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 May 2015 Kyle Howard
AK Bright
Time may heal all wounds
but it also creates them
 May 2015 Kyle Howard
 May 2015 Kyle Howard

you are
|the lone guardian•|
||        ­                   ||
||           ><           ||
||                           ||

standing regal over-
looking the ocean •
as your light spears
far over the echoing
ripples•i must have
misread your beckon
-ing signals•they had
warned me of impen-
ding doom •  should i
come too near to where
deadly rocks loom• but
strangely enough, i find
myself drawn   so much
closer• like a siren's call
that  could not  sing any
sweeter•now it's too late
to even look back  •   i am
now before you under skies
of black•torn asunder by the
ravenous rocks hidden below
• still I'm mesmerised by your
enchanting glow  • waters here
have been the      grave of many
hulls and bows • but...these last
few moments it's just me and you
••••as my love, my beacon,••••
••••••••my lighthouse••••••••
 May 2015 Kyle Howard
S R Mats
 May 2015 Kyle Howard
S R Mats
What doesn't **** you doesn't **** you.
It does not necessarily make you stronger.
Does a crack in the wall make it stronger?

The bone heals the fracture.  Stronger -
The pipefitter welds the pipe.  Stronger -
Only work on "the broken" can make it stronger.

Become stronger -
 May 2015 Kyle Howard
S R Mats
Antiquity was waiting to breathe
And awaiting the moisture of lungs.

A hole, eyeball wide, offered just a peek;
Along with an ancient mote,
Which flew from eternity into sight.
Remarkable things were seen!

In the heat the buzz was slight.  
As was the bite.  But, ultimately,
The fevers started burning in the night
(For after all, the cobra had eaten the yellow canary).

How your coverings and remains sparkled like the sun!
Thousands of years of hiding suddenly undone.  

But, we all rot together, eventually eaten.
I want to bathe him in sunlight
or moonlight
whichever he prefers
as long as it's light.

I want to speak words
that'll stitch up the heart
and bandage his wounds

I want to wash away
his sins
and let him start again

I want him to wake
eager to start the day

I want him to have no doubt
no fear
no worries

I want to make him happy,
more than just okay
I want every day
to be worth his while,
even if those days
do not involve me.

I wish I could say words
that would make him better,
but I don't even know how to make myself better,
I don't know what to say
I don't know what to do,
but I know I must try.
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