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  Jan 2018 Kristen Valentine
Tears brimming in my eyes
Like a volcano ready to explode.
Instead I keep it within myself,
Shredding my insides
And melting my skin.
A cry for you is swallowed,
Escaping for a moment
Only to be clapped over,
Sobbing into these hands.
The air in my lungs fill with smoke,
I shake as I am ready to erupt.
"Explode explode explode."
Instead I sit back and watch
Myself from third person perspective.
The screams of pain
Filling up this brain
Like a volcano ready to explode.
  Jan 2018 Kristen Valentine
ok. my mind is implemented with scars. how I've been done wrong. I was kicked, beaten, torn apart. stuck myself in a black hole. to be undiscovered because love hurts, it hurts.

thoughts on my brain
viruses making me go insane
help. its seeping out my veins
oozing from the beneath the surface
its not worth it
let me go, with my mouth filled with foam
life's on the line
running out of time
getting left behind
nothing you can do I promise im fine
I'll be alright
don't you come back tonight

I'm on fire
body's burning
hearts scorched and burned
from the point of no return
of all the things I've learned

& I pray to God
I know you're listening
so hear me
from the clouds
fighting all my demons
begging to be free of them
of him
seeping back into my skin

scars, make me who I am
till the very end
maybe one day, no more hurting
I'll crawl out of this black hole
escaping this darkness.
day three of 365
There are some things you will never know
Unless some things you learn to let go

And some things that you'll never find
Unless you take the chance of life

How will you know if you can swim
If you never try and dive right in

Or find you're not afraid of heights
If the mountain you never climb

How will you ever learn to fly
If you never reach out for the sky

And how will you ever know of love
If you first don't give some things up

How will you ever know this life
If you don't give it a try

And how will you know the pleasure of it
If before you start you've already quit
My forever became my unforgettable

The impossible became the  supernatural

With you....

I built up a temple you worshiped every night

That gave. You a taste of what heaven was like

You started to question your beliefs

Faith lost things you used to believe  

My temple cane crashing down when you refused to come and worship

You never came back, just left of message of the new beliefs you’re setting out to explore

Hopefully, your next temple can secure your faith more then mine has
Wilted flower, why don't you bloom?

I've given you the sun, earth, and moon
so that you may see brighter days ahead
but you turn your back to wilt instead

Wilted flower, why don't you eat?

I've plated you above heavenly waters from the ground to drink
You block your roots to starve to death
Fighting back with all the strength you have left

wilted flower, why do you do what you do?

I've raised you up and believed in you
You wilt with sorry, leaves drooping low
Responding softly "I just want to let go"

— The End —