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A Baby-Boomer walks so freely through the town
he pays no mind to those suffering around
“Why don’t poor people just get jobs,”
he asks himself,
“And stop bellyaching?
And women need to shut their mouths and stop complaining
the wage gap is a fallacy
they invented to work less.
trust me I am a man who would understand the oppressed,
a man who has always been gainfully employed,
in fact if you ask me I am simply annoyed
that others dare to call me privileged
just because I can afford more than they do
(well that and the fact that because of my face
I can be sure that I will not be chased
by the police unrightfully
or a strange man most frighteningly).”
He walks alone in the darks of night
and yet his bones do not creak with fright
for he knows the world respects his white skin,
his wife, and the money he keeps only for him.
On his wall hangs a college degree
he got from a school in 1983
“I don’t understand why the millennials are such whiners
pull yourself up by your bootstraps while you’re still minors,
yes we ruined the economy, but it’s not that hard
if you just stop focussing on being so avant-garde
and get a job, who do you think you are?
Just kids trying their best to be what they are?
Disgusting excuse,
sell your soul to businesses,
it’s what Reagan would do.”
As he puts his money to bed at night
in the house he bought when the market was still alright
he wonders why kids these days
seem so tired and hungry for praise.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
I am alone
          surrounded and composed entirely of stardust
          and fragments of broken dreams-
it is exactly how I planned it to be
                         but not in a rigid way with implied discomfort
                         just in a way where it is obvious I tried my best
The walls- finally stripped of needlepoint prayers
                 and instead layered with every word that has ever danced from my mouth
                   the smooth ones and the ones that taste like acid
                                   nothing is forgotten or laid aside
My body-
              a temple to myself
              desecrated in the most holy way
a sacrifice of skin
                     decorations of valor in a war against myself
     it is quiet
                  every thread I have ever plucked from the seams rips through the air as I come apart
             spilling tar and galaxies across everything
              I have ever known- a mess
I am alone
             but not in the way I am supposed to be
If we're being honest
            I'd tell you that I wish we were still together
and that
            some days
                    I watch the world
     twist and burn
                    and fall on me
     breaking into a million pieces
                                   breaking me with it
and that it doesn't scare me anymore
                         also I can't spell
           Once, I forgot how to sleep
                                              and didn't remember for 10 days
and one day I forgot to eat
                         and didn't remember for three days
                                     but didn't care
                        Some days
I can't stand being in my own skin
                                          some days I try to rip it off
              I flap my hands
              and bite my nails
And I'm afraid not to pray
              One time,
                                 I cried for 12 hours
One time,
                      I passed out from a panic attack
(Okay more than one time)
                                   Some days
I feel like there are bugs
                                     under my skin
                         but we're not being honest today
                                                                         so when I'm asked
I'll say I'm doing okay
Jun 2015 · 481
The Devil's Wife
Her skin has yet to get used to the burn
so she tries her best to pretend it doesn’t hurt
She stopped asking
                about her husband
         long ago
and the screams of agony still haunt her
She whispers alone at night
            “I love him, I love hime, I love him”
but she knows it isn’t true
she remembers the circumstances of their union
and tells herself that lying is a sin
so maybe she’ll feel his touch again
and maybe he’ll even leave scars from the burn
something to remember him by
but he’ll be gone before she’ll see him
She can’t even remember what he looks like
but she tells herself she can
               “I love him, I love him, I love him”
but she can only love a man
Jun 2015 · 605
Some Stupid Poem
I knew I shouldn’t drink
Not in the teenager
‘I should be
because honestly
           I didn’t care about that
                                     About not disappointing my parents
because they can tell me what they want
             but everyone drinks
                    and no one waits until they’re twenty-one
and I know they weren’t exceptions
              I knew I shouldn’t drink
in the
              “everyone in my family is an alcoholic
and I will be too
                         it’s a hereditary disease
once I start
                                                 I won’t stop”
sense and in the
                    “emotional drinking is a bad sign
                             and binge drinking still counts as alcoholism
(at least I’m pretty sure it does)”
          but still
I drank
          when I was
at parties
            because what else was I going to do?
                                                   History repeats itself
              and I am no exception
So the first time I had drunk
                I was ***
I mean…. you get it
                   who cares really
I don’t really remember it
                        I remember blacking out halfway through
and waking up somewhere else
                   but I don’t remember ever saying
          or “stop”
                       or anything like that
I just remember it all being hazy
                                     and if I went to another party
I wouldn’t even recognize him
                     but I don’t go to parties anymore and I know
                                                            ­                                  I shouldn’t drink
May 2015 · 685
I scrape away layers of my skin on my legs
with tweezers, often
until blood is drawn,
trying to yank off the imperfections
I feel,
blistered and pocked with red scabs
I will later
pull off,
a physical manifestation of what I want to do inside
littered with imperfect
feelings, thoughts,
digging and shredding into perfectly smooth and pristine
layers of emotions and ideas
ripping up what is good into an incoherent mess
trying to reach the dark spots underneath,
I can’t see them, but I know they’re there
lurking and waiting to come out to the surface
the agitation rises
if I can’t get something out,-
I need to get something out,
smalls whimpers of pain,
hardly noticeable,
until finally a deep exhale
it’s over.
Legs riddled with bleeding holes,
aching but content,
until tomorrow.
Mar 2015 · 645
I know things will change
     religion class will end
& four advil and 6 hours later my headache will go away
I will get the fire back in my veins
write again
feel full again
I will start taking credit for my poems
Everything will fade back into background noise
    & I will sleep again
My prayers will stop sounding rehearsed
& my lists won't only consist of
                       "Get out of bed"
I'll talk to my dad
   and angry tears will stop burning paths down my cheeks
I will read again
           and rest with the lights of
Stop flinching so much
             and it will be okay
Feb 2015 · 537
Chaos and Bad Transitions
If you don’t know the answer
it’s C
If you don’t care if cheating is immoral anymore
it’s normal
If some days the idea of shoving a pencil into your flesh
is tempting
                 It’s high school

