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 Aug 2014 Kuzhur Wilson
Its my companion
Feelings are unnecessary

So why would I give you leverage
I can break my own heart
I'm actually quite good at it

I've done it for years
So I can recover from myself

I've never had someone else break it
I never let people
I run them off before that's an option

I have a two month max
and I like being numb after
My face
I cant feel it smile
and I cant force tears

Liquor was my saving grace
but you
You have ruined it all

I want to run
but im so numb with feeling
I cant move my feet
I try to break my heart daily
because of you

I cant bring myself
out of the rut you've put me in
I smile whenever you are around
but hurt with miles between
I cant stand it

But I think I adore you
I want you to give me a reason to run
but you don't
you wont let me break my heart
I should have ran as soon as I saw you
but I want to feel something

and now I do
its so foreign
a numbing tingle
you have awoken my heart
and it yearns daily

I'm so used to not feeling
you make me feel and I cant handle it
I want you to make me numb
but yet I want you to stay
because I feel...
I don't want to go back
to being numb,
to heartbreak that doesn't hurt
I want you
you make my bones ache
you make my heart burn

so don't leave
you would break me
tumbler girls
The picture of mediocrity is not me and you
We thrive in our honours and shake hands too often
The places the others hide to escape, making something good happen, while they resonate with dull reverberation, like the past in accord with dust and lampshade
Tomorrow's price lunges in acrobatic ways to upset the utopia I've begun

I am skilled in the art of the bitter self-slur.
Coward, selfish, ugly, weak,
For now, these are my truths.
I blend them, drink them in,
They make me thin.
I am myself. These are my choices,
I direct rage inwards, flee non-sanctuary,
Take refuge in the trees, and there, a black-eyed dog
bares his teeth and threatens, but I let him,
I pet him. His tongue is rough, and grazes me,
I laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
 Aug 2014 Kuzhur Wilson
Isn't spell check great?
I drink like a great writer.

Don't misquote me now dear.

You're great. You're great. You're great.

Now someone come flirt with me.
 Aug 2014 Kuzhur Wilson
I'm not internally screaming or anything,
If you were going to ask.
Just wandering around the void.
It's not a big adventure.

"Who's using who?
What should we do?
Well you can't be a ****
And a ******* too."
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