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 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
She is both,
hellfire and holy water.
And the flavor you taste,
depends on how you,
treat her.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Nothing Much
I met a girl with flowers in her hair
not a crown or a clip, but cherry blossoms
they bloomed from her ears and her scalp and the hollow of her neck
she was a garden of eden

I met a girl with flowers in her hair
and roots that ran all the way down through her feet
they never held her in place
instead, they made the earth upon which she stood her home

I met a girl with flowers in her hair
who let summer sunbeams catch her eyes
as they glistened among ferny tendrils
until the autumn came
Not super proud of this one.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Can i go back in time
And live again?
This time with my eyes open
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