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 Oct 2013 jude rigor
I don't know
What I can give you
i may not always be in tune or time,
but i sure as hell
don't need two lines of coke
or one too
three too
five too many shots
to make me
feel the music coming from my lungs.
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
Roiling earth
Black dirt and broken roots
Fingers pointed to the skies

Shiver decay
Mote breath, mottled stretch
Come a marching
Through the static haze

Flesh and ache and waste
Wake after wake
Flesh and ache and pain
Day after day
Carrion stay
Carrion remain

They will walk the earth
And nothing will be

First the spires will fall
To the blackout seas
Then the houses will board
Starved to plaster bones
Next the chatter will die
From the pallid air
Then the blisters will burst
From the crust of the world

They will walk the earth
And nothing will be
They will walk the earth
And nothing will be for worse
12:51pm, October 12th 2013

The dead will rise from their sleep and be ruled by lust, greed and gluttony. They will cause mass extinctions, they will cause millions to perish. They will be without understanding, they will be vacant automatons; feasting and feasting and feasting--flesh and ache and waste. They will destroy themselves in their haste, over and over again.

Wait did I say the dead? I meant humans, woops.

Inspired by:
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
We're all looking for 3 things; love, community and truth. Once you stop looking and start being, expressing, and creating, you'll find it... It was there all along, everywhere you weren't paying attention to.
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
i miss a lot of people daily and
sometimes i think about living
until i'm eighty
like this
constantly clinging
to the past
i'm not sure when i became
and you became
but i'm realizing i miss nick, too
and jordan
and every guest
who came to my parties

is it time for me to get
My tears are salty.
They sting my face.
Blur my vision.
I close my eyes and think of the ocean
It is flat
I try to see to the other side.
I is endless.
I close my eyes and I see the sand.
Each grain blowing.
I try to see to the other side
I is endless.
My thoughts are circling.
Like a pen on a Spirograph.
Circling.I try to stop.
It is endless.
I want them to see my smile.
And remember me.
I want them to remember my mind.
It is brilliant.
I want them to remember my laughter.
It is infectious
I want them to remember my love for them.
It is pure.
My pain is real.
Hurts so much
I want to surrender.
My eyes are closed.
But tears still blur my vision
I am not afraid.
I want them to know
I am not afraid.
I wish I could see beyond to the other side.
My arms are open.
And I am not afraid.
Please remember
I will fly forever.
Donny was a brilliant teacher who took his own life on October 2013. He was only 24.  With great introspect I write this poem for you, sweet Donny.
why are there people who believe its "poetic" to self harm
it frightens me that there are teenagers who are doing this
to themselves, they're self harming because they think it
is "darkly beautiful" or "sadly romantic" there is nothing
beautiful about the scars covering my skin there is nothing
romantic about being terrified someone, anyone, might see
them, these lines of weakness, that i've placed there myself
it's an addiction, a sick way i clean my head, because
the thoughts jumble up, thoughts of; missing, emptiness,
time, space, names, locations, people, dates, stories, sadness
wrongness, hurt, longing, hate, self loathing, destructiveness
i am no where near proud i fell this deep into a hole this dark
i'm scared of being close to people, i shut myself away,
starving myself to reach "perfection"
because maybe if i am skinny enough to be considered "perfect"
then people wont care, wont notice the pink and purple lines
covering my form. no. there is nothing poetic about sadness
nothing. so stop convincing yourself you want to be a sad
lonely, scared, self destructive "poet"
you told me
i was beautiful
and you were the first
to make me
actually believe it

i told you
i didn’t love you
and you were the first
to make me
not believe myself
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
Your neo-soul
With all its bright
Lies atop a hungry corpse
Starved in death
Starved in life
6:19pm, September 30th 2013

This new me
Pretends to be good
But it’s a mere skin
Over a bleeding frame
That has been screaming
"I f*cking want"
Since conception

But I will starve him out.
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