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 Oct 2015 Juan cortez
 Oct 2015 Juan cortez
Solitude is my friend
Doctor says  I can't be alone
It is not that I am not able to
It's more like I should not be allowed to
Because in Solitude I found a friend.

She's always there when no one's around
Solitude is nice to me
I tell her things I don't tell to anyone,
I do things with her,
That no one could imagine.

When I reach out to her
Even if I don't seek for her
She's there
She's my bestest friend and my baddest fear.

She tells me things,
She tells me things to keep me with her,
She says my friends are my enemies,
She says my relatives wouldn't understand me like she does..

She says...

And I listen
And I understand
And I have no option

I believe her
Because she's there with me, my Solitude.

My loneliness,
And here I am again
Caught up in her vortex,
Writing her a love poem..

But not all endings are happy
My doctor keeps reminding me.
 Oct 2015 Juan cortez
Look at the depths of my soul through my eyes,
you'll find the most painful hell and there you'll die.
I love that feeling
When I'm laying in bed
After sleeping for a while
Where I can feel my body
Radiating heat
Into the space under my blanket
It's warm and gentle
our technology
can stunt us physically
also mentally
through loss of initiative
but its' greatest sin is that
it can isolate us and
erode empathy
We all have our own.
Lurking inside.
Waiting for weakness.
The demon wants weakness.
So it may creep in.
Demonizing us.
To the point, in we give.
Fight the demon inside.
Fight the urges.
The feelings of worthlessness.
Self doubt.
The fears of lonelyness.
Fight the bottle.
The needle.
Put down that knife.
Fight the demon till there is no more to fight.
Fight cause you,re more.
Thanks to Karina Veirs for the helpful changes.
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