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I never told you
Thanked you
For being so kind that day
I was rattling on my bed waiting
Wound up like one of those toys ready to be set loose

I took a leap of faith with you and you could have crushed me
But you didn't
first loves aren't always last loves
That truth is hard to swallow
But you handed me a tall glass of water and said
Drink up
We'll be okay
 Jun 2014 JaiJai
The rush
of the wind
stretched her face
in a smile
as the girl
on the swing
closed her eyes
for a while
and started
to sing
softly the verse
that she learned
the first time
she had
flown with
the birds.

The girl
on the swing
reached out
with her toes
for the
wide open sky
above and below
the birds
that had
taught her
the words
of their song
'Its time to let go'
so she did
and was
The rush
of the wind
on her face
made her smile
and the girl
on the swing
closed her eyes
for a while
then she
started to sing
softly the verse
she had learned
the first time
she had flown
with the birds;
the girl
on the swing
reached out
with her toes
for the wide
open sky
whilst above
and below
all the birds
that had taught
her the words
of their song
said 'it's time to let go'
so she did and was gone..
 Jun 2014 JaiJai
Joshua Haines
We fight with each other
Long and hard
Back and forth
For what I am not sure.

We all want love
In some form
All seeking for a key
For what I am not sure.

Im lost, within myself
Finding my feet again
Trust is growing thin
Death is the one to win.

Im not sure
If I ever make sense
Just a soul lost within
Fighting back and forth
For a prize...
A prize we'll all get in thee end.
Im rarely make sense to myself, I hope someone can make sense of this, im struggling and fighting everyday, within, to stay alive, peace and love too all you! Especially the ones living with great saddness and hunger in your heart, I know the feeling all to well.
Everything was going great who would have thought a thot would come in and take it this far, but I don't blame them you're as guilty as she the fool, the monkey in the middle that's me. I tried to treat you right I did everything I could and that's true had my phone off around you, who am I to text if in with my boo? That's seems soft no doubt about it your name once on my tongue to think I'd shout it at the top of my lungs to think I thought it wasn't possible and then it begun a mixed company hiding on the run from my eyes and my presence you hid the shame calling me the bad guy now I'm messing with lames scrubs trouble pick your poison I just hope when true love comes around you keep making these choices because one day all you'll have are those good and bad voices of reason and pain they will always fight so to all whose felt this wrong good luck and goodnight..
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