Welcome to the flawed world
of unhealthy habits and competition
a parade of bent and folded bodies
we show off
graphite scratched skin
Future leaders stand like statues covered in graffiti
among ripped canvases and unfinished art projects
Waiting to be beautiful

Friend groups made up of alternatively
muddy and magnificent water colors
of scars and secrets they hide from their parents,
drawn on their skin,
settled in the cracks of broken frames
hiding wolverines under shattered glass and splintered wood

It’s not beautiful to be broken,
but outside of here, it’s beautiful to be alive
and be what you are
so turn scars into lightning bolts
and let stories drip down your chin in vibrant colors
you can’t see

Our best traits
are tattooed on our backbones
hidden under layers of weather-worn skin and clothes
        maybe we can't see them,
but they keep us standing up

So maybe it is all a competition
or a lie
or maybe we’re not real at all
But maybe that’s okay
Because neither is any of this
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Nothing Hurts
When I was fifteen I listened to a religion teacher say
“Maybe” there should be a queer holocaust
and I pretended it didn’t hurt me,
the same way I pretended when she said
trans people mutilate their bodies by becoming who they are
when she misgendered Leelah Alcorn
when she called asexuals freaks of nature
when the other queer kid got sent to therapy
for having the audacity to even try to start a GSA
and suggesting that maybe everyone deserves to feel safe here
and my friends
think I’m overreacting
“It’s not a big deal!”
“Get over it!”
“Stop trying to be so special,
you should be expecting it at a Catholic school,
this is just what religion is like”
Is it?
Head down
Head down
Voices down,
you can get expelled for disagreeing with the archdiocese
Whisper in the hallway
about all the girls with pregnancy scares
who believed that
was the best contraceptive
Is that what Jose Gomez is teaching us?
No it doesn’t hurt
to watch my friends cry
about boys who yell “******”
down high school hallways
No it doesn’t hurt
when my friend asked me
“what would your kids even call you?”
No it doesn’t hurt
to be like this
Or at least
I can pretend it doesn’t
Dec 2014 · 381
To be a person
You told me you were suicidal
and I wanted to tell you how much it hurt to be a person
how my skin and bones ached to part of infinity a never ending spiral of never again having to say
“I’m sorry”
after coming out
You told me you were suicidal
and I wanted to tell you I wasn’t qualified to give advice on the matter of life and death
I have seen too many bare mattresses to understand
what home really is
am I just an ever changing notion of how a problem student might look like
some futuristic idea of the changing tides
being pushed and tormented by the moon
no I am not qualified to tell you to keep living
You told me you were suicidal
and I remembered the page in my ninth grade diary saying the same
followed by the words
“I don’t know what my name is,
not the one they gave me,
but the one I’m going to give myself
The one they won’t put on my grave,
but the one I’ll put on my heart,
the one God will call me in heaven
and the one mom will deny I have.
I don’t know our name,
and I think I want to die.”
You told me you were suicidal
and I typed and retyped messages,
playing in my head the ways you had already left
and didn’t want to make this one about me,so  I said
“Call a hotline”.
You told me you were suicidal
and my bones ached remembering the pain of what it is to be a person.
Dec 2014 · 852
Dear Sophie,
I should apologize.
for the way the sun shone in your eyes the day we met
It wasn’t love
Not at first,
not at last.
I should apologize
for the way I held your hand
so tenderly
like you were the one afraid of the world,
I should apologize for the kisses
