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The dream was broken in transit
with an ant's bite
the rest of the part in another night,
in another dream
but that didn't happen

Then one day
at the last bus of the night,
I saw her with someone
Not in a dream rather in the reality  

She got to the next stop
I called out,
She left with a mystic smile,
disappeared within the shadows

Then  didn't go anymore
I missed the bus or the bus left me  
Either couldn't went back to home
Or not to go any other place in front  

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
When your dreams and reality both lost in transit then you have no way to move/ This is the reality of millions of people who lost their both ways ( dreams and reality) but there is still a reality and that is noway..
if like please share/comment/ repost.
Thank you for reading my poem.

 Jun 2015 lolita
The hemlock grove grows poisonously
Paralyzes our youth
Nightshade in the everglades
The wonder fades
While centaurs and unicorns run away
Looking for a way to evade
Human beings and their dark adult dreams

It’s not the fairy queen’s fault
When she falters and falls
Failing us all
Those clear and glittering butterfly wings
Come missing
Acid tears come hissing
Macho men start *******
She is betrayed by our passions

The web of leaves caught
On the spider weaved branches
Of the big bad business man
Forgetting the bridge to Terribithia,
Fantasia, Neverland, Oz and Wonderland
Losing Alice, Dorothy, and Peter Pan

The innocence of a child
Who no longer dances
Decimated dreams
Fairy-tale creatures
Lose their way
Lose their voice and cannot play
Forget how to sing that way

Mothers weeps
Fathers eyes us all sternly
Tell us to get better earnings
And the myth of childhood fades away
To some long ago forgotten age
 Jun 2015 lolita
 Jun 2015 lolita
Now hope is good and hope is strong, but pain had stayed, for far too long, to see him cry and watch him fall, pain was there, through it all.

This pain he knew, now all too well, had swallowed hope, and left a shell, its brittle make, a jaded shape, left nothing then, for pain to take.

He cursed his name, and others too, because of pain, no one knew, but who could blame, a young mans curse, when dealt a hand, of luck reversed?

To live a life, of woes unfair, plagued by strife, as fate declared, that he would know, the pain of chance, all alone, in circumstance.

To make it worse, no one tried, to hear his words, and soothe his mind, they laughed at him, and mocked his pain, until he lost, all hope again.

No shock then, that he had shattered, weighed down so, by years of pain, though he cared, for all that mattered, no one dared, do the same.

So he gave himself, to all around, in hopes that he, could see them through, the pain they felt, when they were down, as pain to him, was nothing new.
 Jun 2015 lolita
Colette Williams
If I just vanished
Into air
No one would blink
Or breathe a little less steady
Or even ask
Where I went.
 Jun 2015 lolita
 Jun 2015 lolita
I sat there, alone.
I sat there alone, for hours.
I sat there alone, for long days and nights.
I sat there alone, for months depressed and sour.
My Goldfinch, in a clumsy state of being,
In the same corner, she got sick of seeing, the same walls around her, the same walls around me.

I took a moment in that inspiring hour.
I wondered what made her so sick of a life of a coward.

I wondered what if,
I wondered what if I had her wings,
I wondered what if she had what I had, being free.
I thought of how things would have been,
Of her soaring, wandering in places I've never seen.
I took her to the roof in a rush, opened the cage, and sat her for once free!
She spread her wings, in a joyful spirit, free.
Time froze that iternal moment of hope, of her to fly with my dreams far, further than I could ever reach.

She flew, shaked her wings. For once, twice then thrice.

To the ground, she fell, unable to fly.
It is too late, that cage got the best of her. Those four walls got the best of me.


We will never be.

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