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Sometimes I wonder
whether the forecast in my eyes
whether the weather in my heart
will be something, anything
 May 2015 Joann
Chelsea Patton
A pile of letters,
all sealed with a kiss.
A boy in a bathroom,
slitting his wrists...
A girl in a closet,
a gun to her head...
A boy on a bridge,
one jump intill he's dead...
A girl in the bathtub,
holding her breath...
They all were happy children,
awaiting their death......
Hope you like it
 May 2015 Joann
Chelsea Patton
She looked at her blades,
Than looked at her wrist...
She missed that feeling,
But her scars were healing.
She wanted to stay strong,
But i's  been so long...
She put the blade on her wrist,
And than made her hands into a fists...
She dropped the blade,
And began to cry..
She couldn't believe how long it's been,
Since she felt those blades cutting her self.....
She should be so proud,
But voices in her head got so loud...
She sat there in pain,
Because she knew she was  going insane!!!
3rd poem  hope u like  it :)
 May 2015 Joann
 May 2015 Joann
You're a constant reminder that poetry can't fix everything.
Perhaps I've always been too quiet.
Perhaps I've always been too shy.
Perhaps I've always been afraid to look you in the eye.
Perhaps I get jealous too easily.
Perhaps I complain too much
and suffer from anxiety.
But perhaps this is who I am.
Or perhaps this isn't who I want to be.

If you haven't noticed I overthink...everything!
Even my own existence.
I think I'm having an existential crisis. But that's ok, I feel better after writing this.
 Apr 2015 Joann
Anna Michelle
Her mind is clouded with denial
She let the feeling sink in for a while

Maybe it was for the better
Maybe it was for the worse

All she knows is that her life's a mess
She smiles less, crying is frequent

She begs for help but no one is aware of her pleads
An answer is all she needs

She says she's fine and that it's all ok
When inside she's falling apart

She had friends
But they drifted away

No one, she has no one
Someone, she needs someone

She was like china
Delicate and fragile

She was broken
Now she is nothing

She cries at night
But her tears have a twist
They don't come from her eyes
But they come from her wrists

She once was a flower
Sprouted with beauty
Then society came
And ripped her apart

She sees now
that there's no point in living

As she takes one last breath
She remembers how much she loved the world

Before it killed her.
 Apr 2015 Joann
 Apr 2015 Joann
You are not a walking coffin,
A sinner, murderer,
Or mother to a dead baby;

You are a woman who decided not to have a child,
The woman who took control of her pregnancy and made the right choice for herself,
A woman who was not afraid to deny a huge commitment,
And you are a woman who's not wrong in the choice you made.
it should be a personal choice
 Apr 2015 Joann
 Apr 2015 Joann
whether or not
you decide to rid yourself
of tiny unwanted cells,
that are too early to hear your voice,
and too early to have a beating heart,
or rid yourself
of a future you may want,
it is your choice,
not your choice that
others get to make for you.
i just wanted to let you know that i support you.
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