for the car windows
for lying to your mom
I’m sorry.
For all the times I told you I was busy
I wasn’t.
You should have fallen in love with someone else
I deserved better
You should have fallen in love with someone else
You deserved better
You deserved better than a voicemail
than generated replies
than robotic tones
and transparent lies
Dear Sophie,
I should apologize
for the way the sun shone in your eyes the day we met
because I fell in love with it,
without realizing there were days
It wouldn’t shine.
Dec 2014 · 388
Purple Lines
Every color besides blue or pink
is not purple
so stop trying to color me that way
as though I am a midpoint
on an unchanging line
a spot that only slides
forward and back
not a fluid point
constantly moving
up and down
A changing person
with many thoughts
capable of more than
and inbetween
Everything and nothing
all at once
I am more than boxes
M or F
not both
I am not a shade of purple
on a line
between pink or blue
I am every color on the spectrum
and some still not listed
I am not yours to define
I am mine
I miss writing
I miss the way it felt to hear keyboard keys clacking
and the way it felt to hear my heart
I miss being able to get out of bed
being able to go out with my friends
depression has a way of turning a person
into a shell and taking
everything away
the ink in my blood
dried to nothing
perpetual numbness
where once was thought, emotion,
at least I think there used to be
Sep 2014 · 368
It's All in my Head
I want to tell you a story
but I haven’t learned the words
I know it’s out there somewhere
and I know inside me it burns

I don’t know if I have a secret
but I have an idea for one
I’ll make it up and say it to you
so you can load your gun

I have a lot of excuses
but never none for you
I want a reason why
I let myself see this through

I don’t have any thoughts
I’ve thought up on my own
I just let other people tell them to me
Until they’re engraved in my bones

I wish I had a story
one to make you stay
but I know in my heart you’re not real
but I think I’ll meet you one day
Sep 2014 · 478
The Twenty Minute Poem
and all the stars try to define my worth
I am not in alignment with a line
or a planet
no symbol accurately sticks to me
so I create my own
like I created my name
but I do not answer to it
My heart burns and drips
with ink and tar
and I tell myself that I am stuck
with their freedom
to submit or conform
to their standards or else
face the consequences
I am more than just stardust and recycled water
but I know that my blood is not my own
and the tears that I cry once belonged to someone else
I am made up of pieces that aren’t all the same
but they fit
I am a recycled coagulation of dreams and flesh
held together by the limits and bounds of the universe
bursting at the seams with thoughts and possibilities
inaccuracies and hypocrisy
and so still I wonder
what I am
Sep 2014 · 559
Ten Minutes
(1) I wonder if I’ll die at 32
16 seems so much like a midlife crisis
I don’t wonder too much about
other things
If I’ll ever have a husband
If I’ll ever have kids
the politics of the pronouns
for my future spouse became
too complicated, at least for me

(2)    I’m tired even though I slept last night
I’ve been sleeping a lot lately
I don’t have much else to do
As morbid as it sounds it just feels like I’m stuck
waiting until it’s my turn to die
(3) I should be taking notes in class
         talking to my friends
  I should make eye-contact when I talk
and stop scratching my hands
I have to admit,
I have a certain affinity for scars
                           permanent regret
I shouldn’t have selective hearing
                                I haven’t listened to an entire conversation in
too long
        scanning instead for terms of my interest
         are a particularly ear-pricking noise
lesbian, gay, transgender,

