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Jason May 2021

I let selfish pain
carry me away
undercurrent of despair

© 05/24/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
  May 2021 Jason
Solange Loe-Sack-Sioe
He who doesn’t give
second chances will
always walk alone.

  May 2021 Jason
Caitlyn Fletcher
I spend too many nights thinking
Wondering, writing, dreaming
Of someone who doesn't even think of me
Jason May 2021

Cord our arms with steel
Bolster our hearts with fire
Fill our minds with light
Drag the veil from our eyes

We have endurance and strength to fight
We have mercy and we have passion
May we learn the wisdom to choose what's right
May our eyes weigh, measure, and ration

Call it hope, poem, spell, or prayer
May it be a boon for those that care
To rise and challenge, to stand against
Control by precedent and ******* by consequence

© 05/23/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021

Forgiving doesn't always take away the pain
As if washed away by some mythical rain
Generously applied truth is the only salve
Duel-edged and sharp enough to cut us in half
Pain-reaction, recoil, trauma response
Defensive action, budding trust is lost
This is normal human behavior
PTSD drains, Hope is savior
Catalyst for anxious dread
Water in the desert when nearly dead
Grateful hands lift life to lip
Thankful for the sandiest sip
Kindness inspires compassion and understanding starts
Enlightening dark corners in sun and healing the heart

© 05/22/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021
Her star is her spirit
Her heart is my light
Weather, far, or near it
Illuminates my night
© 05/20/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021
The cost of a soul is never cheap
A heart broken whole sleeps ever-deep
Healings toll is inclined to be steep
Heaven toils, devils reap
© 05/20/21 Jason R/ Michie All Rights Reserved
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