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 Jun 2014 JaiJai
Ryder Rose
And at
the end
of this all

I'll be
the one
you forgot

And you'll
always be
the one I

*f o r g o t
f o r g e t
 Jun 2014 JaiJai
John Stevens
Just a story.
When I was a kid... yes there was a time I was a kid, the garden was just South of the house.  Mom and I worked in the garden a lot.  Sometimes when she was not in the garden I would lay between the carrot rows, pull a carrot out of the sandy soil, brush off the sand and have a very fresh yummy carrot.  They were soooo tender they seemed to melt in my mouth.  Anyway, when I was finished eating the carrot I would put the top back into the hole.  No one was the wiser.  No one knew the difference or so I thought.  I did notice the carrot top would wilt which looked a little suspicious but... there was a gopher problem so maybe the gophers ate the carrots.  Sounded like a good story to me.  "Did the gopher eat the carrot mom?" "Yes probably so."

I found out years later.... Mom knew who the gopher was.  BUSTED.

I was telling this story to my grand daughter Lucy after school one day.  Her eyes brightened up and said, "That is a funny story grandpa."  So here it is added to the memories of a grandpa.  Lucy keeps telling people, strangers even, "you should hear this. Grandpa tell them about the carrots."  The story has latched onto her 5 year old brain and won't let go.

So... the next time you are eating a carrot... don't fib to your mom.
I remember that when the gopher pulled carrots too small, mom admonished the gopher "must let them grow bigger". I passed that bit of information on to "sir gopher".  The gopher listened. What luck.
 Jun 2014 JaiJai
kyla marie
that enormous oak we used to lay under
or you used to lie under
has been ripped from the earth

torn apart, broken, dying
gasping, searching
for a little hope

just like my heart

of course we had to fill the empty hole where the tree no longer remained

as I put dirt and broken soil to try to fill the void where you no longer were

a bee landed on my hand


I'll have to keep the hole empty for now

as if the bee doesn't want me to fill it

as if you don't want me to fill it

maybe you still love me

maybe not

but either way

*it stings without you here
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