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7.9k · Aug 2014
karins simanis Aug 2014
(Beats of our breath,takes our hearts to do it )

Sounds surrenders our community
Melody beats our voice
Movement is faster then sound

World is spinning like a coin
Truth or Dare
Imagination or Reality

Voice is our biggest weapon
Sometimes words hurt badder then actions
I am voice of voiceless,We are voice of voiceless
3.6k · Jul 2014
karins simanis Jul 2014

Sound of imagination
Beats of heart
Makes us understand
That the end will be near

Heartbeats of power
Melody of sound
That we will start the riot

Waves of Sound
Echo of  Voices
Change our lives

2.4k · Aug 2014
karins simanis Aug 2014

When I open my eyes
For last time, all my life
Flashes trough me

I saw my first day
In this amazing world
With billions of strangers

When I was 5 year's old
I saw a girl with attractive smile
we became best friends for life

Lifeline its just a memory
Of my life, what I was given
To show everybody else

It was just school
When I had my first prom
And I asked her out

Since then we felt in love
We just got married

Lifeline its just a memory
Of my life, what I was given
To show everybody else

But there was point
That I have just take
What I had to knew

She had a cancer of pain
I had cancer of depresion
Until I was given a chance

Lifeline its just a memory
Of my life, what I was given
To show everybody else

I saw bullets and pain of blood
Death bodies around me,
When I steped one step and......
1.9k · Jun 2014
Make peace not war
karins simanis Jun 2014
Blood anywhere where I look
Nobody alive, living a normal life
I can't see nobody here
I am walking trough
Where I used to live my life
But look now, where we are now
I see bullets going back and front
I hear the screams and shouts
I can''t take this anymore
Song is about war, doesn't matter the Ukraine or even friends or even in family.I just can't take it anymore of this war,can't we just stop this stupid war between us and our love ones.
1.6k · Jan 2014
Once I was dreamer
karins simanis Jan 2014
Once I was a dreamer

When I close my eyes
I see all the different realities

I see the impossible become possible

Once I was a dreamer
I dreamed to be a popstar

When I open my eyes
I see the people who surround me

What I hated to do
And my life is so sick

Once was a dreamer
I dreamed I was a king

Well I'm gonna tell you
Something, I was a dreamer
I can make it happen

No more dreaming
And just stop it

Once I was a dreamer
And I dreamed I was successful
*Little bit help from Gabrielle Ayoub*

This poem about our dreams and our imagination. The insparation was when I saw movie called "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" . I recommend to see the movie , And maybe give you inspirational mood to write poem about our dreams.
1.3k · Jan 2014
My Russian Princess
karins simanis Jan 2014
Russian Princess

She is so wonderful
That I am falling in love with her

Her smile makes me
Blush all the time

When I see her
Makes my heart to rush

Oh my princess
You are my Russian Princess

You are so amazing
That your looks

Make me to
Fall in love

With you !
My Russian Princess
In February 17th 2014 it will be 1 year anniversary of friendship between Me and my Russian best friend Kristinka .So these are my   feelings to her.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Moon Travellers
karins simanis Jul 2014
Moon Travellers

Skies turns dark
The stars becomes shiny
Animals waking up

Night light is turning up
Calling kids to come home
People going to beds

I just wanna explore
Something wonderful out there
Can I be a moon traveller

Beats my mind
Destroying my heart
Of this vacation to moon

I just wanna explore
Something wonderful out there
Can I be a moon traveller
karins simanis Apr 2016
Who I am ? (King of a Dream)

Once upon a time
there was shy boy
Who was called in names
and bullied by my body image
But all turn upside down
till puberty and after puberty
I changed my life into a men

I fall thousand times
But I stand up and walk
a road of dreams and life
and made a millions smiles
of a people who I crossed in past
But life isn't perfect like seems
Its like mountains of life

This a story a lonely shy boy
Who had dreams by his side
and never lost them and
Ran all his way to achieve them
(King of a Dream)

Once upon a time
There was a boy
who had everything he had
And had a perfect body
But suddenly all changed
And he was bullied and
depressed and drowned in tears

He went thousand miles
But didn't fall  and continued
He didn't have dreams and didn't
Know his future and everybody
hated him but his life was miserable
And putted on a line of death

This a story a lonely boy
Who hadn't dreams or future
and never had them
Ran all his way  

Once upon time
there was a love
and dreams and life
but he ran all his way
To be a king of a dream
784 · Jan 2014
My Sad Valentine
karins simanis Jan 2014
My sad Valentine

Oh my angel
Where are you ?

