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 Feb 2014 Jordin
Josiah Wilson
This whimsical mask alight in my arms
Such a light, cheery laugh
Surely I mean no harm

Just a little, slight push and it's up on my face
Now I tumble and flip
To the clouds I give chase

For I am the tumbler, the jester, the clown
I make people smile
I chase away their frowns

With a flip of my hat and a twist of my tongue
I make all the oldest
Of tales seem young

I am the gleeman, the poet, the bard
I see your future
In the face of my card

So come watch me now, as I put on a show
I'll make you laugh
As this happy crowd grows
 Feb 2014 Jordin
Amanda Small
today I said your name for the first time
in two months.

it's not as heavy as i remember
 Feb 2014 Jordin
 Feb 2014 Jordin
Venturing into the heart of insanity,
(my mind)
I fear that i will lose myself.
I hear the blood rushing in my head
(Will it ever drown me?)
As its the only sound i hear apart from myself.
Alone with my thoughts,
(Wish me well..)
Maybe this is what i want.
Insanity. Chaos. Something.
 Feb 2014 Jordin
soul in torment
*** like suicide's
always better
when the lights
go out.
 Feb 2014 Jordin
Carmen Galore
Come interrupt me

And fill my soul

With your own words

As I am not able

To find

My own

Teach me

Your language

Soft and slowly

So there will be

More of you

More of me

More of us

Be my poetry

I’ll be your poem.
 Feb 2014 Jordin
Daniel Kenneth
One man army staring into the abyss
Thin skinned crusader trying to shift the culture
But when you fall, you fall alone
And rock bottom is a lonely place
Every night another war to be fought
Allies perished, friends are gone
So this is growing up my darling
I'm not sure how long I can go on
 Feb 2014 Jordin
Josiah Wilson
Red hair, soft lips
Eyes closed tight
Let me be the one
Who wakes you up tonight

With a soft, soft kiss
And a gentle touch
Girl, I need you
So very much

Just open your eyes
And hold me tight
Let me be the one
Who stays with you tonight

— The End —