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 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Emily Heaps
I had this need for you
That was pulled back by the fear of loosing you.
Not wanting to hear the sad sound of goodbye.
I dreamt of a future that could not exist.
I had dreams of late mornings and coffee cups.
Late night walks and spoken thoughts
But dreams are for the lonely and the world doesn't owe me a story.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
She is bad, sleeping with the enemy one night, the friend, the next
Never to feel the nausea of eating too willingly, secretly
Beauty is a sin
Luckily her whispers are covered by the sheets of the witnesses
Moaning and cared for, the mirror is a mere extra character

when a person smiles it such a lovley face
makes the world seem bright and such a lovely place
fills you up with gladness makes you feel so free
there upon face for everyone to see.

troubles disappear worries go away
makes the world a better place if only for a day
just a little smile thats all you have to do
a smile can do much  bring happiness to you.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Skylar Peek
The early bird gets the worm, is what they're telling me.
But babe,
The one who waits for honey turns out the lucky bee.
I don't know the secret to having poems trend
There are some poems I feel certain that they will trend and they do not
I have read many excellent poems that did not trend, the list seems unending
I still feel that they are worthwhile ,especially when they caused a laugh or a smile or even a  tear when I really need a good cry
If the poems effect me or others I feel they are successful no matter whether they are trending or not
I feel bad for fellow poets if they get discouraged if their poems don't trend, the heart is such a fragile thing to mend, especially if discouragement sets in causing them to question their talents or ability.
My advice would be just write, if it trends great; if not keep writing don't give up
If you are writing to an Audience of one or 500 just get your feelings out you many be surprised by the results someday, you poems may really touch peoples lives that can relate to them.
Whether the poems trend or not Keep Writing!
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Adrian Asher
Music! Drums!

Beatings of hands on outstretched hides
echo through the night.
Dancing children, moonlight cricket moanings,
Cast over vast savannas with
Elders chanting, visions and transcendental moments of
harmonic bliss playing on the bird bone flute. Flash to
Electric bass booming in the dark with keyboards
and young girls twisting in the firelight
pentatonic realities of electric guitar playing  
funk, and the procession of notes

All souls one, beating with the night.
Beating with the drums.
Screaming half naked, wild and full of drugs
and the right ones.
A harmonic industry of electronica and ecstasy, a decadent tribal fantasy land.

here we go again.

Our conscious being, outstretched over the fabric of time and space
played by the hand of the ancient primordial tribesman of protozoa. Every note an eternity, every moment of every being and everything beating as one!
Tranquility and soliloquy of music.
Harmony and beauty and intelligence.

Pulse movements and beat droppings, spinning by the neon lights.
Cannibals of interwoven overlapped miraculous hippie skirts
with dreadlocks and armpit hairs, unshaven legs and unmistakable smells,
and no one cares.

New age alchemy of alkaline waters and wondrous miraculous healing stones in ***** dens hiding from the undercovers.
practicing yoga and tantric rub downs, relaxing in the hanging curtain of smoke.
Lecturing on the absolute perfection of the tetrahedron in the ashes of Buckminster Fuller seeking complete shelter and sustainability from this monstrous and hideous human creation of western ideals and ramen noodles.

Speaking of elves in the absolute present sense and giving them names! Leaving little room for debate, and honestly, why even bother if you're that far down the rabbit hole.

Electric forest hallucinations,
Ego death and eternity.
Music in the background of the night
and in the background of my life
speeding up and slowing down
to conform to the tempo of the soul.

Entire band coalescing to a lone thought,
guitar fades to a single sailboat tied to dock over a silk blue stream hanging by the moon.
Bass fading to the single tribe song beating of the drum in time
and that drum beats fade to the memories of rain on the aluminum roof,
frogs croak by the pond at my childhood home in Eastern Kentucky,
rain falling on the pond also,
fireflies and crickets in the hung-over dew of the morning.

Fades to a picture of the Earth in the black and empty backdrop of space
a spec of dust in the cosmos,
hanging by a thread to eternity.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Calvin Baker
the good will fall
                when we eliminate the evil
careful wrought balance
                dashed upon the rocks
and so our paragons
                our storied heroes
entomb their hearts in dark places
                and sink with heavy burdens
the natural harmony must
                be preserved at all costs
new demons for new heroes to brave
                the scales can tip
and level once more
                 in victory we found defeat
betrayal, a sour taste in our mouths
                 but in defeat we found courage
bravery, hope in darkness
                 never forget that what is high
can always fall
                 and what is low
can always rise
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