I am tired
Of waiting for you

Oh my princess
Where are you ?

I am tired
Of trying ask every girl out

Oh my love
Where are you ?

I am tired
Of lying in cold bed alone

No one wana be my valentine
my heart hurts and is broken into pieces

My sad Valentine
This very sad poem ,these are my feelings for upcoming holiday .the lover's day but not for me
731 · Jun 2014
My Beautiful Star
karins simanis Jun 2014
Good Morning my star
How are you my star ?
Do you wanna how you look today ?

Well your smile
Is something special
That always gonna steal the show

Ohh look to your eyes
Your eyes are so beautiful
Beautiful as blue diamonds (like your daddy wears)

You grabbed my big finger
With your own power of strength
That such a beautiful look

You look so beautiful
That you always gonna
Steal the show,my beautiful star
709 · Aug 2014
We are One ( Stay United)
karins simanis Aug 2014
We are One (Stay United)

Melody of Change
Are screaming for help
Telling us for change

Cries for god's help
Screams for stop for violence
Asking for help to god

We are united, stay united
Put the shield to a violance and blood
Destroy the enemies,make peace not a war

Wars and hate is front
To our eyes, blood anywhere
I hate,we hate to see blood

We are united, stay united
Put the shield to a violance and blood
Destroy the enemies,make peace not a war

Death bodies,riots,blood
War and hate,destruction of our family
We are brothers and sisters not enemies

We are united, stay united
Put the shield to a violance and blood
Destroy the enemies,make peace not a war
667 · Mar 2015
Moon Travelers
karins simanis Mar 2015
Moon Travelers

Skies turns dark
The stars becomes shiny
Nocturnal animals awaking

Night light is turning up
Calling youth to come home
People rushing to comfort peace

I just wanna explore
Something phenomenal  out there
Can I be a moon traveler

Worn out my mind
Crushing  my heart
Of this vacation to moon

I just wanna explore
Something wonderful out there
Can I be a moon traveler

I want fallow the ***** road
of darkness  and feel the
softness of love;I'm dreaming

Can I fallow the stars
Can I reach for the moon
I feel the atmosphere rising
Feeling  like a  fallen angel

Beats my mind
Destroying my heart
Of this vacation to moon

I just wanna explore
Something wonderful out there
Can I be a moon traveller
666 · Jan 2014
Voice of Voiceless
karins simanis Jan 2014
Voice of Voiceless

We are people
With no voice
Our Voice is to small to hear
We can't do anything

I am human
With a Voice
My voice is too loud to hear
I can make a change

I am Voice of Voiceless
We can make a change
I am master of voice
We can make a history

Time is changing
I am human
I am Voice of voiceless
You can make a change
In this poem I made a special project . To go diffrent places where the homeless people and just have a chat . It was amazing experience .That project made me inspiration to write about them I would love to do something simmilar .
626 · Aug 2014
Sleeping Beauty
karins simanis Aug 2014
Oh my love,where you are ?
Why you can't see that I am in love ?
Are you really blind to see that ?

Well do I have power
To wake you up
From this confusing life

Oh baby, you are
Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty
Are you awake from this dream ?
Or stll living in Clouds ?
605 · Feb 2014
Criminal in Love City
karins simanis Feb 2014
Every night and daytime
No matter where I go

I see love relationships
Are born and continue to love

I try runaway from this mess
But I can't

I am in love  city
Which I hate the surroundings around me

Bang Bang
Kiss Kiss

I am like worthless citizen
In this love city

I fell like I am being criminal
In this love city
600 · Jan 2014
Women in my dreams
karins simanis Jan 2014
Girl in my dreams

There was dream
That was unpredictable

I saw a women
With powerfull attraction

Her blond hair
Was like gold colour

Prettier then gold
The colour that does not exists

When I went closer
I saw her pretty smile

Her pretty smile n
Was something wonderful

I saw her eyes
Her eyes were beautiful blue

Her eyes was like a diamonds
Like a beautiful blue diamonds

When I ask her
What her name was

She smiled happily
And answered by the phrase that I never heard

"Take my hand , take my smile,take me the place called present of love"

Still now I am finding that love
So I can find her .
This is a poem about the girl who I love the most but always afraid to talk with her or text her. But however I saw her in my dreams .
583 · Jan 2014
Dear Sunshine
karins simanis Jan 2014
Oh dear sunshine
Why you are so beautiful

