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 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
I wanted today to dissappear in flames of my cigarette,
Didn't you notice it whenever I felt sad in my veins.
Longing has already captured my dreams about to happen,
Ending of this poem made me feel selfish and sad again.
Describing my feelings in English sometimes hard, but I will make it one day...
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
Teachers never liked me because i asked ''too many questions'',
that's when i knew the whole sistem was failure,
creating obedient slaves to not use their brains,
locked in invisible chains,
force feed them with trends,pseudoscience and ''intellect'',
while they shouting ''we are free'',
having weak mindset,
killing your brain cells with alcohol,drugs and pills,
followed by excuse ''we are just having fun'',
they forget some things can not be undone.
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
devante moore
My faith in us
Like a Christian praying on his knees
Nothing can defeat us
As long as we believed
As long as I fight
I thought you’d never leave
I thought love conquers all
But now
All is lost
I don’t blame you
I blame me
I thought I could save you
Strip away your pain
I thought I could motivate you to fight
But that seed never sprouted in your brain
I thought I could pump your heart
But it’s hard to love behind a screen
I was foolish
You were 18 years to young
And all the wisdom I’ve gained at 24
Still want enough
I was selfish and stubborn
To think I myself was enough
I’m sorry I could help you
I’m sorry I failed
Your pain has you shackled
I’m to weak to carry your chains
I’ll always love you
I’m sorry I wasn’t the cure to your pain
I was stupid... why do I always think it’s my job to save someone...I’m sorry
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
Satsih Verma
We are afraid of each
other. You start packing
your majolica wares to move out
swiftly, not to return back.

The floor was *****.
I walk barefoot on the sharp edges.
To ask the matriarch of pains―
mother earth, how long the
man should suffer?

A woodcutter does not
want to pursue his art. He
throws his axe far away and
starts meditating.

So much violence in our
lives. You slay a traveler
for telling his mind.

You were becoming jealous
of yourself. Start throwing
pepper in the eyes of moon.
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
Yes we can find our person the second time around,
but that will NEVER ever be the same person you once found.
Never look back
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
I’m the girl
You call
For a good time
I’ll never meet your mom

I’m the one
You tell your secret
In the dark night
I’ll never know your light

I’m the piece
You use to satisfy
Your lonely night
I’ll never be more

I’m the one
You will never leave
Because your afraid
I’m the one who knows
 Jun 2018 JWolfeB
Us the crazies hide in a forest of misfortune.
There are no reflectors for we fear of what we've become.
We the crazies live in our minds,
We hide there looking for an answer,  
An answer that only the depths of our minds can answer.
Us the crazies are constantly followed,
We are followed by the pitter pattering of little insects that try to control us.
We the crazies do not have silence,
The mice in our heads scratch and scratch and ache for attention.
Us the crazies eat the weak.
We are cannibals controlled by our urge to feel,
The urge to feel wanted.
Oh, god do I want to feel wanted.
We the crazies are never fulfilled in our own Kingdom of Doom.
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