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 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Ma Cherie
I wish to touch your face
it's true
though more
to touch your soul,

I wish to see the inner you,
it is my only goal.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Just thinkin ;)
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Autumn Rose
The blush water lilies
all rose up with sunshine's gold
as the little sailor boy
by the pond merrily strolled.

His cheeks were cherry red,
and his locks - fair and yellow
when he sat by the wooden bridge
playing on his father's cello.

And while his music was even heard
in the fisherman's village, so clear and loud
He spotted his reflection in the water and said
,, Boy, to be so young I am most certainly proud ! ,,

Suddenly the sailor boy realized soon,
to the old captain he gave his word
and promised to set sail with him
by tomorrow's merciful noon.

But this rash oath he did regret,
for instead with the village boys to carelessly play
he had to leave the warm dry land
and boldly sail under skies angry and grey.

Why, Oh why did he ever ran away from home,
and abandon his poor mother who was very ill
to wait for him all  day and all night
'cause he was her only son, true and still

So he stood up and quickly passed the bridge,
thinking of his mother's eyes, colored in brown
And below the mossy ridge he ran
when he saw her weeping in the garden.

,, Mother, sweet mother ,, - the sailor boy cried
and ran up to her hugging her apron, clean and white
,, I do not wish to sail young in the roaring sea
and leave you alone here to die of terrible fright ,,

,, Do not worry ,,- his mother happily said
and his blessed heart was again filled with joy,
for he knew that even if he never would sail to sea,
he would always remain the little sailor boy
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
... are like seeds.

They are meant to be scattered!

Inspired be Oh Henry cried she

My thoughts are best scattered anyway...

I MUST go to bed! G'night all!
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Zero Nine
She used her hands to map me til she saw the screen behold her

dreams. In those perfect moments, I looked, gazed,

fervently glared into the distance from a point that was too far for

her to see. She mapped me til I remembered the first signs of a

storm, how the winds felt. Then, a swift retreat. The winds died,

my skin dried, my ***** raised for rain.
Sweatness of thoughts reviberate
As they pound so hard the thudding sounds echo in my heart
It is a new day, I've to face the new sun

Problems comes in a ton
Those I let go yesterday reinforce
Moments of joy wears sadness' force
And wishes of sun just fade in this eon

Today I become so courageous
Beating my chest and soaring so high
That those who lives well never better than me
Picking challenge to master my science of craft

For poetry is an alchemical science of words
Which wields inner world with subliminal words that light up the celestial bodies
Bringing earthly joy to mortals hearts

As I traverse on the water and burn in the fire of the words I test on a pad of thoughts. Poetry is what I face always
I dream poetry and eat in tomb of her plate with much ado love

Written by
Martin Ijir
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
I hope and pray every single elephant escapes
with their family, their ivory and their dignity
and each one of them live to see another day
and the poachers, well I hope they find a Job
One that treats them kind, and pays them well
So they will stop destroying beautiful creatures
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