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 Jun 2015 lolita
Christian Poem
 Jun 2015 lolita
A mid morning spent
In the shade
Of a pine tree
I believe

Amongst the company
Of scrub jays
And ground squirrels

I lay on my yoga mat
In the presence of Yaweh
The Great I AM
He is Eternal
And so is his love for humankind

Man cannot comprehend
The Father, God
He is perfect
In ways we cannot fathom
He sent his son to save us

Because of our sins
Because of our wicked
Thoughts and deeds
His Son, Jesus took on
The sins of the world
Then the Father raised him
The overcomer
Believe in Jesus of Nazareth
His love for mankind endures

I read Theology in Exodus
According to the author,

The midwives "feared God"
And let the male children live
So God rewarded them

According to Gowan,
These writers tell of a God
Who insists, when they
Cry out to me, I will surely
Hear their cry"

Cry out to Him!
He will listen, he is merciful
Jesus loves you

The midwives showed mercy
And you should too
Show mercy unto others
And the Lord Jesus
Will show mercy unto you

Pronounce with your lips
That Jesus is Lord
Believe in your heart
That God resurrected him

Pray for mercy

He is righteous, He is pure
He is all knowing,
He is present everywhere
His love endures forever

Jesus is Lord
Lord of heaven
And Lord of earth
There is no way to the Father
Except through him

A difficult time is coming
To America

You know I was reading
About the Israelites today
The Lord was with them
As they suffered
Under the Egyptians

The Lord will be with
Christians in America

As this nation will be judged
 Jun 2015 lolita
Madison McCray
It was our first real fight that hurt the most. The look in your eyes when you spoke those cruel words and your evil smile that followed. I had never been in such a situation for this time it had been my fault you hurt so badly and I didn't know how to make it stop. You said things that you knew would eat and tear at my skin. You spoke so freely and cold hearted for a handsome one like you. I sat tuned in waiting for the force of your words to send me flying accrossed the room. Little did you know my chest was caving and anxiety gave me no control. I couldn't get out a single word without choking upon the continuous apologies that meant nothing to you. I sat so little in front of your widened structure and muscular arms. You had your own shield made and I was just a little bit of nothing. The power you had drove me insane and I knew then that I was ******* because I have never loved an individual so much that I became vulnerable for their forgiveness. And here I was on my hands and knees begging oh so badly. I told myself I would not allow this to become the ending of us for we have so many more obstacles in life to face and to let this, out of any, tear what we have apart would be foolishness. I do not believe there is any right way to go about this mess I've caused but I'm only hoping this is the best way. I love you dearly and I'm ready for you to come home when you are.
 Jun 2015 lolita
i like a boy
 Jun 2015 lolita
i like a boy who likes the rain -
who damns the sunshine while finding solace in thunder and lighting, the pitter patter of drops on a tin roof.
i'm more of a dreary, overcast person. i feel most at home on this planet when the sun seeks shelter from the impending storms; but he smiles when the sky turns grey, and i find myself smiling, too.

i like a boy who wiggles his hips when he sings.
it's in his nature; he dances.
sometimes with the radio, sometimes the phone as it rings, and even me when i sing.
i find solace and comfort in music, but he celebrates it. and as he shrugs his shoulders to the bass line of a song whose lyrics i will never understand, but will always relate to, i find myself swaying, too.

i like a boy who tells me i am starlight; constantly. when i am cramming the last bit of food in my mouth, when i am pouring sweat from being in the sun all day, when i am bed-headed and smeared-makeuped holding onto him for dear life. he tells me that i am the beginning and end of the universe. he tells me that i am beautiful. he smiles and looks at me like he is a starving man, and i am the last morsel of sustinence on the planet. and i find myself believing it, too.
From what it must of been
in the diminished flame of
candied ghosts that
stained my tongue

And what must be there
must of been some melancholic high
that it killed me

For what it was thought to be
but only an envelope lost
in the mailbox
the cold blue darkness
A poem that every teenager will write.
I have started to realise how important it is to find happiness within yourself, and not from other people.
The worst thing you can do is place expectations upon someone that isn't yourself.
Because believe me, you will receive nothing but disappointment.
 Jun 2015 lolita
Tatiana Romanoff
I shake the last shoe off my foot
The old worn sandal of the past
Who knows how long the journey was
How long these shoes would last

My bare feet that known no rest
They're scorched by sun and kissed by wind
They have become forever strong
And made the journey to the end

How soft the sand’s caress indeed
How soon the ocean heals the wounds
The tattered clothes drop piece by piece
To make the space for claws and wings

I spread my wings so broad on high
The strong wind whistles through my palms
I dive into the ocean’s mouth
With trail of pain and old worn shoes
Forever left behind
They stood within,
The garden of old
Forgotten to time;
Left to unfold
The lily-bush bidden,
To grow wayward free
Birds of paradise dance,
With no eyes to see.
 Jun 2015 lolita
Olivia Kent
Take his hand.
He'll lead you in.
Dealer of ******.
Seller of sin.
Greet the spots and tombstone eyes.
The peddler of ironic lies.
Curse the ***** that came with his gift.
That little light fix, that will give you a lift.
Trapped by the twister called Mister or Miss.
The long and short of the thrill.
Will steal your life.
Maybe ****.
Never did it.
Could have done.
Somewhere in my heart commonsense won.
Before you sit and preach from on high.
Think once, think twice.
I was lucky.
There for the grace of god go I.
(c) Livvi MMXV
 Jun 2015 lolita
That moment when you can't sleep.
When suddenly, all the blood ran against gravity.
And you can't even close your eyes for a tick; of time.
Coz any second you might stop being mine.
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