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a southerly breeze
danced around the elm trees
teasing their leaves
Woe is me!
Oh! Woe is me!

No longer can I create art
No longer can I pen stanza's
No longer can I rhyme couplets
No longer can I compose beauty

Because they won't let me
They won't let me

Not until
I get
Poetic Licence

© Pagan Paul (01/09/16)
another oldy :) or maybe oddity :)
The process of
                                                     forgetting you
makes it more obvious fact
that I will keep
                                                         remembering you
while trying hard to forget
                                                          you & me!
After months of all these,
I arrive at a
                                          conclusion -
that I cannot forget you ever.
You inspire
                                           my universe.
And no matter how much it hurts
I cannot let go of
                                                your memories
which inspires &
rekindles me everyday
to be a
                                 part of you.
With tears in my eyes
but smile in my lips
I am
                                        more wise now.

Unconditional love of inspiration.
A ode to my beloved former lover.
due to a lack of talent
in the writing sphere
a plagiarist will see fit
to pinch other poet's gear

brilliance not present
on the nib of the pen
hence a copyist will purloin
every now and then

a rich source of poetry
is tapped into online
as if robbing the golden nuggets
from a Colorado mine

their coda reads like
this let's nick a stanza
stowing the best *****
for a thieving bonanza

without any conscience
the reproducer does steal
making much of other's works
which are so ideal
A king fisher
swooped down
over the silent lake
A flash
of amber and blue
Bobbed up
with a sloshing silver fish
from its beak
like an ornate pendant
Something that surprised me and a sight that I really enjoyed!
Love is like marrow to bone,
It stays attached whilst living,
But as love dies and weakens,
Decay breaks the bond.
First attempt at Dodoitsu, enjoy :)
I said: “I love you."
Will you please be my echo?
And say “I love you.”
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