(4) I never thought my name
             would be such a hard question
    one that made me pause
“Do they know?”
they must
they don’t
neither do I
I want to sputter out to my brother
exactly what I am
but I don’t know what that is
I want to stop breaking down in my room over forms
morf I read
morph my mind corrects me, wishing I could do what I read

(5) My finger taps a desk and I watch the line in my hand
and I try to convince myself that I am real
                ten minutes
that’s the time left in this class period
              two fives
I say to myself, trying to shorten the time
           I used to be better at this

(6) I look at the rings on my fingers
             Do they belong?
would I have to take them off if everyone knew?

(7) My grandparents were twenty years apart
            I don’t shy away from age gaps
I try to justify it in my head
              that everyone is made for each other
that out there someone else longs for me, too
But my mind corrects me
on all the inconsistency in the world
                       there could very well be no one for me

(8) I don’t know what I feel
                   but part of it is alone
and another part is angry
                                 and angsty
                                 and sad
but they’re not puzzle pieces that fit together
(9)            I try to tell myself
       “I am myself”
but some days I don’t think even that is true
               I used to be better at this

(10) the veins in my arms carry blood through my body
                  so I remind myself
“today you are alive”
                              and I bide my time
                              and I wait
Jul 2014 · 318
My dad has started speaking the tongue of the mentally ill
he is living the life of a man I don’t recognize
I am afraid of my own father
I am afraid he will **** me and my mother when my brother leaves
I miss the man who used to live in his body
but I know he is dead
because my father smells like death
he can’t take care of himself
I am so worried
for all of us
for him
I love my father
now and for what he used to be
but I don’t like him anymore
not for what he’s turned my family into
not for the disease I think he gave me
I don’t think my parents love each other any more
but I am afraid of our our safety if my mom tries to leave
I just want my family to be happy again
but I don’t think we can
not like this.
I miss the way we used to be
and watching my parents be an example for what love should be
I miss wanting my friends to come to my house
I miss feeling safe
I don’t know what I’m trying to accomplish with this
I don’t think anyone will really read it
but I don’t have any other way of getting this out
I just want it to be okay again
but I know it won’t ever be
at least not the same okay it used to be
but most of all I am afraid
that I will turn into the man my father became
Your heartbeat sounds like music
           have I ever told you? Everyone has a different one
Your lungs are an orchestra
   and I wish I could give you more than whispers
but all I have are the secrets I told you
                    I wish you had someone to hold you
            but I've never been good with the
                  physical aspect of it all
I wish I wasn't colorblind so that
                   I could write you about all the colors I think surround you
           and maybe if I wasn't so nearsighted
                    I could tell you about the future in the distance
I'm just about as short as my short-comings
but I think we need that balance
                                      of the sun and the moon
but I don't know
                   how people like us
                                            live like this
Jun 2014 · 3.0k
Food trucks make me nervous
Trying new things makes me nervous
looking people in the eyes makes me nervous
eating in front of people makes me nervous
noises at night make me nervous
the dark
the silence
being alone
being in crowded spaces
open landscapes
tight constraints
dogs barking
cats hissing
one on one conversations
large group situations
getting help
the thought of staying like this
staying alive
I make myself nervous
but I can't help it
Jun 2014 · 409
The News
I open the news
and expect to see a shooting
the fact is I am more shocked when we go a day without one
maybe I am desensitized to the violence surrounding me
It seems normal
to be suspicious every time a boy reaches
into his backpack in my classroom
I have worked out a game plan in case he does
what I’ve always expected him to do
I know all the exits
If he does it at lunch
I know where I’ll hide
There is a seizing fear inside me
when the band plays their drums
when a car backfires on the street outside
I get dizzy with terror
slamming doors
have this same effect
I am ready to shelter in place
at any provocation
I have chosen
the five people I would save
over and over again in my head
sometimes not even including myself
and yet
my father says guns
are not an issue in this country
maybe if he saw the battleground of this new war
or if he knew
it was where he sent his child
every day to learn
he would feel differently
I look forward to summer
not because of the break from learning
but because I no longer have to worry
“Will today be the day
  My school finally makes the headlines?”
Jun 2014 · 481
I think it's getting better
I've forgotten how to feel
and think
     and be
but I still think I'm doing better
than last week
Apr 2014 · 524
All your laws are doing
                are justifying the murders
         you already called justified
