look at me
You seem to say
I'm me
Can't you see.
May 2015 · 251
Do you know
Do you know
Do you
What you've done to me
Do you
Do you know
What it's like inside
Tormented hell
Memories destroyed
Lifeline gone
No cruising ground
Hanging on
Just finger tips
Where do I go
When so afraid
Yes hiding
Myself away
Scared to love again.
May 2015 · 212
Are her troubles
So deep
Are her worries
Her surface
Is so peaceful
Her smile
Ever ready
Deep down
Is inner strife
I hope
It will go away.
May 2015 · 214
Here she is
Here she is
A picture
Of innocence
Is she
As she seems
Or is there
Something else
Lurking underneath
I'll never know
I don't know her well
It's nice
To have this mystery.
May 2015 · 293
Can you remember
Can you remember
When we were lovers
Not so long ago
Holding hands
Whenever we could
Never wanting
To let go

Can you remember
How strong our love was
Not so long ago
Loving looks
Sharing delight
In everything
We did

Can you remember
Where our love went
Not so long ago
Finding fault
Where none did lie
Not caring
For what we had

Can you remember.
May 2015 · 468
Don't look into my heart
Don't look into my heart
There's nothing there to see
It's just an empty shell
For all eternity

Oh Susie Oh Susie
I'm so missing your love
Aching , hurting, crying
I'm so missing your love

Don't look for my smile
It's hiding upside down
Never to be seen again
Trying to hide the clown

Oh Susie Oh Susie
I'm missing your love
Aching, hurting, crying
I'm missing your love

Don't look for who I am
Not even in my passport
I'll never be the same
Adding total up to nought

Oh Susie Oh Susie
I'm missing your love
Aching , hurting, crying
I'm missing your love

Don't look into my heart
There's nothing there to see
It's just an empty shell
For all eternity
May 2015 · 466
Hold me til it hurts
Hold me til it hurts
Squeeze the bad out of me
Let me be a good loving man
Give me love to keep me clean
You know I need to feel fine
So fine
So fine

Keep me strong in your arms
I just need you this way
Stop my mind from going astray
Let your love envelop me
You know I need to feel fine
So fine
So fine

Stroke me ever so tenderly
Caress away my thoughts of shame
Your love does hold me so still
No cheating upon you anymore
You know I need to feel fine
So fine
So fine

Hold me until it hurts
Squeeze the bad out of me
Let me be a good loving man
Give me love to keep me clean
You know I need to feel fine
So fine
So fine
May 2015 · 448
Not likely
Your mother and father
Do naughty things with each other
They do all the things we laugh about

No No they do not
Not my mother and father
They are good , they wouldn't do that

Oh yes they really do
Why do they share the same bed
You must try to understand

Look my lovely parents
Share the bed for a good reason
To be warm in the winter

Besides my father
Always , yes always
Wears his pyjamas in bed.
May 2015 · 260
Sort of lost
His foot slippedon the skin
A banana one of course
His arms flew out for balance
He thought wryly to himself
I'll never catch them now
For I have now , no arms
His fall carried on
Right down to the floor
'Oh' ,he said
'I'm such a beastly bore '
He threw his voice high and loud
And , immediately regretted it
Now he couldn't shout for help
No arms nor hands did he have
No means of communication
'Oh dear' he thought
For as you know
He cannot utter a word
His answer leapt to his mind
'I'll wake myself up
For this is just a dream'
But , he couldn't do it
He couldn't shake himself
He had no arms you see
So he had to sleep forever
For all eternity.
May 2015 · 545
Made up like a clown
She could do better
But doesn't know how
She doesn't know how
If it's to be
Let her
It's so plain to see
She's in love with me

Cos she's a wandering woman
As free as a bird of life
Cos she's a wandering woman
Never to be a wife

Why should I be sorry
That's she's painted so
That's the way she is
No one can tell her so

Cos she's a wandering woman
As free as a bird of life
Cos she's a wandering woman
Never to be a wife

She is who she is
Tormented girl from where
She'll keep on moving
From here until there

Cos she's a wandering woman
She's a free bird of life
Cos she's a wandering woman
Never to be a wife

Life is what she wants
There's no way to change
She'll go on foever
The way she has to be

Cos she's a wandering woman
She's a free bird of life
Cos she's a wandering woman
Never to be a wife

I can't believe myself
I'm so full of her
Can't let her go
Cos I love her so

Cos she's a wandering woman
She's a free bird of life
Cos she's a wandering woman
Never to be a wife.
Apr 2015 · 261
Did you ?
Did you
Have to do this
Did you
Have to do that
Did you
Think of my hurt
Did you
Think of us
Of us
Did you
Think I'm strong
Did you
Think I don't cry
Did you
Did you
Yes I cry
I cry
I cry
Yes I cry.
Apr 2015 · 258
What am I ?
You hold me
A man
You hold me
Like a baby
You hold me
I love it
You bring
Tears to my eyes
You hold me
Like no other
You make me
So safe
Deep inside

You're so small
I'm so big
You hold me
So very tight
As In
A cocoon
Like a baby
Who needs love
Gets it.
Apr 2015 · 195
Here and gone
Love may go
Love may stay
Do we lose
Do we win
Do we care
Do we grin
What we do
what we don't
Be it good
Be it bad
Love was here
Love has gone
Apr 2015 · 251
Your eyes
Your eyes
Look into mine
My eyes
Look into yours
We lay
Side by side
No words
Just looking
Each others eyes
Each others eyes
We express
Our love
Our eyes.
Apr 2015 · 185
Today is joy
You play your guitar
And sing
I listen
And sometimes
Your fingers work
Of chords
Your voice
Full of rejoice
Enjoy your songs
Like me
And not
Because I love you
But because
You're good
I love you.
Apr 2015 · 291
I am me
I lie side by side
With myself
Where I am
Did I have to leave her
To free me from her lies
I could have stayed awhile
Enjoying her womanly charms
Lived with her wantonly ways
Trod on day by day
Had some place in life
No matter all the strife
No I could not
One more miserable day
So here I am alone
Wondering where I am
Lying side by side
With myself
Apr 2015 · 242
Hopefully for me.
No matter that birds do fly
That whirl and soar in the sky
No matter that the sea has tide
That rises and falls as on a ride
No matter that storms do so rage
Turning calm to havoc like a page
No matter that animals do so roam
They that do it have no home
No matter that bees go for pollen
To make honey to be reaped by men
All I want is peace in my soul
That's what I really want for me.
Apr 2015 · 309
After a high powered bullet
Has entered your brain
You'll feel the pain
For the rest of your life
Feb 2015 · 338
I stood
Wide open
What a fool
That I am
I tried
In a stupid way
To help
I yes I
was stupid
I didn't
That I
Had no right
Oh yes I went awry
Feb 2015 · 555
Eyes that see
Do they
Do they really see
The despair
A broken heart
The torment
The empty hours
The doubt
The self doubt
The trudge
Of revisiting
No reason
They really see it
They do not
For sorrow
Is only
To been seen
By those eyes
Sometimes this happens , but if it didn't , where would anyone be?
Feb 2015 · 512
Title 'Birth and death '
When I was born
What did I know
What did I remember
Did I cry a lot
Don't know
Did I fill things
Don't know
What did I know
When I am dead
What will I know
Things hit my mind with a thump

— The End —