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 Jun 2016 Kida Price
Inhale, exhale,
I shift slightly,
Slowly slide the lubricated bolt forward,
A single round is locked into the chamber.
I close my eyes for a moment.
Inhale, exhale.
Open them.
Rest my cheek on cold metal.
Peer through a window that shows a man hunched 150 yards away.
Inhale, exhale.
Gently run my finger along the curvature of the trigger.
Inhale, exhale.
Lub dub.
One life taken could mean a hundred lives saved.
No regrets.
 Jun 2016 Kida Price
James Shay
I want my last words to be meaningful... Then again, everybody does. The sad truth is, no words come close to meaning. The fact that we have to take seperate words and put them together like a puzzle for someone to even understand it, which sometimes they don't, amazes me. I'm sure a time will come where a thousand pictures is worth a word, and not vice versa... Then maybe absence will be meaningful. Until then, I have no last words. None would properly fit the missing piece to the puzzle.

549 days ago, I tried to commit suicide. I tried to end my life, and my only friends at the time were on the internet. I was clinically depressed, with crippling social anxiety, and wanted to end my life. I swallowed a half empty bottle of Aderall, containing 20 pills, and was rushed to the hospital when my parents came home and found the pill bottle across the room, no pills inside them, and they pumped fluid into me to save my life. I remember the humiliation of waiting in the waiting room, blood dripping down my entire arm, while my mom argued with the nurse about how "Her son is going to die" and "Get him in a room now".. I remember coming back home for the first time since this incident 2 weeks ago, and I couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell any of them I was still alive. I read all their beautiful comments, and I didn't have the heart to tell them they grieved for nothing. This post contains the last words I said, the words that were going to be MY last words. But I didn't die. So I still have a blank page left to write those words in.

The Response Comments:

"**** it, I love you don't. If you went through with it may your soul rest in peace."
"I'm literally in tears right now..."
"Rest in peace, there may not be a god, but there is an afterlife.. i'll see you when i get there."
"It is best to tell everyone of you now that he has...Passed, we all loved him, and knew him well but...He is gone as he stated...May he rest in peace..."
"Ok I need some of your make believe fantasy right now."
"Sorry I couldn't help."
We rush things up skipping the foreplay
I obey all your commands, as you are the only one with words to say
Your legs arched up, move in a dramatic sway
You tell me to keep hitting it, because you like it this way

Telling me you are ready
I slide into you, making love to you steady
The beating on the zinc roof indicates the rain is quite heavy
And you whisper slowly into my ears, ‘that’s it baby’

The cold from the weather could not overcome the heat
From the *** we had, after moving to the dining seat
I should ask for your name, in case of the next time we meet
This shouldn't be a fling, rather it should be kept on repeat.
Bleed, make it hurt,
Deep, make it spurt,
Make me love, make me stay,
Make me hate, make me stray,
Make me whatever you want

Tell me what it is, I know, nothing,
But I really know, something,
I see it, and so does everyone,
Either that or we are all far gone,
Make me know what you want

Is there something more, or am I blind?
Because it is starting to seem every time,
I leave, I pick up on the signs, left behind,
I leave my thoughts in these rhyme,
*Make it all clear
They're like people too, so many surprises,
Shells scattered, of all shapes and sizes,
Everyone has a favorite, one they adore,
And when they find it, can't ask for more,

It's how I feel about you, my favorite shell,
If I ever lost you, I'd hate my every last cell,
So many grooves, such gorgeous colors,
I would never give you up, for any of the others.
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