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 Sep 2018 Kendra Feener
You were a handful of cherries,
A summertime kiss,
A savored mouthful
Some bitter, some sweet.
The colors shift from deep to bright
Unpredictable. Temporary. Ever-changing.
A stem to be tied
A tantalizing tongue-twister
A point proven and forgotten.
Fun for a moment,
And then a moment passed.
And yet every cherry has a pit
And, sooner or later,
each handful ends.
those days that you're stuck in your skull
thoughts so full
horns of a bull
skin peeling and I still can't get that feeling
that high isn't worth everything it seems
a couple years have passed
still haven't been filled up
why would I want to be
and hey
everyone who goes downtown gets lost anyway
if I feel like my heart is bleeding
doesn't that make the alcohol sting me more
what a ****** cold press on every **** emotional sore
good rhyme, girl
you've got flow now
can't stop ******* picking
peeling and screaming
but i've got a smile on my face and you think i'm fine
i've got a smile on my face and i'm drowning in this **** wine
more whine
angry and divine
****** and bored
what am i talking about to you and you and you
and him
what about him
leave him out of this
keep him in on this
i'm stuck cracking knuckles
addicted to making my knees buckle
gimme that fear and loathing
i'm drowning in it
i'm drowning in it
 Apr 2016 Kendra Feener
If I'm never king of anything.
If I fail to save the world.
If I never meet the one.
I'll still be a success if I manage to leave with no regrets.

I know I'll never stop trying to be better than I was yesterday.
Sometimes though all I want to do is nothing.
I don't know if that is wrong or not.
Sometimes I feel too much.
Sometimes nothing at all.
I'll keep trying though.
Because if I can't help me.
Maybe I can help someone else.
And I like to think that some days that's all I'll need.
Words and such
 Jan 2016 Kendra Feener
Females and males are one in the world,
although that is not the belief that has been furled.
We are told that one gender is better than the other,
it seems it's just one stereotype; one after another.

Equality can become realised if only we believe
and take the initiative to take action and achieve.
Why shouldn't men and women be treated the same?
To have equal rights and equal pay, that should really be our aim.

Men, gender inequality is your issue too,
although you may not agree, I'm afraid it is true.
You should have the right to express your emotions and be what you please,
You should not be pulled back by stigma, but instead be who you are at ease.

Instead of fighting, we should be pulling together,
and make this journey a joint endeavor.
We are of equal value if only we open our eyes,
at the heart of change is where we become most wise.

Now or never? If not us then who?
the interest in this movement must come through.
Equality is not a privilege but a human right,
all genders on the spectrum should be able to shine bright.
 Jan 2016 Kendra Feener
If i could, i would,
Disassemble your malfunctioning thought processes
And rewire them back together again,
With a spanner, in the manner,
That meant you were not
Classed as insane.
I'd unfold and rearrange,
The chemical imbalances
Within your brain
So that the years of disdain,
And self blame,
Where a thing of the past,
I'd put you back together,
In a way, that showed you,
You were meant to last.
And excerpt of one of my poems, for all those who are suffering or who know someone that is suffering. There is always hope.
I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
It is what it is,
And it was what it was,
But I guess we can keep pretending.  

We'll keep living our lives,
We'll keep locking our eyes,
Too different and yet the same.
The reality's clear,
There's nothing happening here,
So why am I still wearing these chains?

I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
I won't rock the boat,
I'll try to let go of hope,
I'll find some water to make this flame dim.

I was hoping you'd always be mine,
But on second thought, nevermind.
I was hoping it would be you and I,
But on second thought, nevermind.

I was hoping
To get a few words in
But it's okay, I'll keep them.
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