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 May 2015 Jacqueline
Speen Cough
This pillow case will never be the same
My heart is low and the tears won't stop
No matter what I'll ever do
I've sealed my fate and I lost you
I'm so sorry...
 May 2015 Jacqueline

My heart held the pen
as I wrote you a note
Then set it a sail
on a tiny red boat

It sailed cross the sea
then onto a great lake
Followed the tide,
stardust left in its wake

Fueled by the breezes,
the cool evening air
Smooth on the waters
with something to share

Made it a shore
where you sat on this night
To deliver the message
my heart it did write

A small piece of paper
with words just for you
So that when you read it
you'd know what to do

It said that I love you
beneath these moon beams
Sleep well my darling,
have the sweetest of dreams
Good night Beautiful
As a little kid, I was afraid of the monsters that were under my bed
Now they've come from under my bed, and into my head
Burying themselves, deep inside My thoughts
Buried so deep that they'll never be caught
My mind has changed, in a way that no one understands
I'm trying to pull my heart out with my hand
Because it aches and it burns me, they want it out
All they want I'd for me to rip it out.
This is a small poem about how sometimes the monsters under our beds, come out, only to climb inside our heads when we're sleeping.
 May 2015 Jacqueline
Nicole Dawn
Isn't odd how,
Someone can break your heart,
But only lose your trust?
As if,
If you search long and hard enough,
You might find your trust,
Which a careless person misplaced,
But never fix your heart,
Which a careless person dropped.
 May 2015 Jacqueline

I found the sun
in a peppermint sky
wrapped in tin foil laughs,
it was wandering by

It looked down at me
and it noticed my frown
painted just like a smile
but it sat upside down

It called me by name
and it asked "why so blue,
when you know that dark green
is my favorite too"

I made an excuse
out of lily pad streams,
telling him I was fine,
but I know how it seems

Then he pointed a ray
that fell bright on my heart,
telling me that the truth
was a great place to start

"Ok, I will tell you
but listen quite clear
I am walking alone
because she isn't here"

He then turned to a page
in his sun dial book
and said, "She's right behind you,
go on take a look"

I spun and I saw her,
her beauty now shone
Like my friend overhead,
I was not all alone

"She loves you," he whispered
so soft on a beam
I hugged her and kissed her,
it felt like a dream

We sat on a hill
and looked over the land
and I somehow believed
this was part of his plan

We watched as he moved
like a gem through the skies,
and bid him farewell
till tomorrow's sunrise

Then promised each other
we would always be one,
whether cloudy or rainy
or beneath the sun

Still I miss my old friend,
as this day turns to night
But I'm here with my love
and my whole world is bright
 May 2015 Jacqueline

I don’t really need much,
I just really want you
 May 2015 Jacqueline

The dream lives on
within my heart
And even though
we are apart

Every where
I look I see
You always are
a part of me

You're there
in every thing I do
I'm desperately
in love with you

And as another
day does start
The dream lives on
within my heart
You are my dream, always are, always will be
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