So if I try to punch first
       don't call it 'cisphobia'
               call it Survival
Apr 2014 · 10.4k
To Failures
On failures I rejoice
      pockmarks on the skin that is my being
Beautiful reminders of my own mortality
     A slave to the Romans spoke:
         "You are not a god"
Failures to me speak the same
          I am not a god
I am above no one
         To failures I owe humility
To failures I owe will
To failures I owe life
                    Because without them
I might be everlasting
Apr 2014 · 2.6k
In my family mental illness isn’t a question of
“Will I or won’t I?”
It’s a question of
“When and how badly?’
Because in my family mental illness isn’t a question
It’s a promise
It’s a promise that you hope someone will break
And you realize that life after 20 isn’t a guarantee
Because it’s a question of
“Will I bury my parents or will my parents bury me?”
Because if the mental illness doesn’t **** you
It’ll be the cancer
Or the diabetes
Or maybe the heart disease
But in my family making it to 80 is something
Only two people have seen
And you learn to stop asking questions
And in my family
You learn to laugh while you can
And to smile in the rain
To drink while it’s legal
And to die at inconvenient times
Like before weddings
And graduations
And birthdays
And you learn to stop asking whose coming
And stop sending out invitations
And just hope someone is alive to see you
Mar 2014 · 842
I am up at 3:00 in the morning writing too many essays
I saved them until the last minute because I don’t know how to write anymore
It’s been too long
Too long since I scratched words into the wall by my bed until my fingers bled
Now I spend my time laying in bed, trying to get up
                        But I just can’t do it any more
                 Why can’t I do what I love any more
I don’t know how to describe what makes my heart so heavy
I don’t remember when I last saw the world in beautiful colors
                           It isn’t beautiful anymore
                                        It’s gray
The only time I see the colors is when they rush towards me like unstoppable waves
And for a few months I am unstoppable
                                    I am a god
                     The world is shocking colors of gray
                     Punctuated by overwhelming oceans of colors
And I am drowning
  ­                                   It isn’t beautiful anymore
Mar 2014 · 424
My nails are yellowing
And my skin is sagging
At 16 I already look like I’m dying
I’m only 16, why do I look like I’m dying
I’d tell you it’s not fair
But I’m the one who built my life to be like this
Like a supernova
A dead star that no one on earth can see for years
Sometimes centuries
I’ve built my life so I won’t be recognized until years later
But I’m not dying for the recognition.
Like Van Gogh
I’m dying because the no matter the meaning I create
I can’t feel it anymore
He would eat yellow paint to feel sunshine on the inside
And I’ll swallow fire to feel something warm
I’m tired
I’m tired of people pretending any of this is beautiful
What I’m feeling is the furthest thing from beautiful
I’m tired of it raining while the sun’s out
I’m tired of people asking me how am and not waiting around for the answer
So I’m telling you right now
I haven’t been good in awhile
Thanks for asking.
Mar 2014 · 3.2k
When anxiety
takes my breath I pray
I won't get it back
Feb 2014 · 428
Haiku #2
Rain falls like silence
            Crushingly gentle and then
So suffocating
Feb 2014 · 296
The Old Man
"I knew a girl
who spoke like ink flowed
so my ink flowed through her
and everything I wrote was in her voice.
      Her dress moved as fluidly as her laugh
            like waves in the ocean
                            Her name sounded
          like everything I had ever thought
But what was it
                  what was it?"
Dec 2013 · 668
It wasn't about love
It was connection
At that point I could count every freckle on his body
Mark every spot I had kissed
I had made up a story of every scar
Turning the childhood bike accident
Into Hercules
The old burn
Into Achilles
If I close my eyes I can still see every muscle and tendon in his stomach
Move up and down with gentle breaths
I can still hear his pulse
And feel ours beating together as one
For a few minutes two were one
And when it was over
I could still remember
57 freckles
The two on his stomach rising as my ear rested on his chest
So I didn't wait
He wasn't my first
But if I still close my eyes
I can remember them all in sync
The rushing pulses like the rushing ocean
Freckles plentiful like the stars
Remember stories of scars filling pages and pages of memory
And for that moment we are all connected as one
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Cigarette smoke caresses your figure
           a silhouette of ash
I wonder if anyone knows what you really look like
          Swear words gloss your chapped lips
It sounds heavy from you
           almost as thick as your *****, brown hair
Your lipstick is red like the blood you've spilled
                  You said it wasn't ******
He deserved to die
           Came close to where you were standing
                                                                Touched your shoulder and called you
                                  punctured his stomach
                                                 cut off his ****
                                                         and called him a
                         used his blood to paint a warning
"to any others"

