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I just met a girl.
She's as pretty as can be.
I'm falling for her.

Her bright, green eyes and
her short, blonde hair hipnotize.
I can't look away.

She is not for me.
She has a boyfriend back home.
Just my stupid luck.

Another failure.
One more strike on the record.
Will I catch a break?
You think I rub my arms over and over again
because it’s a little chilly and I should have worn a sweater,
but really I need to distract myself from the reflection
of you playing cat’s cradle with her fingers and nuzzling
your kiss into her wild hair. It’s not me who’s there even though
when the moon’s face wears the night to it’s annual masquerade
you’re the one who’s reaching out to me. Maybe we don’t kiss
but we don’t have to, because our souls have been suspended
above our heads like mistletoe and you chose
a long, long time ago to hold her instead of me. And you think
I’ve found recovery in the time, found separation
between the summers, but I tuck my hair behind my ears
and crush my lips back into my teeth not out of habit
but so that I don’t scream, That was supposed to be me!
That was supposed to be me. You know, too, or else you wouldn’t
recall some stupid puddle memory just so I’ll cling
to that last ember in the bottom of my heart and light it on fire.
So I’ll be the one to remind you of the frame you cut from my soft cedar
to put her in. You can turn my light down. I’ve got nothing for you now.
 Jan 2015 Johnnie Rae
Devon Webb
I wish I was
sober enough
to kiss you
 Jan 2015 Johnnie Rae
Devon Webb
I turn my heart
for you,
shaking it
out and allowing
the contents to
to the ground
where they remain,
lain out around
your feet
because you have
no need
for the little pieces
of me
and so I stay

Unfinished but hey
 Jan 2015 Johnnie Rae
Devon Webb
Letting myself go
in the hope
that you'll
catch me.
I'm writing you a letter
to tell you that I love you.
I'm writing you a letter
to tell you what you know.
I'm writing you a letter
pouring out my blood turned ink.
I'm writing you a letter,
so check out your mailbox.
 Dec 2014 Johnnie Rae
I could sculpt the same 26 letters
Into a thousand different formations
And it still wouldn't be enough for you.

Unknowing of my, little but still existing, greatness;
You rip apart my limbs,
Dismember my colourful insides
(As I'm trying to paint you picturesque landscapes)
And replace them with fear...

And your control over me still isn't enough for you.
 Dec 2014 Johnnie Rae
 Dec 2014 Johnnie Rae
Whose gun is at your head?
Tomorrow I graduate,
And feast on my heart; they're giving it back.
Only small parts though...
Freedom is not exactly free.

As I tick through a day that doesn't feel
     R. E. A. L.
I'll remember a time when eating clocks
Was a delight
And night never came
Because time never sung.

But what will tomorrow bring?
The final burst of detrimental metaphors and acidic teachers egos,
Who depend on a pay package
"Not enough" for their knowledge.
They should've stayed human.

I wince as the cogs twist
And an ever continuing robotic system
Chomps down on thousands of more souls.

And I beg for new a freedom.
A revamped version of one sentence  and a whole lot of mind *****. I'm scared for tomorrow.
 Dec 2014 Johnnie Rae
We were born too late to explore the earth,
Yet too early to explore the stars;
So all I have to search for
Are your eyes.
They're brighter than all those glimmering dots--
still searching
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