When you appear
Trough my window

You make everything
brighter even them me

Oh dear sunshine
You make me blush

When you walk
In the room
Well this poem is all about similar connections between nature and girl or women when you fall in love .
571 · Aug 2014
Moon Travellers
karins simanis Aug 2014
Skies turns dark
The stars becomes shiny
Animals waking up

Night light is turning up
Calling kids to come home
People going to beds

I jusr wanna explore
Something wonderful out there
Can I be a moon traveller

Beats my mind
Destroying my heart
Of this vacation to moon

I just wanna explore
Something wonderful out there
Can I be a moon traveller
509 · Jul 2014
Kingdom of Heaven
karins simanis Jul 2014
Can I go up there
Please god help me
To get there, I wanna see

Full of seas of clouds
Full of  sand of winds
Full of oceans of Sun

Praise the lord
Of this goodness
What we are given

God give your
Warm welcome in your
Golden home, your garden

Oh god,your golden home
Its just a fantastic paradise
Kingdom of Heaven
I think this is one of favourite poems I ever written
502 · Feb 2014
Only Love
karins simanis Feb 2014
Only Love

Oh beauty queen
You are my only love

Your smile is
Like a white pearls

Your eyes are
Like a diamonds

Your beautiful face
Is softer like cotton

Your lips are
Like sweet like strawberry

Can I take your hands
And hold your softly them

Can I kiss your soft lips
With my soft lips

You have nice heart
Sweet soul

I will always
Forever I l love you

You are my only love
My only princess
My only girl
My only one
465 · Apr 2016
Rise like a Immortal
karins simanis Apr 2016
You begin with a life
from a land where nobody knows
You are only one in this land
Where you wanna change the revelation  

We cross millions of time
With a fate and you have a choice
Where to go and live a life
But sometimes you wanna lead your own life

You spread your wings
Open your heart and soul
Show who you are and become
Someone as a superhero

We live a life  With a full of lies
But you wanna clear those mistakes
And in a darkest hour of your life
We wanna tell a truth for once but can't

Rise like a Immortal
Become bigger with a weapon
Of a heart and  soul and become
Someone's a superhero and change
this mess and place by aiming a love

Every day we grow into highest points
Becoming from frightened child into
a standing tall of shield with mind and power
We become developed Phoenix
457 · Jan 2014
I need a help
karins simanis Jan 2014
I need a help
My dear friends

Everynight I lay
In bed crying

Everynight I wonder
Is there a angel

Who is gonna save me
From this pain,disease

Chorus x2
I need a help
My dear friends

Someone help me
Come into my life real soon

Everybody says
Thay my love

Will come soon
When ?

Oh angel
Where are you ?
The story beside this poem that I was very depressed and I was sad and lonely. No one wanted to date me, no one cared about me, no one loved  loved about me
430 · Jun 2014
Not a another sad poem
karins simanis Jun 2014
Not another  sad poem

Hey guys I fell lonely and sad

Just stop whinning dude
Are you dog who whines
Are just a piece of guy
Who just can't find a girl
Just a buy a *******
And just married her

***** No !!!!! *

I hate that sentence
That my parents told me
They said "If you are 18
Still no love of your life"

"We will buy you a *******
And married her "
Are you out of mind
To say that to your son

I am just *******
By that sentence that
Told me another day
And guess what

I am ******* boy
Who cant just ask
Out a girl because
I am suicide freak
Well where all begin . First I am just a f*** lonely boy who haven't been on proper first date, first teen party, haven't got a first kiss yet . Second is that parents told me "When I will be 18 and still haven't got my first girlfriend and they will buy me ******* and date her " Well by that sentence I got ******* .
428 · Apr 2016
Life is gift
karins simanis Apr 2016
We all had a fantasies
That we made when we were
In youth aged, we all dreamed
Dreams of becoming or making

We all make mistakes
But we fall off from dreams
But we have to stand up and
Try again;1,000 falls and one lucky one

Close your eyes,open wings
And fallow your dreams till death
Without any brainwashes from others
Don't be someones slave

We all have given a gift
To be someone in life but
We all have all heard that
people won't be themselfes

Life is like game,carousel
We all been there where we were
Take a million choices and choose
Correct one and live that life

Close your eyes,open wings
And make your own road of life
Because you won't be yourself
and You will be someones slave

Be yourself
Be a king and queen
Of your life
389 · Jun 2014
I am falling in love
karins simanis Jun 2014
Falling in Love

Hello world
Can I tell you something
Something amazing ?

