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 May 2014 Julie Butler
Secluded, isolated
Underestimated, excluded
Alienated, unsolved
Too good for you, too bad for the rest
Too happy they seem, living to pass the test
Secluded, isolated
Underestimated, excluded
Alienated, unsolved unlike the rest
Because what hides from truth and shines in darkness
Exists for the good and works miracles for the best.
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
Jamie King
am just letters, alphabets. But is that all I am? Is it really all that
I am?

I've been used to blossom flowers and array them with colours, to
admire beauty,as a  river to wash away sorrows as hope for a brighter tomorrow.

I'm in a web of scandals used  as a weapon for the bottom feeders, changing the views of mankind, giving birth to leaders.

I've felt the gentle hand of a lover, the pain of a broken heart,the tears of despaired minds, the fears of victimized villians burdened with pride.

The path to freedom is my illusion
As the light at the end of one tunnel is a light to another tunnel.

I've witness horrors in places that were hollow
I'm forever in an abyss of blissful sorrows .

Centuries after centuries I've been a mirror for reflecting notions and emotions,I confess
I am a donkey exhausted but allowed no rest.

I await the day when the last man  lays down his pen and
welcomes the grim reaper as an old friend, I too would be able to finally rest
Words are powerful they can build and they can destroy
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
Jamie King
I'm the fruit from the tree of the northern desert.
Where the grounds are dehydrated with  cracks  that run deep in their skins.
Bleeding the veins of plants to the last drop.
Draining the essence of all living things and yet still a victim of The unquechable thirst.
The heat forever calescent. The tree pleading to the sky for a drop of hope, for angels to cry and bless us with tears of joy.
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
You slipped out of my hands,
Glass shattering on the ground,
Spred out into a million pieces,
You and me,

Polar opposites that no longer attract,
And two contents drifting away from each other,
The cold water in between,
That not a sole would to dip their toes into,

For you were shy,
and I was just me.
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
The bottle stares at you with defiance,
It's the one thing that makes you different than the rest,
One wrong move and your an outkast,
Pushing in the middle of a crowd going the wrong way,
Shunned out forever,
So you try to blend in but people know,
Your secretly marked forever,
With a symbol of different.
 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
The house is a suburban town house,
In the back bedroom there's two holes in the wall,
One carpet knife hidden under the carpet,
Along with three blades,
Two windows line the side wall,
One with a chip in the windowpane,
The other with a lose screen to sneak out,
The closet doors are broken,
When you look at it now it's it empty room,
Buried in secrets,
That I have left a year ago,
When I closed the door that,
Was threatened to be taken off its hinges,
A walk in the park
after dark
the ghosts come out
and the dogs don't bark
scared in the dark
the body lays dead or alive
in the depths of the soul
in the gallows they scream
the dreams don't matter
anymore than a walk in the park
the walk in the park that changed my life

 Apr 2014 Julie Butler
At one time, for a time
The flowers danced beside me
The fields swayed with the music of our hearts

At one time, for a time
My heart was overflowing
Knowing love would never leave us part

At one time, for a time
There never was a question
Doubt was simply a word we never felt

At one time, for a time
The ugly glistened lovely
For through your eyes the darkness seemed to melt

At one time, for a time
The ladybug would giggle
As it flew in loops around your smile

At one time, for a time
Your love would heal my sadness
Oh to live that one time, for awhile
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