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If you should go before me,

I’ll re-read every line you ever wrote to me,

every thought we shared so late at night,

the daily noise of our existence,

condensed into keystrokes by weary fingers

I’ll see, in every moonlit glade,
and every time 
there are no shadows in the trees,
that special light that always made you shine,

like bright little stars suspended in a globe filled with oil,
shimmering with delight and forgiveness,

waiting patiently to climb the wick

and burn my fingers when I strike the match

And I’ll hear your music,
which you never knew I listened to,

not with my ears, but with my heart,

and it will soothe me to dreamless slumber

when tears soak my pillow in endless twilight

I’ll remember every hungered kiss and every time
you found me hiding under our oak and scolded me
for putting off the work I should have been doing

I won’t put it off any longer
There’ll be nothing left for me but work
All the world gone grey, the mists
 of my memories
like a blanket
 smothering my tomorrows

But I won’t leave when you have gone

I will pay the tab for the time you gave,
finish everything we planned that autumn morn,
before I lock the gate behind me,
and follow breadcrumbs scattered on the loam
 Mar 2015 Jimmy Solanki
 Mar 2015 Jimmy Solanki
I crave that which is bad for me
But you weren't bad, just bruised

               *I think I'd fall for anyone
               with a black and blue heart
 Mar 2015 Jimmy Solanki
If I had a camera that could capture flaws,
Darling I know it wouldn't capture yours.
Baby, you're perfect,
Perfect as anyone can be .
But darling why can't everyone else see what I can see?

They don't see your chocolate brown eyes,
Those same ones that make me melt.
The same ones that reminds me of that summer near the fireplace.

They don't see your rosy cheeks,
The ones that blush when I mention your slightly crooked teeth.
The ones that lost their colour after that dark, dark day.
The ones that match mine when we played outside in the rain.

They don't see your sense of style.
All they see is a black shirt and crooked tie.
What I see is a beautiful grey suit,
The one that I burried you in that matches your boots.

They don't see your deep brown eyes,
The ones that lost their colour the day you lied.

Darling you promised we were forever!
So why have you been in that casket since December!
Darling you said you would always be with me
So why are you burried six feet deep?!
I admire you a lot
For just being who you are
It makes me forget you not
You gave me a smile on fire

I miss you when you are far
My eyes long to meet your beautiful eyes
You set something in me like war
O, why do I feel this when time flies

When you're too close to me
It bothers me as well
Because when you talk so gently
I'm afraid I might deeply fell

Maybe we're better this way
Words unspoken, feelings unsaid
I know it's something we both pray
That may our hearts still be guarded

I want to say many things to you
Something I don't want to just keep inside
You have no idea how it makes me blue
When I'd rather keep silent and hide

I don't want to awaken things not on its time
I'd rather keep it to myself and sacrifice
Right now maybe it doesn't rhyme
But it's for the future's great surprise

Somehow it breaks my heart
The thought that I'd meet you in a while
On the corridor not too apart
And all I can do is just smile

To me, you are very dear
Maybe it's best to save the friendship
Rather than temporarily happy yet in fear
I don't want us to be in hardship

So maybe I would just keep this mine
And I guess I'd rather not tell at all
In time it will be fine
And I'd be thankful for this achy fall

It's not really goodbye
Rather, "Take care of yourself always"
I hope this will make us comfortably say hi
Whenever we cross ways

Maybe we'll meet again soon enough
And maybe the time is right
Maybe we'll be ready and our hearts are tough
Enough to push through something our hearts long to fight
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