Hey Earth Again,
Wanna see,  what I got
Inside my heart ?

Hello world, I am in love
I am in love, l-o-v-e
I am falling in love
I am f-a-l-l-i-n-g in love

She made my heart beating faster
And made me to fall in love once again
Once again , I am in love, love , love
378 · Jan 2016
Fallen Stars
karins simanis Jan 2016
Falling Stars
-----Instrumental------- (27 seconds)
There are billion of stars
That shines amazing beautiful
But there is one star that shines
Like no one,more than everyone

That star is somewhere in this
Wonderful; ocean full of the creatures
Living and sleeping in this place of love
You are that star,creature
that made me to create this
wonderful atmosphere
----Instrumental---- (30)
There are million of love stories
out there that made people to re-tell
these phenomenal memories

But sometimes there are mistakes
made and the love and hate is like
living in hell with a demons and Satan
You are that star,creature
that made me to create this
wonderful love,love love
----Instrumental---- (24)
We are stars that made our
beauty and emotions to make
a people to fall in love
You are that star,creature
that made me to create this
wonderful love,love love

You are that star,creature
That made me to fall in love
With you
368 · Apr 2014
Who I am ?
karins simanis Apr 2014
Who I am ?
Do I am a boy without normal teen life,
Do I am boy without love from anthers
Do I am stupid idiotic fat failure ?
Who you are ?
Are you person,who want to be successful
friend who want care about ?
Some people doesn't even care about me
Sometimes I even wanna **** myself
Because nobody loves me in this world
357 · Feb 2014
Fallen Angel
karins simanis Feb 2014
When I ruined away
From the negative moments each day

I see angels falling
Like myself

I opened my heart
And I was flying in heaven

Like wildest animals
Running across the desert

When I closed my heart
My beat of love
Was just few steps
Away from my first kiss
352 · Jun 2014
Untoled Love
karins simanis Jun 2014
Once I felt in love
That I felt happy
With this amazing princess
When I lost her
By the distance we lived
I have still have that felling
She was mine
Until I opened my heart
Into the emotional story
Of Untolded story
Now when I stand
Near the river and standing
My heart screams and cries
Out the pain of love what I felt
She was mine
Before I lost her
By the distance we lived
But I have to tell something
This poem/song is nearly 7 month anniversary of break up of my best love, Caitlin G. I still love her and she still lives in my dreams,my heart and my memory.
330 · May 2016
karins simanis May 2016
Billions of stars has been born
It's amazing how a life is made
It's a mystery of a magic trick
We live,we breath,we sleep
In the shelter of different races
It's a magical how we are all alive
Each of us has something
We hold tight that star
Which represents our existence
Sea is full of Stars
But you sine the brightest
Fall in love till you find your star
They all have billions
Theories why love is needed
They all try to find true definition
It is something between us
Are we same or a different
That we ran into a love
Are we human or a alien
There are billions of questions not answered: Are we came here to answer
Sea is full of Stars
But you sine the brightest
Fall in love till you find your star
We are stars
Who we are all in love
With someone special
Sea is full of Stars
But you sine the brightest
Don't loose a hope
Fall in love till you find your star
306 · Jun 2014
House of Love
karins simanis Jun 2014
House of Love

No pressure of hate
No hate or heat going on
This place where I stand

It has atmosphere is  amazing
No words can't describe
How much means this to me

Only one can't live like this
Standing here at this home
Home of Loving emotions
There is place that you dont wanna leave.  You wanna just stay there and you call that place as home
293 · May 2014
Box of Love Heart
karins simanis May 2014
Box of Love Heart

When I close my eyes
I see man in unwashed clothes
And with unpleasant smell

Holding a mystical item
In his hand and comes out
With bright colors

I went closer to him
And asked what a item was
And he answered depressed

Take this,magical item
Hold it until you find a real one
And use it to special one

When he finished his statement
He closed his eyes and he dropped
Like broken glass and his item

I took his item
And I saw a heart
Of full of love and kindness
Story behind this poem : Everyone had or will have that special one who can't live longer because of sickness and that person is all your life. That person gave you best moments in your life and now they have hard time and you give your all hope to get better.
255 · Jun 2014
karins simanis Jun 2014

Million of poems
Are written in this world
Like a stars are shinning

The poet writes the notes
And takes all the  pain
To speak all out

There are poems
That speak our stories
But this one goes my story

My heart does have a pain
A very massive deep pain
Inside this small machine
This poem gives a definition of poem what also means to me

— The End —