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ItxNotTrixh Jul 2019
fill me up
with your worries
so you dont overflow
its okay if i spill
no really
it is

i have too many cracks already
im bound to break anyways
  Apr 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Stained Glass
"we all eat lies when our hearts are hungry."
ItxNotTrixh Apr 2019
i really do hate those words
theyre like venom
invading all my thoughts
poisoning them
turning them

“why cant you do this?”
“why cant you be this?”
“why cant you?”

how am i supposed to answer that ?

“becuase im weak”
“because i am not what you want”
“because i have come to hate my own skin”

is this what you want to hear?

mirror mirror on the wall
who is that staring back at you
who is that failure
who is that mirage
who is that coward
and why cant she just be
anything but herself ?
i dont even know
i tried a different style kind of than what im used to its more like abrupt thoughts than fluid motion? just...really frusterated and i feel like i burden everyone in my life with my problems so i cant tell them...i feel utterly worthless...please dont pity me or hate me...i have had enough of that...i just wish someone would understand and help pick up the broken pieces of myself without acting as if it was a burden...i feel like an arrogant ***** after saying that...i just...dont know anymore you guys...
ItxNotTrixh Apr 2019
Rolling down a cliff
You cant really tell when
Or where
it started off
Because you only notice it when
It comes hurtling right at you
  Apr 2019 ItxNotTrixh
"I love you!", he said.
"Really? You love me?!"
I said, surprised.
He said while laughing out loud.
"I knew it!", I said laughing,
while my insides are dying.
It will never happened, I whispered.
  Apr 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Jamison Bell
She asked “Did you take the trash out?”
How do I answer that?
I guess.
There’s still more here.
There are things waiting to be trash
There’s things that we think are things but they’re actually trash
There are things that I think are things but you think they’re thrash and vice versa
We’re eventually going to go out and buy things that will one day become trash
Then someone is going to take the trash and turn it back into a thing until no one wants that thing then it goes back to being trash
Perhaps it’s because we’re so used to handling trash
That sometimes we tend to treat each other the same way

And no, I didn’t take the trash out
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