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 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Stains & worn spots in carpet.
(A heart trampled, abused & neglected)
Torn wallpaper.
(She doesn’t feel as beautiful as she once did)
Chipping paint.
(With a little maintenance & love she would shine)
Mold from water damage
(Nights of tears & heartache stain her pretty face)
Leaky roof
(Her mind only dwells on the past not able to rise above & find something better)
Poor design
(Is it her fault – she was made this way by God – to give her whole heart & soul.  For what?)
Needs expansion to fit more people
(Her heart is cramped and closed – afraid to let anyone in.)
Chairs hard, uncomfortable.
(Unaccommodating, she turns people away so that they won’t hurt her too.)
Under construction, work in progress
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
How do I fix this?
The shattered remains of an imperfect relationship?
Tell me what tools to use,
I will work for hours,
Rebuild those walls that enclosed us,
My hands will bleed,
My body will sweat,
But it will be worth it in the end,
Because I will have you again.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Loneliness is craving love from a person you know isn't right for you because nobody else is around.
It's wondering what it feels like to feel at home and secure in someone else's arms, and if that feeling can truly really exists forever.  
It's choosing men with darkened lives because their dependency brings you a selfish feeling of permanence and safety.
It's a gut wrenching and sick feeling seeping into your bones when you are held with pure and genuine tenderness because you can taste the closeness of your expiration more than sweetness in the moment.  
It's keeping the weak and fearful girl locked and imprisoned within the core of your heart, thinking that it is the only way to exude perfection, while only further losing yourself in the process.
It's missing out on yet another chance of revealing your wounds, and letting someone truly sit beside you and accept you, because you took too long, and no one waits forever.
It's allowing for others to take advantage and treat you poorly, because your self worth runs shallow.
It's asking suitor after suitor what trait it is within you that they find most endearing, and the response is always superficial, making you disappointingly wonder why no one can see what is in your heart and mind
It's dwindling further and further away from God unintentionally and missing the serenity and peace He once brought to your soul.
It's gazing into the eyes of your unborn child and wondering what that moment of motherhood will feel like -when you're looked at innocently for protection and unconditional endless love
It's realizing that whoever my life long companion will be, will not be the one who is responsible for filling these gaps
It's wondering how I am going to win this battle against myself in a cold and lonely world to feel like a stronger and confident women deserving of the beauty and sweetness life has to offer.
I keep finding cracks
In the foundation of our home,
But you bring out tools
So we can fix it right back up.

And that makes all the difference.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Winter Silk
This box.
I’ve wrapped myself in the darkness inside it,
I’ve run my fingers upon its walls
Feeling the coldness of stone left untouched by the sun.

This box.
There was a time when it was just a place for
Storing my heartaches and
Containing my sorrows
But one day I poured too much, and I myself
Tipsy, teetering, tumbled.
I fell in.
And I have not escaped since.

This box.
Every day, I tell myself
“You’ll get out.”
“You’ll find a way.”
“You can do it.”
But my hands slip from the rims and edges
And my feet falter and fumble
And I spend one more day, one more eternity,
In this box.

This box.
I heard someone call through the walls of wailing and layers of lies
That He’s coming to save me,
That I will soon bask in the light,
Be free once more.

But, this box…
I had grown to like it.
Somewhere between the lines of fear and pain
I had lost my love for what’s righteous.
Like a child walking to close to the train tracks
I was too self-absorbed to know what was good for me.

This box.
I let my screams run out,
And as they echoed in the cube
I drowned out His promises
And all fell silent.

This box.
A figure appears at the hole at its top
He says
“I won’t give up on you,
Even if you’ve given up on me.”
A ladder falls towards me,
And He descends to rescue me.

He picks me out of the murky waters.
“Stop!” I scream

He carries me toward the light.
“You’ll die if you save me!” I cry.

His foot ****** itself on a pain,
His hands fill with welts from a worry,
“Let me be who I’m used to being!” I howl.

We reach the surface, and my eyes open for the first time.
I stare at my savior.
“Thank you. But… you could’ve died, for me.”
He smiles, then extends his arms to show the scars of the Cross.
“Who says I haven’t?”

This box.
I am a slave to my own pains no more.
I now live in God’s holy light.
A friend of mine made a religious poem that I really liked.
It's a spoken word poem.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Rylie Rose
It covers me like vines.
Dark, crawling vines,
That corrupt even your most innocent parts.
It will bring me to my knees,
And make me question.
Nothing is safe,
No thought,
No emotion,
No love.
With fear inside,
It all burns and turns black then,
Blows away like ashes.
A wind that will never return.

With fear, I am in solitude.
Vines digging deeper,
Slithering into my mind,
Finding my deepest darkest secrets.
It brings everything to the surface,
‘You are weak, you are nothing, you are failure.’
And I can’t deny it.
I hope this fear won’t dig into my heart,
With you gone,
Fear will consume.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
what is worse
After all
Me writing lies
On your wall
Or the secrets
Oh the ones you keep
Hidden but found
When talking in your sleep

Trying to keep
the pain from the door
Leaves me numb,
Leaves me sore
Drenched in silence
from the deepest ocean
i'm tired from tracking
your every motion
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Tessa Marie
You take your secrets,
Fold them up and place them
Deep inside my stomach.
When you close me up,
I feel them bashing against
My inside walls.
They want to be read.
You tell me they're nothing
And your secrets don't like that
One bit.
They want to be known
So badly that they are beating me
I hear them whisper,
I feel them poisoning my blood.
You don't even notice
When they stop my heart.
Your secrets want to feast upon
My organs and use my mind
As a napkin.
They want to shield me from your touch
And hide all of the sunshine.
Because the way they see it,
If they can't have you
Nobody can.
You have locked them away
But they have just found a key
And that key is a knife to my gut.
They yell now,
They scream and shout.
I can't hear anything else.
I hate you for choosing me
To hide them within,
You should have at least let them
Be read.
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