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Ink crawling on aged paper
With tales and stories able to
Take you away from this
Problematic world.

Under your fingerprint lies the
Feel of countless emotions and ideas
Blessed by imagination.

Sweet aroma fills your lungs with a
Breath of crisp pages and
Sacred smoke from an eternal flame of inspiration.

Stains from shed tears caused by
Moments of bittersweet.

United as one with the names
Printed on a page.

Are their emotions mine too?
For they have become a
Key to a door of escape -

Escape from reality.
 Apr 2017 Lady Misfortune
Online talking is all games
Till you start texting wanting a deeper
Relationship but they don't
the closer you get the farther they push you away
The more you want to know
The more they close up
The more you talk
the more they stop texting you
The more you find out about them
The odds and
ends about them
Weird stuff that
makes you
Out loud but cover
your mouth since everyone
looks at you
The small quirks and jokes
The sly comments and serious comments
The truth and lies
This decliate web built upon trust,love and weaved with
enjoy :-)
 Apr 2017 Lady Misfortune
 Apr 2017 Lady Misfortune
i would describe my dream to the moon but all it would hear is a description of you
the universe is swaying
like an  o c e a n   o f   s t a r s
and with a drop, sends
Shining light falling. .

A daytime shooting star
Has sprouted in me.
Inspired by a manga I read;"Hirunaka No Ryuusei". .
. . the world has oceans of people, and u only need one shining light.
Digging myself out the holes in my head cause I keep tripping on myself like "this sh** is deep". How can I keep this going if I'm already gone and fallen into pieces of me?
sorrow becomes of me
as i go on and pretend it don't hurt
i am reminded of the life
i failed to create
diminishing a woman's worth
who determines
what a mother should be?
it's been determined somehow
that it won't be me
and so my tears and blood
become one with the life
that should have been
as i fumble with the pieces
of my broken heart
in attempt to rebuild it again
(C) Maxwell 2017
 Apr 2017 Lady Misfortune

Her hands gripped the sink
As her eyes slowly blinked
The tears fell down the drain
No wonder she didn't feel sane

Her heart thumped against her chest
And she couldn't catch her breath

She whispered
As she was brought to her knees

Her prayers were never answered
Her cries were never heard

The words fell from her lips
Like bread crumbs to birds

One day
I'll be able to soar
One day
Her dry lips parted
Cracked to the core

I'll understand this world
This world will understand me
And maybe we will be able
To live together
In total harmony

Her eyes closed softly
Fluttering shut for good
And no one really cared

Did you really think
They would
My eyes shine,
The stars bright

The sky beautifully dark
I shrink my eyes and I see a spark

I feel alive

My love for you wont shrink I'll wrap my tail around you
like a comet. Every time I get closer my love will reform.

You came crashing to earth like like a comet. You're fading away, the skyline is above us sadly there's no stars to shine.

Evelin Geronimo
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