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So much emphasis on time.
We spend our lives counting time.
Rolling wheels to the next road sign.
Yet we sometimes forget.
*That its all in our minds
Sometimes the absence of the face helps us to look inside the soul.
When brand becomes bland
and routine and rituals
move in rigid homogeneity.

When monocultures spread
like healthy cancer
and our volatility meter
sits still at fever.

When popular financial service
say, that "the center
can't hold anymore."

When sleeping frogs
never wake even
though the enthalpic
belly satiates fully
and any tiny misanthropic
speck will spark
nucleation around
a waking me.we

When these blocks
fire in the deep,

then our dog clan stirs,
a smiling hive feasting
on dead amphibians
left motherly as sustenance
to begin a Trickster's
How many faces you wish?
For you are not true to your own
Can you bear the burden of many?
Posing as everyone, but you
Even the mirror will be flummoxed
Ashamed to show the real you
Maybe a face forgotten long ago
Waging a war against yourself
An army of many faces adopted
Will bring you to the gallows
That will be the end to your identity
When you will be unmasked
We are all
just lifetimes
searching for
     And the broken
    parts or who
we were
      should never
          be excluded
   from the beauty
of what we
     -Andrew Durst
Patronizing our morality
We live out lives in pretence and lies.
Our judgment shallow
And receding in wisdom.
Slaves to a system ruled by our fears
Blind to affliction and silent to tears.
Severe addiction to false promises
Prey to a bureaucracy feeding off our dreams.
Divide, rule, **** and procure
Reveling in madness our minds create.

Hard to dream of flush green meadows
Blue skies and quiet days,
Where the songbirds can sing their ode
And daisies are but plastic
That bow to the sun in awe and wonder.
I dream of a day when you and I
Can hold hands rather than rage wars,
Where money is not out ruler
And our morality outweighs the vice,
Where humanity is raised by selfless deeds
And peace is a language of our hearts.
 Apr 2014 Lauren Marie
Stanza 1
yada, yada, yada
...something clever

Stanza 2
blah, blah, blah
...something sincere

Stanza 3
la, la, la
...something profound

Stanza 4
yeah, yeah, yeah
...something vague

Stanza 5
etc, etc, etc
...something touching

Stanza 6
hmm, hmm, hmm
...something to ponder

Should I post this mess?
...deleted it the first time...shouldn't take myself too
red blood cells live for about four months
white blood cells can live for over a year
skin cells live about two to three weeks

slowly, hour by hour
day by day
week by week
month by month
year by year
my body will die and replace itself

and surely enough
some day
i will have a body you never touched
and hair you never pulled
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