                   Cigarette smoke caresses your figure
               No one really knows what you look like
Nov 2013 · 2.3k
I have the privilege
           Of forgetting my heritage
Because seventy years ago my grandfather rejected his home country
     For mine
And a people so focused on not being a minority
              That I am no longer considered one
I can move into privileged neighborhoods
       Because sixty years ago my grandparents tore a few pages out of their books
I will be hired because fifty years ago my father was born
                             A parchment colored page
And forty years ago my grandfather refused to teach his son his native language to his son
         So he could be privileged enough to forget his heritage
And thirty years later meet a white women
                   Twenty years, marry her
                       Seventeen a son
                          Fifteen a daughter
the color of a blank page
               But I will not tear out my pages
Nor will I let them stay empty
      I may have risen above my grandfather's homeland
                       But I will be sure never to forget it
Oct 2013 · 879
Without You (Haiku)
Without you I am
Like the trees in the winter
Completely barren
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Jesus is a Lib
Jesus is a liberal
This is a fact that can easily be proven,
If you look at God’s Son in the scripture,
You may reach the same conclusion
Could you believe
That the God who created us
Created abortion
Maybe he found his children’s cries too hard to bear
So He came up with a solution that was only fair
“Take your children
Give them to me
I’ll give you both a better life, you’ll see
Don’t listen to those people outside
Their shouting is a sin
Please don’t cry, just come in.”
This same God
Fights for gay marriage
And cries when He hears His children being disparaged
He created love above all things
For some He created an Adam
For others an Eve
He did not decided this on gender or ***
But on who would love His child the best
And on welfare benefits
Jesus is number one
Giving to the poor and those who have none
Getting drunk on communion wine,
Jesus always would've voted
You see Jesus’ ministry was entirely devoted
To serving those who no one else would serve
Making sure everyone receives even if they don't deserve
So when you look at the evidence it’s quite clear that
Jesus was a democrat
Oct 2013 · 934
I've got
       tattooed not on my bicep
                           but in my lungs
            so I never forget that it's just
one breath at a time
Oct 2013 · 696
I am not a girl
I forgot to tell you that
I have never been a girl
I wish you knew how much it hurt to mark
Female on the PSAT
When I was not female in my mind
How emasculating it is to wear a skirt everyday
And be called sweetheart
Did I tell you how wrong I feel when I look in the mirror and see
A woman looking back
How I want to cut out the parts of me that don’t fit
I wouldn't even feel the pain
It would be nothing compared to the pain of being in the wrong body
This is the wrong body
I am not a girl
Oct 2013 · 877
If the pen is mightier than the sword
then computers are guns
and the keys are bullets
but just because you own a gun
doesn't mean you have to shoot someone
so shoot me if I'm wrong
              But I don't think you should
mar your speech with hate
          and I think your mother would be disgraced if she read what you wrote
and do you even know what '******' means?
                     It's a bundle of sticks you throw onto a fire
so I guess it's just another way of you telling me that
                I'm going to burn
I get it
       God's sending me to Hell
but He's the one who inspired his prophet to write:
"But the greatest of these is Love"
while his Son hung out with prostitutes
               and thieves
and drank wine with His twelve groupies
      So if you really want to be like your Savior
Stop judging and instead love
Oct 2013 · 558
Left right left
       keep in line
Fight for our cause
       leave your brothers behind
Blood is just water
        food-colored red
Don't be weak
         unless you're dead
Sep 2013 · 579
Storm Clouds
My dad always told me that if you see the birds flying east
it means a storm's coming
But I never saw the birds flying east in your heart
I was too busy looking at the sunshine in your eyes
Until one day when all I could see was rain
And I would've told you some cliche about how a rainbow was going to shine through
But you pulled the trigger and your eyes filled with dark storm clouds
And some days I forget how warm it was in your arms
or I want to reach out and stroke your face
But I remember you're cold now
And sometimes I catch the birds flying east in my heart
But I send them to the place where you were
So they can rest in the sunshine you left behind
