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 Jun 2015 Kodis
Charlie's Web
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Charlie's Web
come here, lie down with me,
come cuddle with curdling casualties
that don't tell you it's alright.

I'll feast off the feeble fallacies that haunt you in the
knight in shining armor that never comes

Unless you lie right here
next to me.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Barton D Smock
god gets ******-up about which hair to harm on your head.  in some, this goes on for years.  I have a lucky razor, a father who’s blind in one hand, and a suicidal thought that scares me to death in front of cops.  my last meal came to me on a toothbrush.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
 Jun 2015 Kodis
when you don't need anyone's approval
to be happy
Palindrome poem.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Amanda Stoddard
I'm not opposed to my introspective nature
that most cling on to with broken fingers
and ever trembling lips.
I am forever embracing my most outer self
in more ways than just one.
The sun never really rises and falls,
the earth where you're standing just changes locations
and I am located just above the brink of insanity
waiting until the world turns just enough for me to fall again-
but as the fleeting world speaks to me with tone deaf hears
all I can seem to dissect from the conversation is
that forever means nothing in a world where
tomorrow could never come again-
I could never come again
but I will not take that liberty from myself
I will not sacrifice my freedom of expression
for a small sense of morality
I'm not sure exists in the eyes of those around me anymore.
The one being of my own being means more to me
than being something I'm not
so the facade I play day by day
seems to break away at the edges
like a clay molding of who I once was
and I will make a stone masterpiece
with just my broken fingertips.
Spongebob ain't got **** on me
because these hands can carve memories
into the retinas of another human being
and make this life a masterpiece.
Don't ******* try me
because I will swallow you whole
and spit you back out faster than you can tell me otherwise.
I have self-inflicted my own pain too long
to not come back strong like stone.
Like dark canvas silhouettes syruping over sunrise
when sibilance meets promiscuous  
that's where you will find my sunday best.
My meeting with the God that may or may not exist
the self-loathing meets with the self-fulfilling prophecy
and I am the head of the dinner table.
So dig in-
feast your eyes upon the glory that can be.
Feast your eyes upon defeat below your common nature.
Remember morality is a game that only you like to play
just to show others you can win-
but what good is winning if you don't know loss?
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Unlucky 13w
 Jun 2015 Kodis
You still make me lose my breath
but for all the wrong reasons
To the fantasy
I offered my heart
so that she might take me
where the mind
couldn't see,
beyond the swamps of man
and the boundaries of time.
To her
I entrusted my steps
among the bushes of thorns
and the roads of lava
that wound my feet.
So sad, Fantasy,
needing you
only to dream.
On fantasy
the child lives
on fantasy
the man dies.

The original poem ("Alla fantasia") is in Italian.
There is no good translation for a poem.
I apologize for mine. Corrections are welcome.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Angie S
At 2 am broken thoughts
Seeped out of my skin and soaked the bedsheets
At 1 am writing diary entries
Because happy things happened and
Forgetting sadness requires remembering happiness
At 12 am on the computer
Wasting away life for a lack of motivation,
Becoming motivated,
And then self loathing for wasting life
At 11 pm drawing a picture
(Because someone else wanted it)

The things i really want
They are scattered in between the carpet
And peel and tear at my feet when i walk across it
At 2 am im a broken thought
Its 2 am and i feel really ****** (again)
but i found myself writing again so thats a start
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