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Jan 2015 · 4.2k
Jarrel Malimban Jan 2015
How can I say I like you again?
It has been two and a half years since
I liked you, back mid 2012.
Many knew I used to like you
but frankly speaking, I still do.
I really do, but it seems that
I got no hope for you to like me back.
Furthermore, you might say that
I liked many girls as you said once
but I'm willing them unlike them away
if I truly will and especially God wills.
You're the one whose character
is corny but very admirable
sweet as a fruit beer, if you're a beer.
I admire your overall beauty -
both internally and externally -
but I would ask this once more:
how can I say I like you again?
Oct 2014 · 949
Jarrel Malimban Oct 2014
Twin towers built in stone and steel,
birds fly gleely, these skyscrapers
envying men in their four-wheel
In awe they come; soon, they disperse.

The skyscrapers soon met their fall
from fullmetal birds that hit them.
Crashing, crumbling like Berlin Wall,
United they stood, now the ******.

Now, they met their last communion,
all of West weeps; I watched them weep.
There comes... a death of a union:
There comes love, now fallen asleep.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
No Love Lost
Jarrel Malimban Aug 2014
Guess I should have this:
your tool kit
one you'll truly miss.

To you I'm very ******;
I just had it!
Now you'll be sorely missed...

A pliers for thee, my dip ****
to pluck out your teeth
let your blood flow and drown in it.

I'll screwdriver your cavities
take 'em all away for you.
Farewell, to all of vanities!

No anesthesia for you, my loss.
Pain is my love for you, dear,
which you truly deserved, no love lost.
The poem is influenced and named after Joy Division's song, "No Love Lost". The poem mentioned some things found in a tool kit, which is actually a property of the persona's husband, suggesting that he may be working in a construction firm or at least know about using them. His wife, a dentist who worked abroad, found out that she was cheated by her husband and the money she gives to her husband only goes to his drinking habits and womanizing.

Angered by his infidelity, she retaliated by using his tool kit as part of her torture. The poem took place in a dental clinic wherein the husband is tortured and left bleeding to death, agonizing from the pain as he was given no anesthesia to ease it. Ironically, the tool kit her husband often uses is used as tools for torture.

The torture is a reference to the song in which the Nazis were torturing and murdering the Jews in bizarre manners.
Jarrel Malimban Aug 2014
Thou art the fallen among all beauty,
the toppled by the Inevitable.
Thou art my most wondrous calamity,
oh thou art, buried deep in the rubble
that no possibility can retrieve;
no, not 'ven Phoenix Down can restore thee.
This crushed heart of mine I cannot relieve
my mind and soul finds no sure remedy
to thee, my greatest loss, deeply buried.
Thou have died along with them, the ****** Fates,
our ends which they want to come 'ways hurried.
Oh the fallen thee, one I have cherished.
let me come with thee and the Fates, banished!
The eulogy is composed in Shakespearean sonnet. It was composed as my homework for our Anglo-American Literature subject.
Aug 2014 · 605
Jarrel Malimban Aug 2014
Oasis in the vast wasteland,
inhabited by ungrace.
Walked a hundred miles,
my hope is finally here.
But alas, you were no oasis.
You are but grains of sand,
a sack of it like the many.
I have passed supposed oasis
but am always fooled
by my everyday delusions.
I will never taste your sweet waters
you, my coconuts of my dreams,
wasting though as a sultan
in your very oasis of my dreams
that I am now dreaming of
and might keep on dreaming.
You are like the many oases
the pictures of mere delusions
in my mind scrapbook.
You are one of the dozens,
the suspects of my insanity
whose cure yet unfound.
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Conquer You
Jarrel Malimban Aug 2014
I shall conquer you with honeyed words
and occupy the wonders within your walls
without the use of my unmighty hands;
I shall conquer you a hundred years.

Many are the wonders built by men,
such majestic beauty unimaginable
but I voted you as the most wondrous.
Now, I shall conquer you a hundred years.

Rome defied dozens of the odds,
the barbarians defying what they've defied
burying them deep, yet and still,
I still desire to conquer you a hundred years.

Standing in the half of East and West
the center of trade and glowing in wonders.
You are the Constantinople to my Turk
and she remained conquered for a hundred years.

I will besiege your frail heart
and be part of my growing dominion,
cultivating to be the best of you.
For that I shall conquer you a hundred years.

We belligerents may be of diverse faiths
my skin scorched brown from the natures of war.
yet that shall not hinder my besieging.
Now, shall I conquer you a hundred years?

— The End —