Some days, I see the storm clouds on my horizon,
But I keep walking,
I'm not afraid of a little rain.
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Why would you ask me if I'm okay
Don't I look like I'm okay
And stop calling me Jacqueline
I’m not Jacqueline anymore
No, I was never Jacqueline,
But I didn’t realize that when I was younger
And who do I ask about my gender
Don’t tell me God
I have spent so long praying
There are depressions in the floorboards from where my knees collided with faith
But I don’t think I have faith anymore
God doesn’t answer my prayers anymore
Why doesn’t god answer my prayers?
I know for a fact God answers my friends’ prayers
why doesn’t He answer mine
I think it’s because He doesn’t love his queer children
I think God needs to go to a PFLAG meeting
Or at least one needs to be held in a church so He can hear the words of acceptance echoing throughout his house
Mom told me they didn’t know if I was a boy or a girl until I was born
But I still don’t know
Let’s do an ultrasound on the part of my brain that decided not to feel like a girl
I must have decided
But I don’t remember doing it
I told my friend I didn’t feel like a girl,
She laughed and said, “I know, you feel like a woman.”
I told my friend I didn’t feel like a girl, and she said, “Not so loud, I don’t want my parents to hear.”
And she was right, because at some point “gender” became a dirtier word than ***
Because even though her parents won’t admit it, they wouldn’t kick her out if she was having ***, as long as it wasn’t with someone of the same ***
And I’m in a same *** relationship with God
Because in religion class they told me He was genderless
But we still call God “He”
People still call me she
But I’ve never told them different
They said we’re all created in God’s image,
But I think I’m not
Because God doesn’t make mistakes.
No, I’m not okay
And stop calling me Jacqueline.
Sep 2013 · 533
Dear God
I want to **** myself God
               No, I didn't mean that
I meant **** your plans for me
          I have my own
And why did you make me a writer
    I thought you would know
the pen is mightier than the sword
and with it I will cause more damage
than the cross did to your son
And this ink is the blood of my soul
and with it I will cleanse my sin
better than Jesus ever did
These words are my religion and I live by their creed:
Keep Writing
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Honey was my favourite word
because it was so many things
it was a noun
an adjective
It was your lover
is she on your lips
on your tongue?
Honey flowed through mouths
or into them
it was nourishment
and God promised the Israelites honey in paradise
so it was my favourite word
and God gave me words as my honey
so I took it and made paradise
where honey flowed through streams as
words flew from my mouth
and my daddy called me
so I stuck my words to pages
and passed out my paradise like religious pamphlets
because writing was my religion and I wanted to spread it
like honey on toast
so the world could taste the nourishment of words
and be satisfied
Aug 2013 · 9.7k
I hate when people tell me
"These are the most important years of your life"
Don't tell me that
I'll throw away these years of adolescence like the trash they are
And show no remorse in killing the person I once was
Because I will flourish as the person I will be
Do not call me baby
call me old
I will not hide my wrinkles
They are the scars of the life I've lived
I will not dye my hair
Its gray will tell the story of what I've done
Let my joints creak with arthritis as I tell you
That adolescence was the worst five years I ever lived through
Aug 2013 · 788
When God made you he must have been writing a sonnet
because you are a poem
You are a masterpiece
and sweetheart don't cry
you'll make the paint bleed
your colors will run
and your face is too beautiful to be distorted by sadness
and dear you are a poem I have yet to write
because you are a feeling I've yet to feel
and I'd like to feel your body against mine
And I'd like to feel the way you speak
and I've read four dictionaries and have yet to find a word that describes
the beauty that surrounds you
It's not perfect
I've tried perfect
but your beauty is something that will never be porcelain
it is the beauty that comes from being dragged face first through the mud
it is a beauty that comes with scars
but don't hide them
because I'll count them like the stars
and tell you God made each one
like an eraser mark
trying to take out the parts of you He thought the Devil created
and you are a song
I'd like to sing
because when you swear
it is honey off your lips
but when I swear it is like spitting sand
and I know bad poetry will get me *******
but for the ones that matter you have to bleed onto the pages
so take this ink as my blood
