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 Jul 2016 J
A Embers
 Jul 2016 J
A Embers
My poetry,
is selfish
The dead
never stay dead
Twisting in their grave
No peace for rest
As I sprawl them ungracefully
Across my page
Dragging them from depths unknown
To live once more
Amongst my words.
 Jul 2016 J
Dream logic
 Jul 2016 J
I dreamed up a world
Where reality had tilted
And the sky traded places
With the sea
We walked on streets
Of fluffy clouds
Caught stars in fishing nets
While gazing up at celestial waters
Making wishes on flying whales

the night wanders
down a beautiful pathway
where a river sighs and
everything is filled with the quiet light of stars.


bird, fluid as a dream,
sky, river of air,
stream of colossal cloud.


ghosts winding through
dream clouds, tall castles,
ivy-covered walls.


jasmine sea,
torn landscape,
loves battered roses.


still i wait for you
the sky is filled forever
with all my tears.
 Jul 2016 J
 Jul 2016 J
words that are said are colourless and odourless,
we cannot touch, nor see them.
words that we type and write can be seen but not heard; and they still remain odourless.
But it's the words that we say and type, that cause the eyes to feel as though they're holding the seven seas; and the body to feel as though it has been hit by several guns.
These words blur the hearts rhythm and freeze the body, whilst the mind wonders where it's meant to go.
And where actions are combined with such words, death sounds so lively and oh so fun, to be at peace, to be whole, to be one. To finally feel happiness in our eyes, and love in our hearts, to feel joy in our body and excitement in our blood, to feel emotion in our brain, to feel peace, and not so insane. Hearing such words, can make death our life, and life our death.
 Jun 2016 J
Joe Bradley
Harvest Moon
 Jun 2016 J
Joe Bradley
We found a rock looking out over the river
And sat there until the sun went down.

Little bear, tell me our love isn’t bound
by ancient sadness, interred and bland.
Tell me that like this twilight, this brown water, this red sky,
we roll in the world’s performing heartbeat
and clasp life in our childish hands.

Look at me. Our touch is calligraphy.
And we transcribe uniqueness in each other’s skin.
We deliberate on dug out tattoos,
climbing ivy and on pruning the dead-heads,
hallucinating our springtime as scars.

We live like the reeds, the Thames willow
plunged in the pavement drinking at mud.
We turn like the catkins, the knotted branches and
ducks lined in a row. We’re tidal, in a flux
demanded by a drill sergeant moon.

This is a vision of permanence at night
and this vast imagination is an echo.
We perch upon each other,
like sparrows upon the fences of history
Roots in your dress. Your lips sowing.

Nations are being re-sketched by our pencils,
so many have died for a line in the sand.
She’s heard the screech of the *****, the robin’s call to arms
but chooses the sunrise, to roll with the seasons.
In springtime together we reap the hay, its grows again.
 Jun 2016 J
 Jun 2016 J
knows no boundaries.
love is love is love
and there is nothing you could say
to change that.
Wishing the best to the families of the victims of the tragic Orlando shooting. LGBTQ pride lives on no matter what.
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