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So I'm 19 years old today I didn't party but I celebrated internally I laid up happy, got some dead presidents to spend and as a bonus I got to speak to a very good friend

Now ordinarily I'd choose right now to destroy many others in this flow
But I'm gonna give a shout out to the lovely @thicksnoww
Seriously she's awesome you'd be a ******* to not follow the page
Take this as the advice from Nero The Sage

But anyway thank you one and all for all the birthday wishes the love filled me with fuzziness and happy days like a kid on Christmas
Anyway I'll lay this to rest,
Thank from my heart because you're all the best
 Apr 2015 Meredith
James Vereide
The week of labor comes to an end
Mind and body returning to:
A time-stretched lady friend

My voice meets your breathe on the line
I hear without asking:
Your needs in me, too worried to incline

Before I reach your door
Your smell is in me,
A rush of comfort, replaces me to a position before

I smile with greeting
Your embrace calms my heart:
From my impatient, uncontrolled beating

In your eyes I see our week
Talk rendered short,
Too much buzzing electricity to speak

Our bodies orbit brings us closer
Soft touches, smooth lips
I Move clothes aside for a kiss below your shoulder

The heat between us becomes as one
You exhale in my ear:
As if to say your water wheel is spun

My advances match your heart rate
Your hands run over
My tough, chiseled toned substrate

You take control of the bed
All senses:
Heightened, throbbing, aching, out of our head

I spoil you, tease you, and grab you
Taking you to another level,
I ask you to hold on, so you do

Your body is shaking, your muscles tighten
I grab your hips,
We sink deeper, your voice heightens

At last you let go, as do I
We spin, we crash,
We collide into a thousand little pieces from the sky

Your head lands on my chest
Our moment:
Has finally come to us, and now we can rest.
 Apr 2015 Meredith
Leo Abramson
In the vapor of our first breath
we learned how to lie

In the vapor of our last breath
we learned how to die

In the vapor of the 'in between

Earth meets Skye
 Apr 2015 Meredith
I was always one for honesty.
Never a lie slipped from my lips,
No matter the consequences
In which I was sometimes left wounded and
Bleeding onto the white tile.
I know that with each blow I grow continuously weaker,
As a feather is reduced to nothing after being in a heavy downpour.
Was it yesterday that I reverted the pain onto you?
My newfound truths serve me only one purpose:
The power of the lie.
The truth leaves you lying on the floor in a beg for mercy.
No one cares for the truth.
I think of the honest;
The ones crippled from their endeavors;
The ones ****** to the crack of the whip.
What do they need?
More than a lesson,
They simply do not learn.
The feel neither the force of the blow
Nor the blood escaping from their very being.
How I wish them to see!
May the truth be washed by the lies.
May they see the light and grow.
May they gain happiness at the hand of their unconventional success.
May the rain not drown them, but clean them.
May they be released from the bloodbath.
May they open their eyes and see!
this was an experimental piece used for an assignment in my creative writing class, but I developed a strong feeling for it.
We're so so very sorry
but the poets brain you've requested is currently under maintenance.
We do apologize for this but
he really is down for the count
not the puppet but he is broken and fatigued
tired of putting words into verse, at least until his head and art get back into sync I think I need rehabilitation from my own head creating is a burden I'm certain that I'm not even that good anymore when I was just starting I was full of life and vigor...
now I just feel like a chore,
someone else's mess to clean up...
 Apr 2015 Meredith
Terrin Leigh
constantly searching
introspective, self-aware
reality hits
looking inward, honesty
both a blessing and a curse
 Apr 2015 Meredith
Eve val
 Apr 2015 Meredith
Eve val
Life is a glass of water
Slowly filling up
It can crack
And Break
But it keeps feeling up
Until it gets to the very end
Thats when you know it's over
 Apr 2015 Meredith
I Wonder
 Apr 2015 Meredith
i wonder** if when you graduate and go to college we’ll still be dating.
i wonder if i’m on your mind when you choose the college you want to go to.
i wonder if you’ll visit me.
i wonder if we will ever tell anyone that we love each other.
i wonder if this is going to last.
i wonder if high school was a mistake
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