and revere it like communion wine
but never get drunk on my love
because I never want to see you suffer the hangover
and take my words like bread
but eat more than just my thoughts
because I want you to live,
I love you
Aug 2013 · 669
God's Curse
People tell me I'm a gifted writer,
But I think it’s more of a curse
Because Mary chose to have Jesus out of wedlock
But God just ****** the pen in my hand and said:
“Here, write”
And it’s a curse from Him to know so many words
But have a voice to soft to speak them
And Jesus chose to resist sin
But I was born with it
My birth marks show where Eve held the apple too close to my skin
These birthmarks show where I was burned by original sin
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
What I remember about you
You are more than numbers
You are so much more than numbers
Numbers are insignificant
And only pertain to algorithms that predict unfortunate things
Like death
And I’m sorry I forgot your birthday
But it’s just numbers and numbers aren't important to me
I remembered your favorite color
Because it is the color that describes that clichéd, shallow melancholy
Authors often glorify to make petty things seem magical
But blue is something you should never feel because you go so much deeper than that pettty feeling
And I know your favorite flower is the sweet pea
Because I remember that it symbolizes the shyness I’ve never felt around you
And the shyness I’ve never seen you exhibit
And I’m sorry I’m so quiet
It’s only because I want to tell you how beautiful you are
But I know I’ll never be able to find just the right words to tell you
That you’re imperfections perfected
And I love all the things you say you hate about yourself
And I love the way words sound on your lips
And how you throw your head forward when you laugh
And you’re all the poems I've ever written
Even the sad ones
Because you’re all the feelings I've ever felt
And I love the way your hand feels in mine
And I’m sorry I forgot your birthday
But I promise I always will
Because I have more important things to remember about you
Than numbers
Aug 2013 · 684
Back to School
Dear Sir or Madam,
Why should you let me come to your college? It’s not because I have money, I don’t I don’t I don’t and I doubt I ever will, but I’ll work hard.
I’ll drink beer and never liquor
And I’ll study, or I’ll try to study
And dear sir or madam
Please let me come to your college
I don’t have any money, but I’ve got promise
Or at least that’s what they told me before they started sticking their hands out and asking for compensation for my education
Please let me come to your college because even though I’ll never be able to pay back the debt of raising me to my parents I’ll come closer with a college degree
Let me come to your college
Even for one day
So maybe I can see the world beyond money or privilege
And maybe if I get a degree
Maybe if I get a degree
I’ll make enough money to pay off my student debts before I’m in my fifties
And I may be the product of a broken education system
But I’m not broken
And if you let me come to your college
I’ll study all night
And go to classes all day until I fracture my psyche
Please, sir or madam,
Let me come to your college
I’ll do anything for a degree
Aug 2013 · 893
Girl in blue
ribbons in hair
excitement fills
the springtime air
winter's gone
Daddy's here
and she knows
there's nothing to fear

Girl in red
full of dread
her boyfriend kisses her lips
but she wants to feel her best friend's hips

Girl in yellow
married the fellow
her father most liked
still she wishes
for the bridesmaid's kisses

Girl in black
lays in her final rest
betrothed to a husband
but longed for a wife
Aug 2013 · 417
If I ask you what to write about
            Don’t take it lightly
Don’t laugh and say something clichéd
Don’t say, “I don’t know”
I know you know
         That’s why I asked you
If I write about you
                Don’t take it lightly
I love you enough to let you be a part of my being
    You’re something very interesting
Don’t blush, don’t be embarrassed
         Don’t thank me,
Thank yourself, for being the way you are
Good or bad, you inspired me
      And if I don’t write about you
If a single word never leaves my pen with the thought you behind it
    I’m sorry
Aug 2013 · 423
I don't say much
  I don't want to
I never have much to say
     I don't want to ruin the sanctity of words
                   by speaking them out loud
I don't want to lose my words forever in the air
                   I write my words down
   so I can blanket myself in them
                                    when I get cold
so I can be with them
                       when I get lonely
Only spoken when there is meaning behind them,
                                    words are too beautiful to be wasted
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