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Jessica McFall Sep 2017
Two weeks of pure bliss are left upon your silent lips;
A beautiful taste of what I had missed,
Gone now into a life of what I will have to miss;
Eternal damnation is contemplating on what ifs.

They say true love does not leave its home,
You're gone again and I'm left alone.
Our love story hurts much like a broken bone;
With the chance, I may never heal in full.
Jessica McFall Jul 2017
My dying heart
Need not be followed;

For healing is a process.
Jessica McFall Jul 2017
has become
an illness

a terminal
I tried black out poetry (marking out all but selected words of a random page in a random book), this was my first result.
Jessica McFall Feb 2016
In a world of expectation
Comes a rush of realization
That most aren't out for love
Only acts of fornication
Hearts ache
Lacking appreciation
Hearts break
What a trifling generation
Leading someone to fall for you
With no intention of serious relation.
All that is happening in this world
Is not truthful love
Just mere imitation.
Jessica McFall Jan 2016
I struggle with reality 

My restless mind won’t let me be 

Images I’m seeing are disgusting me

My own reflection in the mirror

Simply put 

It’s me 

I am my own worst enemy
And these ******* thoughts 

Are only


Jessica McFall Dec 2015
If you said mark my words
I would scour for every color Sharpie I could find,
o document your precious word 

Every line for line

Oh how I would hope for you to say
Please won’t you be mine,

Please will you stay.
How enamored I would be to write these words,

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