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Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
The happiest thing
In which I long to witness
Is the summer breeze
Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
I visit every year
Lay flowers ever year
Cry every year
Die a little
every year
I remember every year
We grow apart every year
But you are gone now, I'll keep shedding tears
You've been gone for awhile, all these years
I remember you
Thank you for making me see
If only you could have seen
How much you meant to me
I love you, Goodnight, my darling
When you left, A little bit of myself left as well.
Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
The mirror stares back at me
It stares, it sees
It wants a hug, to speak with me
But not even it worries
I gave my final smile to my reflection
It didn't smile back
I said goodbye to my reflection
It didn't say goodbye back
I raised the gun to my head
The reflection didn't tell me to put it back
I saw my love with my reflection
No, no
At this point, there is no going back
*And for thee, I will kiss the sky
Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
The first day is harsh
I have found my way out of the marsh
to the ocean
The sand covers my feet now
I'm alone
Anger bursts through my veins
I remember all that has happened to me
I sleep painfully, All these emotions I believed to be true
Now where am I?
I'm stranded, I'm alone
Days turn to weeks, months to years
How long have I been alone?
Am I even alive?
Is this my hell? My punishment? My fate?
My blood was red, but it turns blue
I was happy, I thought of you
I barely remember her face, her smell, her touch
I miss my family, I miss my face
I can't see them, They think I've vanished without a trace
Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
The happy man creates sadness
The sad man creates happiness
The angered creates hate
The hated creates anger
Lovers are broken
The broken will love
Doves turn to crows
Crows turn to doves
But in the end
we all turn to dust
Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
I'm not trying to be so ******* myself
But the sky isn't real and the breeze doesn't need me and
I'm done with the birds always running their mouths
Jicho Piramidi Mar 2015
I love you, I want to protect you
I know you see my face when the sky's blue
The people try to force me to be without you
I can see through the sand, my mental state is a glass house,
I'm throwing rocks
I tried to forget you
But my heart is tied with yours
In chains of titanium
Who am I kidding, I never tried.
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